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VI pastor Micah Lettsome launches mission work in Ghana

Pastor Micah Lettsome of Global Kingdom Builders Network launched her international mission work in Akuse, Ghana, during a recent visit in February 2025. Photo: Pastor Micah Lettsome
Pastor Micah Lettsome through her outreach ministry launched in Ghana, Africa distributed clothing, food, shoes, and other items were distributed to the people. Photo: Pastor Micah Lettsome
Pastor Micah Lettsome through her outreach ministry launched in Ghana, Africa distributed clothing, food, shoes, and other items were distributed to the people. Photo: Pastor Micah Lettsome
Pastor Micah Lettsome said she has a heart for people and have always wanted to give back to those in Africa. Photo: Pastor Micah Lettsome
Pastor Micah Lettsome said she has a heart for people and have always wanted to give back to those in Africa. Photo: Pastor Micah Lettsome
AKUSE, Ghana, Africa- Pastor Micah Lettsome of Global Kingdom Builders Network in the Virgin Islands fulfilled a longtime desire when she launched her international mission work in Akuse, Ghana, during a recent visit.

In an interview with Virgin Islands News Online (VINO) on Monday, March 17, 2025, Lettsome said the mission work occurred while in Accra, Ghana for the annual Global Kingdom Builders Conference from February 20 to 24, 2025.

On the outskirts of the conference, during the time set aside for other areas of ministry, Pastor Lettsome launched her Life Changing Outreach Ministry where clothing, food, shoes, and other items were distributed to the people.

This is something that’s been in my heart to do- Pastor Lettsome

Pastor Lettsome said she has always had a yearning to give back to Africa, “This was always something in my heart to do.”

With funding from donations and the active ministry on Tortola, Pastor Lettsome said this mission work in Ghana was possible.

But even before setting foot on the African continent, Pastor Lettsome revealed that giving to Africa is something she has been doing for a while.

The woman who raised her currently lives in Africa, she said, and Lettsome sends funds to her on a quarterly basis to assist a school, village, or community there.

Outreach is being done in the VI too

Pastor Lettsome said her local outreach ministry happens every…Saturday, every two months.

One such community outreach is scheduled for Saturday, March 29, 2025, in the East End area.

“We will be giving out some things,” she told our news centre, adding that the time will be dedicated to giving back to the community.

I have a heart for people- Pastor Lettsome

Before ending the interview, Pastor Lettsome said she has a “heart” for people.

“I love people and my passion is to give back to those especially less fortunate where I can help…as the Lord has given me the opportunity and I pray that He will, you know, open doors, more doors,” she said.

Pastor Lettsome stated that she wants to continue spreading her mission work not only locally but across the world as it is her “passion”.

16 Responses to “VI pastor Micah Lettsome launches mission work in Ghana”

  • Fam (19/03/2025, 08:07) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
    God bless you!
  • well done (19/03/2025, 08:08) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    Gods blessings are upon you pastor. It’s also been something that I also want to do. I know one day I will because God can and he will.
  • Ghana (19/03/2025, 08:11) Like (8) Dislike (22) Reply
    Charity begins at home.
    Dance a yard before you dance abroad.
    • Lee (19/03/2025, 11:03) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
      I thought I would repost this from the article, just incase you missed it.

      Pastor Lettsome said her local outreach ministry happens every…Saturday, every two months.

      One such community outreach is scheduled for Saturday, March 29, 2025, in the East End area.

      “We will be giving out some things,” she told our news centre, adding that the time will be dedicated to giving back to the community.
    • l (19/03/2025, 13:25) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
      @ Ghana. And what have you done to help others? NOTHING but run your mouth. If kind-hearted people only helped where they were from, there would be no relief programs to help others worldwide. AGAIN, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HELP OTHERS? NOTHING!
  • HMMM (19/03/2025, 08:23) Like (10) Dislike (22) Reply
    While applaude these things, why not take care of the few in your own country first....
    • O_rap (19/03/2025, 13:21) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
      AND YOU DON'T READ!!!!!
    • Arrion (19/03/2025, 13:37) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ HMMM, she has been doing good work here for years. She is one person and you could volunteer to help her and the others who work with her. No, you won't do that. How many years of giving can one person do before they are too old and need help themselves? You sound like a lazy selfish self-centered person.
  • my people (19/03/2025, 09:42) Like (14) Dislike (5) Reply
    Very good initiative.

