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VI should host one Festival Village for 60th Anniversary – Lesmore Smith

Head of Top Priority Security Service, Mr Lesmore Smith suggested that the 60th Anniversary celebrations for next year’s Emancipation Festival should be held at one location over the usual festive period as this may be more practical and cost effective. Smith also felt that it was impractical for vendors to have booths for two days each at either of the Festival Villages in Carrot Bay or East End where vendors may not be able to either make any significant profit or even recoup the cost of building the booths that they have built. Photo: VINO/File
Head of Top Priority Security Service, Mr Lesmore Smith. Photo: VINO/File
Head of Top Priority Security Service, Mr Lesmore Smith. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – One observer, in his capacity as a private citizen, has suggested that the 60th Anniversary celebrations for next year’s Emancipation Festival should be held at one location over the usual festive period as this may be more practical and cost effective.

In an exclusive interview with Virgin Islands News Online, Head of Top Priority Security Service, Mr Lesmore Smith suggested this as one of several recommendations he would like to see implemented by the Virgin Islands Festival & Fairs Committee (VIF&FC).

“I think that next year’s festive season, I believe strongly that we should come together in one location, that’s my opinion. It’s our 60th anniversary… come together and bring all our festivities, bring the East End, Carrot Bay Village into Road Town itself where our Festive Village is,” Smith disclosed.

He felt that it was impractical for vendors to have booths for two days each at either of the Festival Villages in Carrot Bay or East End where vendors may not be able to either make any significant profit or even recoup the cost of building the booths that they have built.

He recommended that some reorganisation be done with regards to the layout of the Festival Village in Road Town which would allow for the relocation of the stage closer to the ocean and placement of the Coney Island to another location such as the nearby Althea Scatliffe school grounds for example.

“You have [members of] the Christian community that don’t wish to participate in all that noise and there are parents that want to go with their kids but don’t want to have to pay to go in the Village for their children just to go and ride something if it’s a paying night. We have to pay because that’s what the rule says,” Smith offered.

He also felt more of the VI’s local culture could be brought back to the Road Town Festival such as the plait-pole added to the Rotary Club’s Kiddies Fiesta, “you combine that with such an environment where the kids have their time to be themselves and not to be in the adult environment with the level of intoxication and all those stuff. Give them the moment to be children, but in a celebrative way and enjoy themselves and understand what it means to be free, why they’re there, the emancipation process.” 

Smith also recommended a reallocation of some of the days assigned for festival activities such as the adult and children’s parades and horse racing. 

He also felt that the Festival Village should be closed off at an earlier time such as 2AM or 3AM instead of going later into the morning hours. “It’s about time people learn to come together for one common goal,” he reasoned, “we are too separated by petty differences. We are saying that we are being emancipated, then show our true emancipation by unity.”

24 Responses to “VI should host one Festival Village for 60th Anniversary – Lesmore Smith”

  • qc (15/08/2013, 08:13) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    ha ha tell dat to east end and carrot bay see how far he will read!
  • VIlander (15/08/2013, 08:40) Like (15) Dislike (3) Reply
    The vendors in East & Carrot bay have 2 days to make $$$ they also have the bigger intl acts that bring out the bigger crowds & they have less competition as far as other booth owners, food vans they have an opportunity to make more $$$ in less nights than those of us in town.

    In town we have more nights but lesser quality acts with smaller fan bases so we need the whole week + to make $$$ b/c we have 20+ booths & other vendors competing with us.

    How dare you suggest that the ppl of East & NorthWest don't have their celebrations for the 60th all I ask is that everyone come together & support all the celebrations in all areas. That is unity. Not forcing everyone to come to one spot respect their communities.

    And the festival time is just fine it's only 2weeks out of 52, let them fete til 4am.

