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VI lives in constant fear of British takeover– Hon Malone

- says large inequality still exists in relationship between UK & VI
Former Virgin Islands Legislator, Hon Carvin Malone says there continues to be an inequality in the relationship between the VI and the United Kingdom (UK) which he referred to as a parent-child relationship, although the Vi has been handling its own affairs and generating its own revenues. Photo: GIS/File
The former legislator was at the time speaking during an October 28, 2023, interview with James Boston on the YouTube page Association of Former British Colonies. Photo: Youtube
The former legislator was at the time speaking during an October 28, 2023, interview with James Boston on the YouTube page Association of Former British Colonies. Photo: Youtube
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI– Former legislator Mr Carvin Malone says there continues to be an inequality in the relationship between the Virgin Islands (VI) and the United Kingdom (UK). Mr Malone referred to it as a parent-child relationship, although the VI has been handling its own affairs and generating its own revenues.

“We are not seen as people who can take care of ourselves. We are treated like children, one may say, who need a Big Brother. We live in constant fear that the British will take over our country after centuries of fighting for freedom,” Hon Malone said.

The former legislator was speaking during an October 24, 2023, interview with James Boston on the YouTube page Association of Former British Colonies.

Further, he added that the relationship restricts the VI from openly speaking for itself at international forums.

“We are not allowed to speak on our own behalf overseas by people who do not know us or have our best interests at heart, meaning in the international organisations, we have to be represented by the UK as opposed to ourselves.”

He said mostly in the Caribbean, the VI has been constitutionally given the right to speak to the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), CARICOM, and other regional bodies, “But always without contradiction to the British interests. So it's still not on our own particular terms.”

VI budgets still need UK approval - Hon Malone 

Further, Mr Malone said the VI economy has grown through its own taxes by its own people, yet it has to get approval on budgets.

“We have built a tourism and financial services sector…[but] that tells us we are not good enough based on some of the issues that we are hearing, they try to get us to take loans and to go into debt for generations while we control now what monies we spend,” he added.

Mr Malone also accused the UK of trying to put the VI in depth through loans, which he said would be hard to repay should disaster strike as a result of global warming.

He added the UK/VI relationship is also hindering generational wealth in the VI, which he said comes via British opposition to investments in areas like tertiary education and certain infrastructural developments.

55 Responses to “VI lives in constant fear of British takeover– Hon Malone”

  • Wrong. (25/10/2023, 13:31) Like (86) Dislike (19) Reply
    Not BVI. I am not afraid. I am for it.. its you politicians that are afraid. You all know how you all rob and rape this country and already figured out a britain take over will dig up all the dodoo. Lets us follow in the foot steps of Cayman Islands. Take it over fix it. Then hand it back to us so we can again shine like Cayman
    • Parental abuse (25/10/2023, 15:31) Like (11) Dislike (19) Reply
      Clearly the UK neglected the raising of the BVI when they were infants. The BVI raised itself and they did not use the UK as a role model as they are worse than what they are now trying to accuse and brand the BVI to be. Although the BVI did well with their share of mistakes like every country, Now the Governor & his UK bosses using an order in council which is a modern day slavery whip to suspend the BVI's constitution because they all of sudden do not like how the BVI raised itself. So with the slavery whip they are now dictating that the BVI IMMEDIATELY change into the adult they want the BVI to be or they will whip them into what they want. This is tantamount to telling adults you are a child again because I say so. You will only become an adult if they are pleased with your progress being in the way they want only. Failure to do so they will cease the BVI from being an adult anymore. What a high handed anti democratic action while no one can hold the UK accountable nor challenge their high handedness. This is wrong on all fronts and should be challenged in court.
      • he (30/10/2023, 21:37) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        So the UK was the hippy parents who allowed their kids to run FREE...until the tripped over and bust them tooth and wants pay for it.BVI is a spoilt brat..that blows it's pocket money and blames anybody it sees.And loves the coco ⛷️⛷️If your white..keep your head down and get on with your's s unless your throwing alot of money around..on vacation..your tolerated..If you live here..keep your head down and your nose clean..fair warning.

