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VI residents 'stock up' for possible 2-week complete lockdown

- debate over whether the Territory should proceed on complete lockdown or not
A long line of shoppers was seen at RiteWay Food Markets in Pasea Estate on August 31, 2020. Photo: VINO
The line of customers at Bobby's Supermarket in Road Town extended to the sidewalk. Photo: VINO
The line of customers at Bobby's Supermarket in Road Town extended to the sidewalk. Photo: VINO
One Mart Supermarket was flooded with shoppers this morning, August 31, 2020. Photo: VINO
One Mart Supermarket was flooded with shoppers this morning, August 31, 2020. Photo: VINO
Customers getting their lockdown supplies at RiteWay in Pasea Estate. Photo: VINO
Customers getting their lockdown supplies at RiteWay in Pasea Estate. Photo: VINO
Inside One Mart Supermarket this morning, August 31, 2020. Photo: VINO
Inside One Mart Supermarket this morning, August 31, 2020. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Many across the Territory have taken the advice of Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Andrew A Fahie (R1) seriously and from the break of day, August 31, 2020, began flocking to supermarkets and even hardware stores to stock up on supplies and other essentials in the event Cabinet decides on a 14-day complete lockdown.

In statements released via social media late Sunday night, August 30, 2020, Premier Fahie said that during an informal emergency meeting of the House of Assembly (HoA) to discuss matters related to COVID-19, recommendations were made for an emergency meeting of Cabinet to look into a more stringent Curfew Order to assist in the containment of the virus.

"Other recommendations from the majority of Members included, but were not limited to, the immediate implementation of a new 24-hour Curfew of the Territory for a minimum of 14 consecutive days," Premier Fahie revealed.

The Leader of Government Business urged the public to be in a state of readiness should Cabinet endorse the recommendations coming out of the HoA Meeting, for the implementation of the full 14-day 24/7 lockdown.

Cabinet was scheduled to meet today at 4:00 pm to decide the way forward.

Preparation for 24-hour lockdown

Not surprisingly, this morning hundreds flooded the various supermarkets in preparation for a possible complete lockdown.

Others made their way to hardware stores to get their necessary supplies in the event a hurricane is to track towards the Virgin Islands.

In shopping queues, the conversations were mainly about what is the best decision for the Territory since experiencing a spike in COVID-19 cases.

Full lockdown or not?

According to one shopper, who chose not to be named, "What they will do, continue locking down every time there is a spike? We have to learn to live with this thing. We killing the economy every time we do this shut down thing."

Another said, "We caused it on ourselves, we complained about the mask, we fighting people, the security guards when they insist that we wear masks or simply wash hands and sanitise. The expats and locals, all of us, smuggling in people or we running over St Thomas and come back. Peter pay for all. Lockdown, get it under control, we will get the message after this one and do the right thing," another resident stated.

11 Responses to “VI residents 'stock up' for possible 2-week complete lockdown”

  • Looking for real answers (31/08/2020, 18:43) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply

    I want the Government to tell us the people of this Territory what the financial services industry looks like as of 31 July 2020. We the people need to know the CURRENT percentage rate the financial services pillar is now contributing to the Territory’s economy. The last time we were made aware that the financial services industry accounted for 60% of the BVI economy and that the tourism industry accounted for about 35% with 5% coming from other sources such as customs duty et al. What is the current financial condition of this Territory Mr. Premier? Please answer Mr. Premier. The tourism industry looks like it’s gone.
  • Makes no sense (31/08/2020, 19:16) Like (17) Dislike (4) Reply
    If just last week they panic shopped for an expected one month lock down where all that food gone to be doing another set of panic shopping.

    By next week they would run out at the rate they’re going.
    • hmm (31/08/2020, 21:02) Like (3) Dislike (13) Reply
      You obviously don’t have kids
      • @ lol (31/08/2020, 21:56) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
        Learn to shop smart. People with children from the old days stocked up wisely and learnt to waste not want not.

        People need to stop using children as an excuse for everything. They already the scapegoat for criminals trying to get bail.
  • Spread (31/08/2020, 19:19) Like (20) Dislike (2) Reply
    How many cases will have been spread by the panic shopping the government caused today? The best option would have been to maintain the partial curfew but with strict punishments for those not following social distancing regulations or wearing masks.
  • Boasters and Bullies (31/08/2020, 19:34) Like (5) Dislike (19) Reply
    Now that some are finding out that there are no money trees as they believed, will they tough it out or pack up and head out? Lots of people who moved here and made war with the locals, like to boast, BVI is their home.
    • @ Boasters and Bullies (31/08/2020, 19:51) Like (16) Dislike (3) Reply
      Lots of people who from here packed up and hightailed out of here with their dual citizenship.
      • and (31/08/2020, 21:14) Like (3) Dislike (9) Reply

        You damn envious that they did.
        • @ and (31/08/2020, 23:19) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
          That one clearly went over your head.

          The poster responding to Boasters and Bullies hypocritical comment of others like ourselves who have options and use it

  • guy hill (01/09/2020, 06:43) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Pray Virgin Islanders, pray every day.
  • whoateallthepies (01/09/2020, 09:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    looks like the big man ate a lot of pies last time round, don't think he needs to stock up again.

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