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VI reputation on the line! – Premier calls for live broadcast of CoI

- wants transparent inquiry with ‘no secrets or hidden agendas’
Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1), today, January 19, 2021, called for a live broadcast of the Commission of Inquiry, announced by outgoing embattled Governor, Augustus J.U. Jaspert. Photo: GIS/Facebook
According to Hon Fahie, given the VI’s is heavily depended on international business, the success of various industries rides on the territory’s repetition; a reputation that was severed when the Governor made allegations of corruption existing in the territory and in the government's use of public funds. Photo: VINO/File
According to Hon Fahie, given the VI’s is heavily depended on international business, the success of various industries rides on the territory’s repetition; a reputation that was severed when the Governor made allegations of corruption existing in the territory and in the government's use of public funds. Photo: VINO/File
Whenever Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert makes certain allegations that could harm the reputation of the territory, several UK newspapers often publish one-sided articles with sensational headlines and photos, sometimes even before the local media gets the information. This has raised questions about the motive of the Governor. Photo: VINO
Whenever Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert makes certain allegations that could harm the reputation of the territory, several UK newspapers often publish one-sided articles with sensational headlines and photos, sometimes even before the local media gets the information. This has raised questions about the motive of the Governor. Photo: VINO
RVIPF photo of part of $250M cocaine haul that was never formally released to the local press, however, was provided to UK Press. Photo: RVIPF
RVIPF photo of part of $250M cocaine haul that was never formally released to the local press, however, was provided to UK Press. Photo: RVIPF
ROAD TOWN, TORTOLA, VI – [British] Virgin Islands Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) today, January 19, 2021, called for a live broadcast of the Commission of Inquiry, announced by outgoing embattled Governor, Augustus J.U. Jaspert.

Broadcast the CoI live – Premier

“It is my considered view, and that of your Government, that this Commission of Inquiry should be open to the public and broadcast live, including on the internet, given the international interest that exists in this matter, and I have so advised the Governor by letter today,” Premier Fahie said in a statement released this afternoon, January 19, 2021.

According to Hon Fahie, given the VI is heavily dependent on international business, the success of various industries rides on the territory’s repetition; a reputation that was severed when the Governor made allegations of corruption existing in the territory and in the government's use of public funds.

While the Premier announced that his administration welcomes the inquiry, he said. “We have companies and individuals who are today having to face international business associates who are reading uncomplimentary reports about the BVI and its people in the international press.”

VI repetition on the line – Premier

“The BVI’s international reputation and indeed the reputation of Virgin Islanders and persons who do business in the BVI are affected by these reports that are being syndicated through and republished from the UK media houses,” he said.

Whenever the Governor makes certain allegations that could harm the reputation of the territory, several UK newspapers often publish one-sided articles with sensational headlines and photos, sometimes even before the local media gets the information. This has raised questions about the motive of the Governor.

Already one UK publishing house, ‘The Guardian’ has attributed to the Fahie administration, corruption scandals that remains the legacy of the previous National Democratic Party (NDP) government.

“Specific concerns have been raised about the use of money to fight coronavirus on the islands, the building of a school wall at a cost of £1m, $32m in excess spending on a cruise ship pier, and $7m on a nonexistent airline,” the Guardian said in a January 18, 2021, report on the Governor’s statement.

Nothing to hide! – Premier Fahie

In calling for a full media broadcast, Hon Fahie said it is common practice in many jurisdictions for hearings in Commissions of Inquiry to be broadcast live as it aids the public in having accurate information and in seeing that the Inquiry is conducted in a transparent manner with no secrets or hidden agendas.

He said Section 2 of the Commissions of Inquiry Act 1880 as amended, already provides that unless there is any contrary direction, inquiries should be public.

“Section 9 of the Act provides for the Commissioner to make rules for the conduct and management of the Inquiry. So, if there is any doubt about live broadcasts, Section 9 should clear this up,” the Premier underscored.

Social commentators have alleged that since the historic $250M cocaine bust in the VI, the Governor and UK have been on an aggressive agenda to paint the territory as corrupt, including providing to UK media, photos and materials that are not made privy to the local press.