    • STOP TELL UNTRUTH (25/10/2023, 17:17) Like (15) Dislike (14) Reply
    • we (26/10/2023, 11:19) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
      We don’t live in constant fear of the English coming. We live in constant hope.
    • RedStorm (26/10/2023, 14:03) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      This country is exceptional, they will fix alright. But they will never give it back to you. All those bloggers who calling for the UK to take over,will soon get what they ask for. And pray that the policemen/ detective who was found in the sea in his car did not meet with foul play, it will be curfew for months.
  • WEW (25/10/2023, 13:33) Like (83) Dislike (9) Reply
    That’s right. If it weren’t for the UK watching over the HOA & others we would be like Haiti.
    • Lack of Trust (25/10/2023, 15:26) Like (4) Dislike (26) Reply
      As it stands now there is no trust in he nor his UK Commissioner of Police. Both of them called the people liars when they told them the out post police stations were not open daily. Then later back track without acknowledging the people were correct. The Governor told the public the COI report would be just recommendations and no one should draw to conclusions until afterwards where discussions would be had. As soon as the report was finished he is now demanding all 48 preauthored recommendations be implemented without discussions. The list of deceit with him and his UK Commissioner of Police is long. So he cannot expect the majority of the public to trust anything they say or do. He need to stop talking to the public as if we are idiots. He is beginning to annoy the public. Independence is MUST!
    • @ wew (26/10/2023, 04:25) Like (5) Dislike (15) Reply
      France killed Haiti the UK trying to do the same to the bvi
      • how? (26/10/2023, 09:34) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
        Yes, by allowing the Haitians to control their island the elites on the island raped the rest and left it destitute, then another group fought and took control, raped it again, and it repeated until now we have gangs controlling each neighborhood charging "import duties" on anything they see.
        So, yeah, by allowing the Haitians to rule their island it was destroyed.
  • Interested (25/10/2023, 13:36) Like (28) Dislike (1) Reply
    Nonsense! I don’t!
  • Should be our cry (25/10/2023, 13:41) Like (14) Dislike (47) Reply
    Independence or death
    • Preserve democracy (25/10/2023, 15:23) Like (7) Dislike (6) Reply
      Elections in the BVI allows for democracy where the people's voices through their votes are heard. They vote who they want to represent their affairs. If these people are not working in their best interest then the people have the power to vote them out in the next general elections and vote in new leaders. Neither the UK nor their Governor has ever ran for office in the BVI and asked the people to select them to run their affairs. So no order in council should give such powers to non-elected people to run the affairs of the BVI people or any other country. It is not right. It does not represent good governance nor democracy. It is high handed and a modern day slavery whip, law, and action. We must educate our people of these facts and we must stick together to preserve not just our democracy but to preserve democracy itself. Such anti democratic actions should be banned worldwide as these actions are wrong no matter the reason.
      • @preserve democracy (25/10/2023, 20:08) Like (22) Dislike (1) Reply
        Y’all vote and vote and we end up with the same bullshit every time. Where is the real change?
        • To @preserve democracy (25/10/2023, 21:46) Like (4) Dislike (5) Reply
          You mean once the results are not what you want then and only then it is a problem. So for you democracy only matters when you get what you want. SMDH.
      • @Preserve Democracy. (26/10/2023, 09:01) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        To Preserve Democracy,,waiting until the next general election too long to kick poor performers who are RIP, ie, Resting in Place to curb.,The constitution must amended with a recall provision. Hope Ms. Lisa Penn Lettsome and the Constitutional Review Committee is listening.
      • taxpayer (27/10/2023, 08:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Our current premier had 400 vote and yet got in.
    • ? (25/10/2023, 16:09) Like (31) Dislike (5) Reply
      Independence is death!
      • @? (25/10/2023, 20:16) Like (27) Dislike (1) Reply
        Exactly. We a mess now. What exactly is suppose to change when we are on our own? Things will only get a lot worse.
        • To @? (25/10/2023, 21:47) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
          We better off here in BVI than what is happening to the common people in the UK for sure.
  • Foolishness (25/10/2023, 13:42) Like (37) Dislike (5) Reply
    I wish all the politicians would either talk sense and truth or SHUT UP!!!
  • NB (25/10/2023, 14:00) Like (51) Dislike (8) Reply
    Say what Carvin? Not me bwoi. Is ayo scared messon. Y’all evil ways will be exposed.
  • Let's be real (25/10/2023, 15:21) Like (3) Dislike (21) Reply
    The issue is the UK & Governor have their plans to oppress the BVI people but has cloaked it as good governance. They care less what the majority thinks as they think they know what's best for us. They spending money to try to further enslaved us but they could not find the money to build schools and other initiatives which are more effective in reducing crime. Instead they want legislation to give their UK Commissioner of Police more power for which he will not be accountable to no one so they can legalize the infringement of our human and democratic rights under the cloak of fighting crime when in fact it is about taking us over through legalizing abuse of power. BVI WAKE UP.
  • Yes to UK (25/10/2023, 15:30) Like (35) Dislike (4) Reply
    Carvin Malone its people like you who are in constant fear of the UK take over, I think most of the people in the BVI would like it compare to what’s going on with this government. None of you should be addressed as honor.
  • facts (25/10/2023, 15:33) Like (7) Dislike (22) Reply
    Wherever the Brits go claiming they are instilling their version of good governance, they destroy the country and its people. Their mentality is one where they feel they are superior and everyone other than them are inferior.
    • @ facts (26/10/2023, 09:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Fact, indeed. Look at the Israeli-Palestinian ear. Guess who had a mandate over Palestine and colloborated with UN to divide up Palestine and kick the Palestinians out?? Wait gir it, wait for it.. ., the British?
  • Amazing (25/10/2023, 15:37) Like (6) Dislike (13) Reply
    If the few of you who think life under a dictatorship with the UK who are not elected to lead, will be better then geuss again. Just take a hour and look at all the news in the UK at all the major ongoing unresolved issues in the UK. Look at the serious increase in serious crimes especially guns and drugs. Look at the major decline in their economy after all they have hell to keep a Prime Minister for 4yrs. The issues are many but they want to come jump on BVI because they are a small island state. This is a real case of the pot calling the kettle black and abuse of power.
  • simple (25/10/2023, 15:40) Like (7) Dislike (7) Reply
    The UK could not get their Global Britan plan implemented how they originally envisioned so now they pivot to use a well organized high handed non transparent COI plot to try to do the trick. You can never trust these people. It is not about the people of the BVI. It is about the money(Financial Services & Finance) and wanting the country but without the people.
  • Where is the fairness & balance? (25/10/2023, 15:47) Like (6) Dislike (9) Reply
