VI rallies to save home of talk show host Dameon Percival from bank sale

This bank in a statement on June 22, 2023, announced that the property will be up for sale via auction and this move has prompted the proprietor of Tola Radio 100.5 FM to start an emergency on-air telethon today, June 28, 2023, to save the home of Mr Percival.
According to 'Da Mornign Braff' radio host, Floyd Burnett, Mr Percival has always paid his loans on time, however, due to economic difficulty and other challenges, Mr Percival has been unable to find full-time employment outside of his 3-hour part-time radio job, and thus unable to repay the loan.
He added that Mr Pervical has exhausted all avenues and as such, will now turn to the people of the VI for help on the matter, with donations and pledges to start from 9:00 am on the show.
According to reports, Mr Percival has received tremendous support from the public who are in solidarity with his plight.
Shortly before 10:00 am this morning, Mr Percval in expressing gratitude confirmed that he received pledges of $21,200 with a target of an additional 9,800 for a $30,000 goal to save the home.
Issues first raised on radio
The issue was brought to the public's attention on yesterday's June 27, 2023, show where Mr Burnett revealed there was already an outpouring of calls and support for the fundraiser.
Meanwhile, the bank in the Facebook post said “Notice is hereby given that in exercise of the power of sale conferred on the National Bank of the Virgin Islands Limited by the Registered Land Act, Cap. 229 and Instrument of Charge No. 141/2018 made between DEMION PERCIVAL and SHIRLEY ANN PAUL, of P.O. Box 4818, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands as Chargors and the National Bank of The Virgin Islands Limited as Chargee, the Bank will put up the under-mentioned property for sale by public auction.”
The bank added that the auction is to be held in the Conference Room at the offices of O'Neal Webster, Barristers & Solicitors, 2nd Floor, Commerce House, 181 Main Street, Road Town, Tortola, Virgin Islands on Thursday, June 29, 2023, at 10:00 am.
Persons looking to make donations can contact Tola Radio 100.5 FM by emailing or calling da Morning Braff Radio show.

43 Responses to “VI rallies to save home of talk show host Dameon Percival from bank sale”
It’s quite unfortunate that these same individuals who this individual went on the plathform for to campaign can’t assist him even though they are on the opposition. They enriched themselves and leave their supporters to face embarrassment to the lowest level .
That same opposition group had no compassion for other professionals who they victimized causing them to seek professional development outside of this country.
Damian with a lot lose is now facing homelessness and did not had to go through this. Damian limited himself as only being able to secure work with government to survive and that too is being shot sighted. When one door closes many more will open but you have to make sacrifices in life and adjust to your situation.
I’m glad you got to use Braf platform to get your message out there but generally speaking the people of the BVI lacks compassion and are hypocrites to the highest degree. They laugh at you when you are down and give you a double hypocritical face when you up to make you feel you are being supported when you are not.
Pack up your family and take your lost and leave. You will not make it in a country full of hypocrites. You will get the bare minimum to eat because the place lacks compassion. On top of that you fell short with your lack of education and humility. Learn to humble yourself and people will gravitate to you but when you are conceited and self centered you run those who might have a little bit of good inside them to want to help.
Let he cart his r*$% go look work
Pardna, go look a job yuh lazy skunk
let he get off the radio chatting sh** and go look a job. I wonder if heritage paying him?
He was helped so much that he and many others assume he is " our own"
Ingratitude like the bulk of the new BVI is the real problem.
remember today for him tomorrow for me.