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'VI Gov’t was warned about UK’s intention to suspend constitution’- Richard G. Rowe

- said he had even urged all political parties to unite to resist recolonisation efforts
Veteran Attorney at Law Mr Richard G. Rowe said he had warned the Government of the Virgin Islands about the United Kingdom’s intention to suspend the local constitution but his advice was not immediately heeded. Photo: Facebook
Lone Commissioner of the Inquiry into governance in the Virgin Islands Sir Gary R. Hickinbottom over 40 recommendations in his Final Report, with the main one being suspension of the local constitution and imposition of direct rule in the Virgin Islands. Photo: VINO/File. Photo: VINO/File
Lone Commissioner of the Inquiry into governance in the Virgin Islands Sir Gary R. Hickinbottom over 40 recommendations in his Final Report, with the main one being suspension of the local constitution and imposition of direct rule in the Virgin Islands. Photo: VINO/File. Photo: VINO/File
Attorney at Law Mr Richard G. Rowe (right) of Silk Legal was a guest of the radio show PSI TV with host Kenneth G. Gladstone (left) broadcast live on YouTube on May 16, 2022. Photo: YouTube
Attorney at Law Mr Richard G. Rowe (right) of Silk Legal was a guest of the radio show PSI TV with host Kenneth G. Gladstone (left) broadcast live on YouTube on May 16, 2022. Photo: YouTube
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Whether the saying ‘too late shall be the cry’ will be appropriate remains to be seen; however, the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Government was reportedly warned about the intentions of the United Kingdom (UK) to suspend the local constitution and was urged to make it a national effort to resist those intentions of recolonisation.

This was disclosed by Attorney at Law Mr Richard G. Rowe while a guest of the radio show PSI TV broadcast live on YouTube on May 16, 2022.

One of the main recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) Report is the controversial suspension of the Virgin Islands Constitution and imposition of direct rule from London.

The serving political parties in the territory have since united to form a coalition government to make a statement to the UK that direct rule is not an option and that they are willing to work along with the UK to implement the CoI recommendations for good governance.

Gov’t speedily remodelled itself- Kenneth G. Gladstone

Host of the show Kenneth G. Gladstone had commented that it was very interesting how swiftly the government “remodelled itself” within a week of the incarceration of former Premier Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) and the release of the CoI Report.

“I’ve never seen anything as speedy as that in my entire life,” Gladstone exclaimed.

I warned Gov’t UK CoI was a ‘done deal’- Richard G. Rowe

Mr Rowe, whose law firm Silk Legal was contracted to represent Members of the House of Assembly who were not Ministers during the Commission of Inquiry, responded that it may well be that the legislators have finally listened to advice.

He said in the earliest days of receiving this appointment to act on behalf of the legislators, he met in Caucus with the legislators and advised them that having gone through the CoI Report from the Turks and Caicos Islands the CoI exercise in the Virgin Islands was a “done deal, they were going to make recommendations to suspend the constitution.”

Mr Rowe, who had labelled the CoI as an “Inquisition” due to its one-sideness, alleged that the then premier told him “he didn't want to hear that.”

Gov’t was urged to resist recolonisation efforts

Mr Rowe continued that he “urged the bodies to go to make it a national campaign to explain to the people what was being undertaken, no one listened.

“I urged a broad unity of all the parties. They are now seeing the need for this broad national coalition to fight a force, to resist a force which is bent on recolonising the Virgin Islands.”

Mr Gladstone responded in disbelief: “So you saw all this coming and warned them but they didn’t listen?”

Mr Rowe replied: “No, I guess they thought that in the face of a ferocious beast what you ought to do is play dead.

“What that does it puts you up for a meal, because it was obvious, it has been obvious, for those who have eyes to see, that this [suspension of the constitution] was the intention.”

CoI was a script already written?

Many in the Virgin Islands also had suspicions about the CoI being a script already written, especially since the ex governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert, who called the CoI, is a buddy of UK Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, who is described by many as a racist and an imperialist.

Mr Johnson, who was fired as a journalist for falsely attributing a quote to someone he wrote in one of his articles, is of the view that colonialism should not have ended in Africa.

