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‘VI really needs a mother right about now’- Skelton-Cline

- also says leader with courage is needed in VI
Talk show host, Claude O. Skelton-Cline in a bid to get the VI to elect its first woman premier says the Virgin Islands in its current state is desperately in need of a mother. Photo: VINO/File
Quoting Henry Ward Beecher in the mid-1800s, he spoke of the need for courageous persons in the VI to step forward, rather than be cowards. Photo: Internet Source
Quoting Henry Ward Beecher in the mid-1800s, he spoke of the need for courageous persons in the VI to step forward, rather than be cowards. Photo: Internet Source
BAUGHERS BAY, Tortola, VI– Talk show host Mr Claude O. Skelton-Cline has said the Virgin Islands is desperately in need of a "mother".

“The country just needs a mother, it needs a touch, a mother’s voice, a mother’s spirit, a mother’s wisdom and inclination and discernment,” he said during the June 21, 2022, edition of his radio show, Honestly Speaking.

“I believe for such a time this woman is going to come forth…  What I am asking you to pray for is that I want you to pray that she would have her own burning bush experience on the other side of the desert, because that’s what we need right through here,” he added, regarding his conviction that the VI will have a female premier at the next general elections.

He said the time has come for the VI to do its own genre pivot, towards this strong fortified, well-abled judicious, and integrous woman to come forward to lead the country.

Courageous leader needed in  VI- Skelton-Cline 

Meanwhile, the clergyman added that the wilderness is crying out for the voice in reference to VI needing a leader with courage.

Quoting Henry Ward Beecher in the mid-1800s, he spoke of the need for courageous persons in the VI to step forward, rather than be cowards. 

“We must be women and men who are going to meet this moment, not cave, not just comply and become complicit… but for country for generations yet unborn,” he said.

He called on Virgin Islanders to step up collectively rather than wait for someone else to step up.

“We as a people, we have to come together, and coming together is not uniformity but the strength of the unity in the diversity,” he added.

19 Responses to “‘VI really needs a mother right about now’- Skelton-Cline”

  • Rubber Duck (24/06/2022, 11:15) Like (40) Dislike (0) Reply
    i have heard many people call Claude a muther.
    • NezRez (28/06/2022, 00:28) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      The BVI has a Mother. It is her badass children that are throwing dirt in her face and disrespecting her beauty. All of them riding on her apron strings instead of living a good clean life honestly. You all are the greedy ones dragging her down instead of carrying her.
  • Strupesssssss (24/06/2022, 11:26) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
  • one (24/06/2022, 11:28) Like (36) Dislike (0) Reply
    Now you singing a different song we need to come together as a people when your bread was well butter you didn't know that fake
  • mad max (24/06/2022, 12:13) Like (31) Dislike (0) Reply
    Maybe the 'Mother" is the Mother Country, coming to rescue us in our hour of need!
  • Remember (24/06/2022, 12:23) Like (39) Dislike (2) Reply
    Can someone tell he and his uncle two fake and false propthet to give it a rest they don't care about our bvi they are only in for the money.
  • yr (24/06/2022, 12:44) Like (23) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ok mister, you said this ting about a woman stepping up to run. So leave it alone now - we got your idea. Well it's not your idea, you're just repeating yourself. We tired of you sir.
  • Eldread (24/06/2022, 12:48) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    You not getting on the gravie train so its sour.
  • Patriotic (24/06/2022, 14:43) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    That would be Great Britain Mr Cline. We already have one. Save us from all the security problems we could have had post erma , could have save more people died from covid if the Govt had acepted UK offer in securing our borders and now eliminate corruption --- ONLY A MOTHER CAN DO THIS.
  • dont mind he (24/06/2022, 15:13) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
    The last lady that had a chance he called her "an empty kerosene can"
  • mudder so and so (24/06/2022, 15:15) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    I wish i coulda call him so
  • NOOO (24/06/2022, 16:26) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    She next to you Cladette
  • We do (24/06/2022, 17:24) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    Her name is ENGLAND..
  • £££££ (24/06/2022, 17:47) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hey Vino, stop giving this dimwit a platform. Polluting Virgin Islanders thoughts and minds with this drivel day in day out. We know you’re just filling space but give over already - less is more! Give us a report on price rises in the last month, or how many days school children missed on the island this year due to covid/inadequate facilities/pay disputes - OH F that would require some real reporting and time investigating and not just printing some jackass’ thoughts … lazy wha?
  • facts (24/06/2022, 18:02) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
    As long as his pockets keep getting g fat he will say anything to capture the minds of fools who believe in him. big fake in many areas
  • hmm (24/06/2022, 21:45) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    When is this mother trucker going to bring back our treasury money?
  • will (25/06/2022, 05:28) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    it is so pityfull that you are pushing for some woman in your church to become premier so thru her you can be enpowered when you should be preaching and teaching the kingdom of God the problem wiyh our country is sin our problem is sin and only God can truely help us
  • Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin (25/06/2022, 11:14) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Fake pastor Claude Skeleton Cline, you said that we need a mother right now. According to the Bible human first mother committed the first sin. In the BVI are many mother's. Many including me know that your are trying to influence us, by deception to accept your prophecy.

    Question to you, sir; Isn't time for you to stop trying to murder us politically with you lies, and deceptic tactics?
    is the mother you spoke of your wife? Is the person The lawyer from East End district that lost in her last two attempts to regained political power?
    If you are not prepared to give us insight of who you have in mind, don't you think it is time to shot your mouth, from exposing your arrogance, and ignorance to us, and others if how crooked you really are?
    With that written, God loves you, and so do I.
  • Well (25/06/2022, 16:02) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    If you act like a father the i vi will atomically get a mother you don't think so

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