33 Responses to “VI reputation on the line! – Premier calls for live broadcast of CoI”

  • hmm (19/01/2021, 18:43) Like (29) Dislike (0) Reply
    Lol, yesterday it was “and we’ll say nothing more on the subject”!
    • the rock (20/01/2021, 05:37) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
      What I want to know is how all those news media got the information before the the government and the people of the BVI pertaining to the COC
      • either (20/01/2021, 08:28) Like (2) Dislike (6) Reply
        Either there is a reporter working here illegally perhaps while holding positions as an officer of the rvipf

        Or those photos and information are leaked by an another person who is being paid to be a spy for the U.K. and U.K. media houses

        Plain and simple the U.K. loves spies. They train them in secret places and send them all over the world and there are U.K. spies here no doubt.

        The real question the is not obvious is what is the end goal. What is the motive and action that comes after slandering The Virgin Islands

        This would be ascertained only through their own dark methods unfortunately.
        • think about it (20/01/2021, 09:54) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
          @ either slandering you say? Do you dispute that cronyism, and corruption are very much thriving on these shores? Hospital expansion that cost double what was budgeted, incinerator issues, wall around the school, Pier park project, consultants paid hundreds of thousands from the oublic purse, but no reports ever, crooked cops with hundreds of kilos of cocaine. Meanwhile, there are people whose houses are still wrecked from the 2017 storms, our education is rubbish, many would rather go elsewhere than get medical treatement here, discrimination against outsiders is rampant, domestic abuse is accepted. This territory had a GDP of $ 1 billion per year for decades. Where’s the money now? All of this has been published on BVI media web sites as well as the BVI Beacon. Pray tell where is the slander?
          • either (20/01/2021, 22:38) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
            That is exactly why we voted in this new government. The slander comes in when you read UK publications where they can’t tell one government from another, fact from fiction, and put a negative spin that is more biased than cnn’s coverage of the US election.

            “Having given BVI and other islands over £50m after hurricane Irma, there are fears millions of dollars in local funds have been stolen“

            Here the telegraph says the Uk taxpayers gave 50 million after hurricane irma, mind this was split between British territories. In the same breath they say millions of local money was stolen (for COVID response)

            This willfully makes it seem the money given for Irma was stolen during COVID. Firstly the money used during COVID was our LOCAL money, as they state. No UK tax payer money was used at all nor was the local taxpayers money stolen.

            They sprinkle in the word local money in a half a***d attempt to be truthful while misleading one to believe UK money was stolen.

            At what point does this type of lying become slander. You have to pick apart this article and if you don’t know the truth you will come away with a very different version of the truth

            What’s another name for a different version of the truth? It’s a lie. When it’s about people it’s slander.

            Now to the mistakes of the past administrations...

            Should joe Biden take the blame for the last administration? No. He has to have his fair chance by the will of the voting population.