  • Hmm (15/08/2013, 08:47) Like (7) Dislike (9) Reply
    Myron send out his messenger boy to test the waters on this one. We will see.
  • I agree (15/08/2013, 08:59) Like (12) Dislike (16) Reply
    Lesmore I agree with you. spend less money at the other two villages, have a greater line up, a bigger Coney Island, invest in a bigger market day, some tramps, some fish fries man the list could go on and on because we gonna have a lot of visitors coming home so yes Lesmore lets see how we can push this for real................
    • boy O Boy (15/08/2013, 14:10) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      You missing the big picture it is not about Coney island and tramp open your small mind (emancipation , and culture
  • bird on a wire (15/08/2013, 09:38) Like (5) Dislike (8) Reply
    Yeah! so he will get all the contracts....greedy sob
  • dd (15/08/2013, 09:40) Like (11) Dislike (11) Reply
    • enough (15/08/2013, 12:34) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      @dd you many not like his comments but know this as a Tortolian (as they say) he has the right to speak in his country.
  • facts man (15/08/2013, 09:52) Like (4) Dislike (6) Reply
    come on lesmore when pigs fly!!!!
  • bvi (15/08/2013, 09:56) Like (13) Dislike (51) Reply
    Lesmore, I agree with you 100%. This definitely makes a lot more sense. Not just for the 60th, but from there onward
  • Facts... (15/08/2013, 10:22) Like (13) Dislike (31) Reply
    East End festival other than the jouvert (where no local bands appear) is a total waste of money. I don't know why they hold it anyway. I agree emancipation began in the East but that committee needs to be replaced. Brin in people with new ideas.
  • mvw (15/08/2013, 10:45) Like (0) Dislike (5) Reply
    lets name the 2014 village off lesmore smith...say yes everyone
  • Forbidden Truth (15/08/2013, 11:35) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
    Do not mess with FESTIVAL with this malicious idea.
  • Yes (15/08/2013, 12:13) Like (3) Dislike (7) Reply
    The NDP & he done discuss this so them send he ahead as the sacrificial lamb to see how the public will react so they can come behind forcing it down our throats. Nothing new with these guys methodology.
  • Simple Economics (15/08/2013, 13:17) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    I understand EE and CB get more than 10 times less than Road Town for years and CB for sure does more with its allottment that any of the others. I don't think RT's failure is EE or CB so why punish them. RT gets in excess of $500,000 and they still can't get it right. I'm not surprised that Lesmore would suggest this because he only will suppot functions where he can exercise his Fidel Castro kind of control with no respect for others; and I know EE and CB don't play that with him so I guess this is his revenge. He need to find some ideas to help out town because whichever way you look at it RT still cost the tax payers much more money than the others and the RT product is by far more inferior.
  • Really??!! (15/08/2013, 16:03) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Isn't that the same thing I say last week. One celebration, who want to celebrate come town. Ain't no town, then east, then carrot bay. Combine all the acts who would have participated in town, east and carrot bay and lets party!! Easier on the pockets too!!
  • sense (15/08/2013, 18:03) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    Lesmore I agree with you. This should not be for the sixtieth anniversary only, but every year after. The community is too small for three festivals in the same week. The three days holidays shuts down the country. That is too long for businesses and government to be closed down. If we feel we are emancipated, let us come together and celebrate as one people.
  • a word to the wise (16/08/2013, 05:22) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    people beware, check things out for yourselves, and who they ae coming from before you make any big leap!
  • VINCY MAN (16/08/2013, 11:17) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
  • hellboy (16/08/2013, 12:15) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
  • @ facts (17/08/2013, 07:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I have to agree with you East End needs some new people to run the festval they are wasting money. Much more can be done up there
  • The Analyst (19/08/2013, 08:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Lesmore work the gate and leave the Festival to the Festival Planners. We always had four and next year is just another year and after that the 61st. So relax work the gate and take a few slap as usual when your boys get too touchie. The police operated the best I have seen in decades of the festival and they should have done that through the years. Run security and let the Festival committee run the Festival. Anybody get out of order, eject them by force lock them up and let everyone else continue to enjoy. They were excellent this year and all they have to do is prepare for next year. So lessmore just focus on the gate and if you can't then let us get a real private security force in.

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