Mr Johnson in a February 2, 2002, article in the Spectator titled “Africa is a mess, but we can’t blame colonialism”, argued that Africa’s woes cannot be blamed on “Britain, or colonialism, or the White man…The continent may be a blot, but it is not a blot upon our conscience.”

Mr Johnson lamented that Africa is nominally free from colonialism, stating: “The problem is not that we were once in charge, but that we are not in charge anymore.”

See link to controversial article by Boris Johnson:

22 Responses to “'VI Gov’t was warned about UK’s intention to suspend constitution’- Richard G. Rowe”

  • smh (23/05/2022, 10:06) Like (46) Dislike (3) Reply
    This man was a disaster at the COI. Maybe that had something to do with it.
    • Rubber Duck (23/05/2022, 16:41) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      Based on his performance at the COI I wouldn’t hire that fool to get me off a charge of riding a bicycle without a bell.
  • Hmm (23/05/2022, 10:06) Like (21) Dislike (1) Reply
    So why they acting so surprise now? as if they never knew.
  • WOW (23/05/2022, 10:16) Like (46) Dislike (1) Reply
    So because you had already warned them, is that the reason why your team slept most of the time during the hearing?
  • In Poor Taste! (23/05/2022, 10:29) Like (26) Dislike (0) Reply
    So because you were hired to represent the HOA members who were not Ministers, you feel you can air the laundry of the government? We don't want to know what your predictions and postulations were, nor what the Premier or anybody else in government said to you please. You needed to be more reserved in your disclosures. Not a good look for you at all!
  • £££ (23/05/2022, 11:20) Like (2) Dislike (13) Reply
    Rowe was the best better than Cox and I heard they still owe him money
  • Disaster (23/05/2022, 11:24) Like (10) Dislike (13) Reply
    This man is a disaster. He is still is living in the 18th century and cannot deal with present reality.
    He colors everything through the eyes of slavery. You should never forget slavery, but you should use your wisdom to liver a life that is not entwined in slavery. Marcus Garvey was the man for that Era. But we need new strategies now. we are way beyond the colonial days. If you do bulls them it must be corrected and not by the same people who keep doing the bulls.

  • @hmmm (23/05/2022, 11:37) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mr.. Rowe, once I held you in high esteem but for some time now it's like you are just saying things just to please an audience and that bothers me. Please be the person I believe you to be. When you hang out with certain people you are likely to be bitten by fleas.
  • "Parliament of Law" (23/05/2022, 12:28) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    Dear BVI Lawyers:
    "You ALL are being administratively dishonest to the people of the BVI"!
    Let me read to you, an excerpt of the ["British Overseas Territories Act 2002(c.8)"]:It states;-
    "The BOT-Act is an Act of the United Kingdom which superseded parts of the British Nationality Act 1981.It makes legal provision for the [re-naming] of the (British Dependent Territories) as (British Overseas Territories),and the (re-naming) of associated CITIZENSHIP".
    We are a ["British Overseas Territory] and we are [British Overseas Territories Citizens] by BIRTH and by Naturalization in the BVI.
    Under that same law-in 2002, we can now be registered, as full British Citizens, with Rights of Abode in UK Mainland, without being controlled by UK Immigration.
    But under that same law, UK Citizens don't have citizenship-rights in a British Overseas Territory and UK Citizens are under Immigration control in UK's-B.O.T: We are NOT colonized by UK.
    An excerpt in the [preamble] of the BVI Constitution expressed: "Noting that the United Kingdom, the ["Administering Power"] for the [Time Being],has articulated a desire to [enter into a modern partnership] with the VIRGIN ISLANDS, based on the principles of [mutual] respect and [self-determination]..
    Section 119 of the BVI Constitution states: "There is reserved to Her Majesty ["the Queen"] full POWER to make LAWS, for the PEACE,ORDER and [Good Government of the Virgin Islands].
    The BVI have Constitution has a Chapter for the PROTECTION of ["Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Individuals in the BVI"].
    Public officials and public officers, continue to [contravene] the Rights and Freedoms of the Citizens.
    The BVI is NOT a colony of, or under the UK. The BVI is a '[fee and democratic'] Territory.
    But the [Island People] are COLONIZED by [Immigration and Labour].
    Hon. Natalio Wheatley and Mr. Benito Wheatley ARE [misleading the United Nations], on [de-colonization] which means ["INDEPENDENCE"].For the [time being] as expressed in the [preamble] of the BVI Constitution:-"Let UK Rule!"