    • the rock (20/01/2021, 05:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      COI sorry
  • Amazed (19/01/2021, 18:47) Like (18) Dislike (4) Reply
    Just stop,stop stop stop already
  • Oh Boy.. (19/01/2021, 18:51) Like (71) Dislike (0) Reply
    Maybe The Hon Premier is better served just been silent and listen and prepare,,,, This ain't going to be nice, the consistent fighting, Not the way,,,It's not everything the Premier thinks he has to say,,,,,
  • shantel (19/01/2021, 18:56) Like (6) Dislike (35) Reply
    Good luck getting no agenda with all these white ****** ****** backstabbing **** like Gus working against you.
  • WHAT!!! (19/01/2021, 19:15) Like (58) Dislike (2) Reply
    It is not the V.I. reputation on the line but that of our elected officials past and present.
  • licks (19/01/2021, 19:16) Like (38) Dislike (5) Reply
    Hahahaha...everyday allyo destroyed the Governor,' s reputation and by association the UK and nw tis concern about VI reputation,,,Andrew siddung if you please besides you are the on e who told the World that VI was corrupt...siddung if you please...This circle,, Karma, never ceases to amaze me.
  • lodger (19/01/2021, 19:34) Like (24) Dislike (3) Reply
    Then people will be afraid to testify for fear of recrimination later. Those nothing to hide have nothing to fear.
  • mr premier (19/01/2021, 20:17) Like (31) Dislike (4) Reply
    You need to learn when to shut up . Everything doesn’t need a reply let certain things go stop being so thin skin n always on deh offense
  • wolf (19/01/2021, 21:14) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
    Andrew this is what happens when you cry wolf.Honestly where that thirty million gone .I ain't seemines
  • clown (19/01/2021, 21:17) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
  • Just saying (19/01/2021, 21:37) Like (4) Dislike (17) Reply
    These white supremacy bloggers need to stop
  • quote (19/01/2021, 22:39) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
  • rattie (19/01/2021, 22:49) Like (6) Dislike (21) Reply
    Fahie we with you all the way
  • Norris Turnbull (20/01/2021, 05:09) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Sometimes you have to tell people to shut their mouths. ANDREW hmm.
  • Hmmm (20/01/2021, 05:23) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    I have never seen the truth hurts so much.
  • Smells a fish (20/01/2021, 07:24) Like (5) Dislike (10) Reply
    What is so strange is that when our previous Government (NDP) was in power when monies was disappearing into thin air and blatant lies being told to the people of the territory, Governor did not speak on it nor did he ask Britain to enquire or intervene about anything. Up to now NDP has not been held accountable
    nor has been required to prove how tax payers dollars went up in smoke. What really is going on? Was the Governor paid off by the NDP? We know it's not possible to believe that he wasn't aware of the complaints and alleged corruption going on under their governance so what is really going on here? Is it that he just doesn't like the VIP? Please someone help me understand what is going on?
    • Rubber Duck (20/01/2021, 13:27) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Crooks from both sides will be going to jail.
    • @ Smell a Fish, U half right.. (22/05/2021, 16:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Here is the different NDP never had a loose cannon attacking, cursing and disrespecting the Governor daily like VIP had CSC doing...Cant be doing wrong in the company and still cursing out the boss...It wont work....
  • jah know (20/01/2021, 08:47) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Those who jump and say they have ntn to hide most certainly have something to hide.
  • bojan (20/01/2021, 08:56) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    There we go i had say before all actions taken about the UK like having marches against the UK cursing and going on in the house assembly about over reach it was always simple for am not too smart but some of you so dum and think you all smart before you pay 2 lawyers to look over the bvi constitution to know if the governor was within his rights when ever he did make decisions and you all said all kind of things about the UK how you fools thing that would of go just so if you all had any common sense keeping your mouth shut was better. You see before he leave what move he make and nothing you fools can do. Can you curse your mother and you dont live by your self .

  • Shady Maneuvers (20/01/2021, 08:57) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    This is bigger than our elected officials. We have repeatedly been slandered and reported in a bad light in Europe due to our financial services.

    They think we caused their problems and they preach this to their population.

    Little VI is where their tax money has gone. Don’t look at the huge amounts of military spending, the cost of their geopolitical influence, the cost of killing people overseas. No, it’s the ‘tax havens’ fault.

    I wager this has nothing to do with how elected officials manage seeing as it didn’t happen when the last government was ‘eating out of the UK’s hand’ friending up with suits while the little man suffers.

    Now we have a leadership which is not friending up with the U.K. and speaking out when they do us wrong.

    And in truth I see no misuse from the present VIP government besides the high cost of Covid prevention, which is simply questionable, the question being was it necessary to ensure our safety?

    Judging by the state of the Pandemic in the U.K. and US they did a good job going above and beyond to keep us safe.

    What is coming up are moves against the overseas territories and this is one single step in their plan to make their moves more palatable to the political environment in the U.K and Europe.

    We are a scapegoat in a larger plan and our enemies, and simple people rejoice over it.
  • worry (20/01/2021, 13:41) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
    After all this is said and done what happens to our country, our people, our children? We are so quick to throw the government under the bus because of what the governor is about to do. But what exactly are the Governor 's itemized concerns. Why does he not allow the proceedings to be live that all may hear.
  • Motives? (20/01/2021, 16:02) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Yes, it would be much more convenient if it was public. Then you would know who to threaten, bully, punish etc. I can see that would be much better for you. Perhaps not for justice...
  • drowning man (22/05/2021, 15:59) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    How convinient, Hmmm. You promised during the campain that Cabinet meetings will be broadcast live, that never happen,, You just cant get things, how you want, when you want, and do what you want. You always think you can talk your way out of everything......This is much bigger than you,,,,.Time to answer for your sins,,,, 60% of the population not happy with you and your administration and 75% support the COI....So you better start reading the blogs, U said u dont read blog, If you were reading the blogs you would have been a Wise leader ,, You would have had an idea of public sentiments, U would have seen the writting on the wall much earlier and much clearer.

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