    The BVI implemented a registry of interest where all public officer and elected officials must register their interest and it be made publicly. However the Governor and all who are from the UK under him working in BVI has flat out refused to adhere to the law saying they are registered in the UK already and are exempted from the law. Yet the same Governor saying this cannot be the case for any foreigner or consultant from away working with BVI Government. This is a clear double standard. Worse yet there are no laws to hold a Governor accountable. Can you imagine what all they will do out of the people if they took over knowing the laws of the land do not apply to the Governor and his gang but only to the people of BVI? This is a very troubling event. This is going to take a revolution to resolve this situation because the Governor & UK cares less what the majority of the BVI people is saying against their non democratic behavior.
  • Anegada youth (25/10/2023, 15:48) Like (4) Dislike (19) Reply
    The position of Governor should be an elected post.
  • BUSY BEE (25/10/2023, 15:53) Like (7) Dislike (6) Reply
    Hon. Mr. Malone, sorry, you are guilty of hyperbole. Nobody lives in that fear. Have you missed the anti-colonialism rampant not only in the Caribbean but around the world? Did you miss the disastrous Caribbean visit by the then Duke & Duchess of Cambridge to the Caribbean a couple years ago?
    A British take over ala the Turks & Caicos a couple years ago... Regardless of how justified it might be, it's very impolitic right now.
    No fear here.
    • @Busy Bee (25/10/2023, 16:18) Like (7) Dislike (10) Reply
      Speak for yourself you UK paid blogger. We are up to you all tricks. The UK took over Turks & Caicos and look how tremendously worse life has become for the people of TCI. Just call and ask them and hear for yourself.
  • JVD (25/10/2023, 15:54) Like (12) Dislike (10) Reply
    Look at what a man does and not what he says to know who he is and what he stands for. To this date the UK has NEVER appointed one BLACK PERSON as Governor. Only within the last 3 yrs they appointed a woman Governor. This says it all about the UK Officials's feminists and racists mentality towards WOMEN and BLACK PEOPLE. They have not changed. They will not change. This Governor and all of them have it in their DNA from slavery days from their heritage. All they do now is making it seem as if it is not so but their actions continue to Condemn them big time.
    • @JVD (26/10/2023, 09:13) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Agree that there is more work to do on ethnic and gender diversity within the FCO but there are signs of change: Renie Lagie is Gov of Bermuda (she is black-British); Dileeni Daniel-Selvaratnam is Gov of Turks and Caicos (she is Asian-British); Julia Crouch (she is white-British). Also note that in the UK the Prime-minister, Rishi Sunak is a Hindu and of Indian heritage; the foreign secretary, James Cleverly is black-British; the home secretary, Suella Braverman is Asian-British; the business minister is Kemi Badenoch and she is also black-British; the energy minister is Claire Coutinho and she is Asian-British. The First Minister in Scotland is Hamsa Yusef, a Muslim, British-Asian; his political opponent, leader of Scottish Labour party, Anas Sarwar is also a Muslim, British-Asian. The UK is not the same country as the one which colonized much of the World hundreds of years or enabled and encouraged the disgusting Atlantic slave trade. It is a modern multi-cultural country. What is the ethnic diversity of the BVI's political class and how does it compare to the ethnicity of its resident population? How many women have been appointed Premier?
      • Sas (31/10/2023, 00:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Well written..It is a summary of a changed country..unlike BVk which is regressing..spanish woman and Brugal is what BVI known for boring so I left I preferred the days of Spanish woman and Old Milwaukee
  • Kermit the Frog (25/10/2023, 15:58) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    Wa ga meh gon is deh COI found no wrong doing by any Governor or UK Commissioner of Police for the last 40yrs but found nothing good about the BVI, its people, and leaders for the same last 40yrs. Talk about ja acked up process and report. Ah gon bac to sip meh tea.
  • hmm (25/10/2023, 16:07) Like (13) Dislike (4) Reply
    He is no longer in Government, he does not talk for me
    • @LOL (25/10/2023, 17:46) Like (6) Dislike (16) Reply
      Well then since he is no longer elected and should not speak for you then neither should a non elected governor.
  • Taking a look (25/10/2023, 16:09) Like (5) Dislike (7) Reply
    To justify an order in council to suspend the BVI Constitution they use the COI report saying it was independent. How did the COI come about? The COI was commissioned by the Governor. The Governor wrote the terms of reference to direct the COI of its mission and scope of works. The Governor in a non transparent and non advertised manner then high handedly hired a specific person to be the Commissioner of the COI. The Governor then gave the UK COMMISSIONER a full staff to work with him where all of them were from the UK and the same office as the Governor in the UK. The UK funded the COI so who pay the piper calls the tune. This violated the Act bit who cares. The UK lawyers practiced illegally in BVI during the process but seem to have gotten away with it. The UK help through their staff to put the COI report together. Then they turn it over to the Governor. All this and more and they called this process and the report independent and transparent. So they have us for a#$. If an elected offical did this then most of you would have erupted and demand the report be discarded. Hell even the UK would be championing the same cause. People we are being hoodwinked and we need to speak up and stand up for our rights before it is too late.
  • Ya (25/10/2023, 16:20) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
    Take over,y,a
  • No Comparison (25/10/2023, 17:53) Like (3) Dislike (7) Reply
    All the Governor has to do all day is seem busy or try to look busy by looking melee and creating mischief. He is not elected. He is not a minister. No cares if he attends funerals or events. Yet the BVI tax payers pay for his luxurious living while elected officials dear not even request for tax payers to do such or you all would March. Yet the tax payers do not fuss about paying for the Governor's maid, butler, driver, security, chef, domestic staff, gardner, local office staff salary, upkeep of his house, upkeep of his office, first class SUV vehicle, parties, functions, and many more. Something is wrong with this picture but time will tell.
    • @No Comparison (26/10/2023, 09:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Taxes you say? You do understand that this is a no-tax jurisdiction right? Start paying 40% tax on your income like British tax-payors do and then let's talk.
  • Truth (25/10/2023, 18:39) Like (2) Dislike (15) Reply
    The unfathomable vitriol directed toward Hon. Malone is a puzzling facet of our contemporary discourse. Here stands a public servant, the caliber of whom is rare — possessing an intricate comprehension of the complexities of our present relationship with Britian and a clear vision for their evolution. The conspicuous absence of the government's inclination to tap into such formidable expertise is, to me enigmatic. With the commendable initiatives like the One VI forum, it's evident that Malone is not just a theorist but a proactive thinker.
    To the murmurs suggesting corruption, I challenge: Where, in this vast echo chamber, is the substantive evidence against Malone? There is none not even acusations.
    I've opined on this before, and it bears reiteration: The BVI, like any evolving society, presents ample avenues for enhancement. Guidance, not overbearing oversight, is the prescription. Yet, the insinuation that our terrain lacks competent stewards capable of said oversight suggests that we are collectively suffering from one of most profound cases of Stockholm Syndrome in modern history.