    You really cant please people.
    who in Tortola or the Virgin Islands worst off than some of the villages and countries in Africa?
    There are so much persons right here in our country who are in need and get hands out and assistance from our Government and other entities such as Red Cross/Lions Club/and some of the churches.

    Did anybody read that she is planning to do same in the community of East End? Does it matter when it is done? Some of us aint need nothing here. We have so much and when they call school drives and other free stuff. The very wealthy grab all for themselves and their children. By the time the ones who really need it come, everything finish.

    There is only much you can do to help others. She is only one person. And she is doing this out of the goodness of her heart.

    Pastor Lettsome, keep on doing the work of God to those less fortunate than us. I know God is pleased.

    some of us in Tola are too blessed to realize it.

  • from Accra (19/03/2025, 09:50) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    There are so-call mega churches in Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya and other African nations that rake in millions. They are not all poor as we think. These big churches preach on thithes and sowing seed to keep the big shot bishops and their families living large, with armed security guards. Like everywhere, there are the cultural villages, ghetto and slums. Not because people stay in the village mean they are poor or in need of western clothes. Many of us are happy with the little that we have and we are not charity cases. We are happy with our ground and farm food and having your cornflakes and package food does not make us any healthier. All the tin foods you send contribute to the decline in our health.
    I don't know the woman in this article and I do not know anything about her, but I am making a general comment. What I know is, alot of people who visit our country from Caribbean, have a bigger motive, and many first try to connect with who they are advised are the best witch doctors in our communities, and then they try to balance their frequent visits by building schools and helping the so-call under privileged. Do not be fooled. I know of what I speak
    • @from Accra (19/03/2025, 11:32) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      this is besides the point.

      This article relates to the good gesture Pastor Lettsome did in Ghana and persons responding saying take care of those at home first.

      God's judgment will be upon the pastors who take advantage of the poor and needy. He resent that kind of act. But for those who leave and try and alleviate the hurt, hunger and pain in another country especially in the slums it is a blessing to some family even if it be a tin of sardines/tuna/peas or whatever, it will go a long way for some who really needs it.

  • Bishop Smith (19/03/2025, 10:02) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    Well done Pastor. Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel.
  • be safe (19/03/2025, 11:34) Like (21) Dislike (0) Reply
    i worked in Accra, Ghana for two years. I have never seen such corruption, especially by the police there.
    I was held up by police two times and robbed by them.
    I would NEVER go back there. Be safe.
  • Gumption.Official (19/03/2025, 15:38) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    Around here full of too much ungrateful bad minded people. The only money the BVİ getting from me with be NHI S.S and Inland revenue. Ain’t ain’t the animal shelter I’m not going my hard earned money to anyone especially people who ungrateful like that lady who runs a gossip site off a cellphone. They can’t say whatever they want about me when they are done I’ll still be a self employed entrepreneur who doesn’t beg or owe anyone. It’s called living within my means.
  • Xxx (19/03/2025, 20:42) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hats off to pastor Lettsome job well done
  • Mama she she mother of all mother (19/03/2025, 22:37) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Let I say my dear child pastor Micah have a bless ❤️ she is kind and love Jesus what she is doing is what Jesus say all man should do for one another so to God be the glory great He have do and we will do more
    I will say God bless you come from Ghana West Africa Akuse my people here is in need and we feed them Ghane food that come from here and she sent money no food from the west God is great I love all man kind good or bad we are family we are ONE.

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