VI hands over OECS Council of Health Ministers Chairmanship to Dominica

The two-day meeting began on Wednesday, October 9, 2024, at the Intercontinental Dominica Cabrits Resort and Spa in Portsmouth, Dominica where Health Ministers, Permanent Secretaries and other senior health officials from across the OECS have come together.
Hon Wheatley hands over chairmanship
Hon Wheatley, the Immediate Past Chair of the council, handed over the Chairmanship to Dominica’s Health Minister Hon Cassani Laville before the start of the meeting.
In a recent social media post, Hon Wheatley affirmed his “commitment and support to the Council’s incoming Chair”.
During the meeting, the Council will tackle key responsibilities, including recommendations for legislative acts and regulations that will ensure effective governance of the healthcare systems.
Those in attendance will also review the latest OECS Pool Procurement Services Annual Report, while essential topics will be presented by various committees.
Importantly, members of the Council will examine their financial position and strategy for the future of their procurement services.
The Council of Ministers is the second-highest decision-making body of the Organisation after the Authority, which is made up of the Heads of Government of Member States.
The Council of Ministers include appointed Ministers of Government from each Member State and takes appropriate action on any matters referred to it by the OECS Authority.
It also has the power to make recommendations to the Authority and is responsible for considering and reporting on recommendations of the OECS Commission for the making of Acts of the organisation.
CCHD launched
On Tuesday, October 8, 2024, a plaque to mark the official launch of the Cooperation Among Countries for Health Development (CCHD) was unveiled.
This programme, sponsored and supported by the Pan American Health Organisation/World Health Organisation (PAHO/WHO), aims to drive projects on disease elimination and ensure better care towards the elimination of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs).

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