VI seeking to restore working relationship with Federal Law Enforcement in USVI

The Federal Law Enforcement Leadership meeting was held on February 18, 2020 at the Ron De Lugo Federal Building in Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas to restore the relationship between Federal Law Enforcement stationed in the USVI and the Virgin Islands which became inactive following the 2017 hurricanes.
Mrs Scatliffe-Esprit presented to the group and explained the differences between the two systems, highlighted concerns and priorities of the VI Law Enforcement Agencies and suggested ways that both jurisdictions could work together in the investigation of cross jurisdictional crimes, including border control, human trafficking, drug trafficking and money laundering and other matters of mutual concern.
US Attorney for the United States Virgin Islands, Ms Gretchen C.F. Shappert thanked Mrs Scatliffe-Esprit for her presentation and expressed her desire for the two offices to work together on issues of mutual concern as they did prior to the weather events of 2017.
The meeting concluded with efforts to organise a larger meeting with all the Law Enforcement Agencies of both jurisdictions later this year.

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