VI launches stamp collection honouring Queen Elizabeth II

The unveiling of the stamps took place yesterday April 20, 2016 in the Breezeway of the Central Administration Complex in Wickham’s Cay I.
The stamp collection is called ‘Queen Elizabeth II 90 Years of Style' and features Her Majesty's journey through the years.
Speaking at the ceremony, Deputy Governor of the Virgin Islands Madam V. Inez Archibald said it was fitting to ensure that future generations learn of the long and important legacy which is shared between the VI and Great Britain.
She said she was impressed by the knowledge of students in some schools in the territory about the history and the relationship to the Crown and this she said made her confident for the future.
“The tours to the school's have been a resounding success and I have personally learnt a lot. Two of the schools that I have visited are into their civics like white on rice,” she said.
Speaking at the ceremony, Governor John S. Duncan OBE said there is a very long and established tradition regarding postage stamps and to this end it was very special to be having a collection in honour of the Queen’s 90th birthday.
He said when the designs came in for the stamps about a month or so ago, “We were unanimous as it seems as these were some fantastic my congratulations to the Postmaster and all her staff for their work in producing these fantastic stamps.”
He noted that the United Kingdom had released stamps for the Queen’s 90th birthday and he said he thought those from the VI were equally as good as those the UK released for the momentous occasion.
“They will be much sought after by stamp collectors around the world and by the public and it will again reflect so well on what we can do in this territory and our ability to turn out a quality product no matter what it is, whether tourism, legal services, incorporations… we are at the front of Caribbean islands and indeed the world in our ability to turn out first class products,” he said.
With the VI being one of only two British Overseas Territories which have gotten permission to celebrate the Queen's birthday on the actualy day of her birthday - April 21 - the traditional parade usually held in June on the official day for such celebrations will take place today from Fishlock Road to the Festival Grounds from around 1 pm.

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