  • In Fear (25/10/2023, 18:49) Like (21) Dislike (3) Reply
    The only people in fear are the politicians and the lawbreakers. The rest of us say bring it on.
  • Majority (25/10/2023, 19:10) Like (7) Dislike (7) Reply
    hope the UK takeover of the BVI occurs soon and removes all the stupid restrictions on UK citizens owning land, doing business, residing, working, voting, importing legal cargo, etc.
    • @Majority (25/10/2023, 21:52) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
      This is the reason in your post why all of you who are from the UK living in the BVI want the UK to take over. You have no regard for the people of the BVI. You want our lands and country but without the people who worked hard to build this beautiful country without any help from ayo in the UK. People like you are who boasting up the Governor with his high handedness. This is how revolutions start.
      • Onoion (26/10/2023, 13:35) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
        Well I will.take UK.presence en masse over the updeuslin murderers and all other crimes any day..
        Property value and education is currently at its lowest..a sign of ongoing and longterm decay for the VI.
        Also a third prison for future turds would be unlikely.
        Quality of life would improve.
  • bring it (25/10/2023, 21:44) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    Bring dem . Let’s go. Time to clean up our islands. Look what they do for Tucks and Caicos. Time for us to clean house too. Here we go. Bring it.
  • Bush Professor (26/10/2023, 07:30) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    Modern Colonialism started with the Age of Discovery spearheaded by the Portugal and Spain and followed by England, France and Holland. Poet Rudyard Kipling popularized the term “White Man’s Burden” to justify colonizing foreign and far away lands. It was about the Three C’s: Civilization, Christianity, and Commerce or about the three G’s : God, Gold, and Glory. What is Colonialism?

