VI Public officers converted to new salary scale

According to information toady, April 12, 2024, from the Governor's Group and Office of the Deputy Governor, the conversion follows the Compensation Review and Job Classification report completed by consultants PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in October 2023 and submitted to Cabinet on November 8, 2023.
Deputy Governor Mr. David D. Archer Jr. said, “Public Officers are the driving force of our Territory. Therefore, we have a responsibility to ensure that they are equitably compensated according to industry and international standards. The success of this exercise speaks to our continued commitment to building a world-class Public Service that is filled with individuals that are truly proud to be public officers.”
“Today, no public officer is earning a salary below the living wage and this is due to the hard work executed by public officers alongside the consultants,” he added.
Funds in 2024 budget
During his 2024 Budget Address, Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Dr. Natalio D. Wheatley announced Cabinet’s decision to include nearly $10 Million in this year’s budget to effect the new Public Service salary structure.
The Office of the Deputy Governor began consultations following this announcement on the findings of the Compensation Review report in an effort to gather feedback on the proposed new salary structure. These meetings included Public Service Associations and Unions, Senior Managers and the wider Public Service.
Permanent Secretary in the Office of the Deputy Governor, Mrs. Sharleen DaBreo-Lettsome commented on the work of the Department of Human Resources to achieve all conversions on schedule.
The Office of the Deputy Governor will also implement a new allowances and benefits schedule for the Public Service beginning April 15. The schedule seeks to streamline the allocation of additional compensation for eligible public officers.
The Government of the Virgin Islands awarded PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (PwC) a contract in October 2022 to carry out a Compensation Review and Job Classification for the Public Service. The contract was valued at Three Hundred and Two Thousand, One Hundred and Three Dollars ($302,103.00).

28 Responses to “VI Public officers converted to new salary scale”
Thanks for the few dollars more but better could have been done in terms of the disparity. Who does a salary scale are start everyone with varying years of service and experience at the same level? I guess those at the top positions got fixed and couldn't care less about the middle workers. I thought you tried to encourage your experienced workers to stay. Don't worry, everyone running to the 25 years mark to retire so you can continue with your new employees.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think they said that they modeled this new salary scale from the one used by Turks and Caicos...I can bet that they have factored in experience within their salary scale! Ludicrous to think otherwise. You want your people to come back home - then do better! Don't just do the bare minimum!
Nice they had to hire outside help to do arithmetic.
Secondly, article states $ 10 mill added to make a living wage (conveniently not defined) which works out to $4,000 per civil servant per year, or about $330 a month. Better than nothing but does this really result in a living wage?
Lastly, say new wages average $ 30k/year. That means annual govt wage budget needs to be $ 75 million. Factoring in politicians and political appointee wages and you’re pushing 18% of the last published GNP of about $440 million. That’s a lot and not likely sustainable in the long run. Jus’ saying.
Moreover, will this new plan come with Grades and steps for increase based on time and specified minimum performance levels. Further, will the plan/programme be administered fairly and professionally. Will the plan have a structured progressive discipline, coaching and mentoring, etc element to it.
The current structure of the civil service is not ideal. The local government funds the civil service but the Governor manages the civil service. Finance was once the purview of the Governor but shifted to the local government in the late 1970s under the Williard Wheatley administration. Nevertheless, the Governor still controls finance through reserve powers, assent power, etc.. Like finance and as the VI moved towards a greater measures of full self-governance, the civil service needs to transfer to local governor. Colonialism is about control and Mount Olympus holding on to civil service, along security forces,, ie, RVIPF, HMP, Judiciary, etc, is about control. Does the UK fund any of these functions it has control over??? VI taxpayers paying to be controlled ; this is the definition of crusading. An example of crusading is the vI taxpayers altogether funding the Governor’s regime in the territory. It resembles parasitic behavior.
BVI steals from outsiders to function. US presidents and UK Prime ministers don't interfere because this is how they function too. Reminds them of themselves.