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VI residents flock Black Friday sales

The Cash and Carry store in Pasea Estate, Tortola was a hive of activity early this morning as residents flocked the establishment to cash in on some of the amazing deals for Black Friday. Photo: VINO
Black Friday sales ongoing at One Mart Superstore in Port Purcell, Tortola. Photo: Provided
Black Friday sales ongoing at One Mart Superstore in Port Purcell, Tortola. Photo: Provided
Cashing in on the Black Friday sales at Klass Electronics on Tortola Pier Park. Photo: Provided
Cashing in on the Black Friday sales at Klass Electronics on Tortola Pier Park. Photo: Provided
Cashing in on the Black Friday sales at Klass Electronics on Tortola Pier Park. Photo: Provided
Cashing in on the Black Friday sales at Klass Electronics on Tortola Pier Park. Photo: Provided
Cashing in on the Black Friday sales at Klass Electronics on Tortola Pier Park. Photo: Provided
Cashing in on the Black Friday sales at Klass Electronics on Tortola Pier Park. Photo: Provided
Cashing in on the Black Friday sales at Klass Electronics on Tortola Pier Park. Photo: Provided
Cashing in on the Black Friday sales at Klass Electronics on Tortola Pier Park. Photo: Provided
Deals on household furniture being offered by One Mart today, November 24, 2017. Photo: Facebook
Deals on household furniture being offered by One Mart today, November 24, 2017. Photo: Facebook
Some of the offers today, November 24, 2017 at Cash and Carry in Pasea Estate, Tortola. Photo: Provided
Some of the offers today, November 24, 2017 at Cash and Carry in Pasea Estate, Tortola. Photo: Provided
The Cash and Carry store in Pasea Estate, Tortola was a hive of activity early this morning as residents flocked the establishment to cash in on some of the amazing deals for Black Friday. Photo: VINO
The Cash and Carry store in Pasea Estate, Tortola was a hive of activity early this morning as residents flocked the establishment to cash in on some of the amazing deals for Black Friday. Photo: VINO
Black Friday sales ongoing at One Mart Superstore in Port Purcell, Tortola. Photo: Provided
Black Friday sales ongoing at One Mart Superstore in Port Purcell, Tortola. Photo: Provided
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- After losing many of their possessions, including household and electronic items following the passage of hurricanes Irma and Maria two months ago, it is hardly surprising that residents of the Virgin Islands are capitalising on the various deals for Black Friday, today, November 24, 2017.

One of the biggest sales is being held at Cash and Carry in Pasea Estate and residents have been flocking that establishment since doors opened around 6:00 A.M.

Many have been seen purchasing electronic items, including televisions, laptops, music systems and kitchen appliances and of course generators.

The sale is being dubbed “one of the biggest sales the island has seen” and seems to be on its way to living up to that hype.

Added to that Flow has teamed up with Cash and Carry and have been giving some amazing deals, including on Samsung Galaxy S8, S8 Edge and Samsung Galaxy Note 8.

Other businesses that have Black Friday sales include One Mart Superstore, VI Motors, which is giving 20% off on all items in the store, and Five Girls Limited.

The sales are being seen as a much needed relief for customers hard hit by the recent hurricanes and the jacking up of prices by some businesses.

While the Black Friday sales are welcomed Consumer Protection Legislation will still be welcomed too.

10 Responses to “VI residents flock Black Friday sales”

  • That was the big show (24/11/2017, 10:00) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    Great.. They can't stop Rite Way..This was good. Sad that they had to layoff those workers. Today they didn't had enough workers.
  • Mad mad mad (24/11/2017, 10:10) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    Consumer legislation prevents competition. What we need is to abolish the need to have a trade license and then prices would come down as a result of competition.
    Did you hear the chairman of one of the taxi associations complaining that unlicensed taxi drivers are charging less than the prices that licensed taxi drivers are ‘required’ to charge. Licensed taxi drivers are not required to charge any price - they are simply not allowed to
    Charge more than the maximum price. They could lower their prices if they wanted to but then they would have to work harder and spend less time lining in the taxi association booths. The rip off taxi prices in the BVI are a direct result of the consumer legislation that applies to taxi drivers.
    It is mad to think that consumer legislation will bring prices down. It drives away competition and reduces levels of service. It is mad mad mad.
  • W0w. Crazy. (24/11/2017, 10:20) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    It was really good.. Have me thinking. Who suffer the most- The laid off workers- Local businesses or St Thomas businesses..The customers were the beneficiary...Jack his Jacket it was good.. please Mr Manager give the workers back their jobs..As good as u r doing your legacy will be " The laid off workers" We appreciate you! And you can afford to pay all your workers. Get your rest stores open. U can do that in a flaah.. work with the people. The people appreciate you.
  • Mega Mega.. (24/11/2017, 10:35) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Thats the way its done.. Add an East End Store nsxt tims..Get the Prospect store open ana make it a 3 Store show down..Wow. Wow.. Thats the way we like it.. Mega mega bucks.
  • one eye (24/11/2017, 10:44) Like (2) Dislike (6) Reply
    Prices look the same to me
    • !!!!!! (24/11/2017, 12:22) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      I am in Maryland spending Thanksgiving with my sister and we hit up the stores right after dinner. Things are dirt cheap at the Malls. Every where you go, sales and more sales.Clothes, kitchen stuff, bathroom stuff you name it, it is on sale.
  • See (24/11/2017, 12:21) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    when animals loot and destroy a store you have extra employees . Blame the animals
    • @See. Nonsense (24/11/2017, 15:15) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
      I was there the people or customers were well behaved. U all Rite Way wasn't prepare or caught off guard with the huge turn out.. All in all it was good.. Why are you calling your customers Animal?,
  • Christmas is coming (24/11/2017, 15:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hope u all get all you all stores open. Town. Prospect. All, and give us the biggest post hurricane pre christmas sale the bvi has ever seen.. Give your money back to your customers and your staff. Dont throw your momey in Fire like One Mart..
  • ta ta (24/11/2017, 19:40) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    I love me some rite way they remain the best

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