    “Colonialism is the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers and exploiting it economically”— (University of Saskatchewan). National Geographic: “Colonialism is control by one power over a dependent area or people.” It occurs when one nation subjugates another, conquering its population and exploiting it, often while forcing its own language and cultural values upon its people.” Due to its scientific and maritime supremacy, England(UK) emerged as the dominant colonial power controlling over 25% of the globe. Colonialism made the UK rich and powerful. Colonialism was falsely advanced as a civilizing mission. The reality is it was/is an extractive, exploiting, expropriating, violent, abusive, exclusive, raping, exclusionary, dominant, racial superiority, etc institution. The Virgin Islands (British ) has been under the UK’s thumb and control since 1672. It still wields unilateral power over the Virgin Islands (VI). The control persists because it persists. Its divide and rule conditioning still persists and potent among the local population among whom disunity seems like a way of life but to its detriment. People with power never relinquish it, it has to be demanded. Change is needed.

    Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu: “ If you don’t change direction, you will end up where you are headed.” No country can progress, improve, unless it changes. The only constant in life is change and the rate of change is accelerating. Moreover, the British had taken a respite from dominating the VI, viewing it as a poverty stricken, little sleepy hollow, and the poor house of the West Indies, bolting from and leaving it as only useful as “Bird Sanctuary.” The VI was forgotten and neglected with level of service at a vanishing point. The sacrifices, ingenuity, hard work, rugged individualism, etc., of Virgin Islanders pulled the Bird Sanctuary out of the social and economic doldrums, into having one of highest standards of living, quality of life, per capita income, human development index, etc in the region.The misery index collapsed. And VI transitioned from subsistence agricultural economy to service-based economy, starting in the 1960’s with tourism; financial services in the 1980’s. Additionally, it weaned itself off UK grant-in-aid in the late 1970s under Dr Willard Wheatley Administration, becoming financially self-sufficient ever since.

    Now, the UK is back, flexing its unilateral power muscles, for it is accountable only unto itself as to how it flex its unilateral power muscle, influence, etc. It first falsely came on civilizing mission, and this time it is back under another false premise, ie, to protect the people of VI from its supposedly corrupt leaders. Is there corruption in the VI? Is there corruption in the UK? The real reason it is back is not about the interest of Virgin Islanders, but for the interests of Britons. The rejected bird sanctuary stone is now the head stone. The once mighty, wealthy, and powerful British Empire is now just a footnote in history. Now the UK is pushing Global Britain to try to regain some of its lost glory. The Overseas Territories (OT), the last remnants of its once vast and mighty Empire, is a being used as pawns in its drive for relevancy. With the acquiescence of some quiet as lambs Virgin Islanders, it is laying the ground work to take over the VI under a false premise. For example, the VI constitution under an order of council and based on the recommendation of a lone, handpicked commissioner( Sir Gary Hickinbottom) in a commission of inquiry, was suspended and being held in reserve and hanging over the head of the VI and its people like the Sword of Damocles, hanging delicately to be drop at an instance to suspend the constitution and take over, the first step in full control. All this happened with little or no push back from Virgin Islanders,behaving like sheep going clean off the cliff. Disappointingly many Virgin Islanders are of the opinion that the UK must suspend the constitution and take over. The divide and rule conditioning is on steroids and taking hold. German philosopher Georg Hegel notes that slaves are slaves because they refuse to pushback, to fight, to resist. Georg Hegel also wrote , “ he that values life over liberty is the—-SLAVE—; he that values liberty over life is the—-MASTER.

    The bottom line is if Virgin Islanders want change, they must become change agents. They must unite, and work collectively, cooperatively and collaboratively for change, following in the BIG footsteps of national heroes Theodolph Faulkner, Noel Lloyd, H. Lavity Stout among others. It will require personal sacrifices, peaceful protests, agitation, group effort ( economics, votes, etc). Virgin Islanders must unite and fight or become a minority and Powel res in their homeland. Frederick Douglass: “If there is no struggle, there is no progress.”

    • @Bush Professor (26/10/2023, 08:53) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      To Bush Professor, your name suits you, for professors are all knowing wiseacres, elitist buffoons who spout much about nothing. Everything in life has a beginning and an end. Colonialism started and has ended. Lets us give it rest. The purveyors of colonialism is long gone, resting unconcernedly somewhere. What is it that you want from the dearly departed??? I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired hearing you pompous @$$es bellowing in the wind about colonialism. Bloody bloaks!
    • Sambo (26/10/2023, 09:22) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ Professor, a powerful read. Nuff to mine. The Sambos will be up in arms, for it call them out asking them to stop flexing the knee and develop a spine, racial pride, confidence, respect.
  • El Demonio Negro (26/10/2023, 08:09) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    No sir not the BVI only the rich and powerful families like yours scared. You all can't do what you want no more with England money.
  • WTF (26/10/2023, 10:01) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    This man is no longer an HONORABLE
    He is not a senator any more
    He lost his seat
    Please stop it .
  • heehee (26/10/2023, 13:38) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Is he saying this with a straight face .
    Surely he jest.

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