    • Boo (23/05/2022, 19:46) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      Agree wholeheartedly. We have been colonized and subjugated by political party after political party for their own purposes. They have in fact suspended whatever law or part of the constitution did not serve their purposes as evidenced by the COI evidence thus far. The only purpose of their continued protestations is to maintain their status quo and their control over the purse strings. We desperately need the UK to free us from these series of self serving corrupt and oppressive regimes.
  • BuzzBvi (23/05/2022, 12:34) Like (16) Dislike (3) Reply
    People continue with the phoney ideas that this is about recolonialsism. It is not. This is about the UK of which the VI is a territory helping to save the rest of us from an increasingly corrupt and disfunctional way of doing things that has been set up to benefit a few elites. Unity joined together to save the gravy train for themselves. That the only thing unifying them. They do not want change that benefits the rest of us. We need new people to be representatives in the VI. Not this none democratic unelected dictatorship that pretends it now stands for something new.
  • The Reaper (23/05/2022, 13:41) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    I remember u. Your time is up like All of the government ministers
  • Lilly (23/05/2022, 13:56) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Stupes! Richard Rowe needs to find a seat. He cannot even contribute to his birth place.
  • hmm (23/05/2022, 15:18) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    This dialogue is priceless. This has to be a comedy show

    Mr Gladstone responded in disbelief: “So you saw all this coming and warned them but they didn’t listen?”

    Mr Rowe replied: “No, I guess they thought that in the face of a ferocious beast what you ought to do is play dead.
  • Bigboomboom Andrew (23/05/2022, 15:32) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    @Parliament of Law, thank you for this. I have been waiting for this EXACT comment. It is scary what ills befall us for the lack of knowledge. And to those who perpetuate suffering on to populace while beholding such knowledge, utterly deplorable and equally shameful behaviour. As members of the legal fraternity pledged to uphold the law, your actions or inactions are largely unattractive. May truth and knowledge reign. As pandora's box has been opened, to the victor go the spoils!
  • AND THE PLOT THICKENS (23/05/2022, 16:03) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Yes to UK (23/05/2022, 16:41) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    How would Richard G. Rowe know what went on in the COI? he was sleeping or playing withy his face.
  • "Parliament of Law" (23/05/2022, 19:28) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:

    MONARCH-Queen Elizabeth II. I read the following from the UK Parliament.

    "The Parliament of the United Kingdom is the [supreme legislative body] of the UK, the Crown Dependencies and the British Overseas Territories: It alone possesses legislative supremacy and thereby ultimate power over all other political bodies in the UK and the Overseas Territories"..

    Section 82 0f the BVI Constitution 2007-[Privileges, immunities and powers of the House of Assembly]:-

    "The Legislature my by law determine and regulate the privileges, immunities and powers of the House of Assembly [BVI-H.o.A] and of its members; but NO such privileges, immunities or powers [shall exceed] those of the [Commons House of Parliament of the United Kingdom or of its members]..

    So clearly, both in Parliament and in politic, UK is the ["constitutional-Ruler of the BVI"].

    Why our elected officials and persons associated with political parties and politicians; are being so administratively dishonest about UK-RULE over the BVI?.UK is ruling the BVI!

    The BVI belongs to the UK. But we belong to the BVI.

    Section 2(2)(a) (i) , of the BVI Constitution 2007, states:-["A person BELONG TO THE VIRGIN ISLANDS"], if the that person-is born in the V.I and at the time of the BIRTH, his or her father or mother, (is) or (was) a [British Overseas Territories Citizen] OR a [British Dependent Territories Citizen] by virtue of BIRTH, naturalization or registration in the V.I or by virtue of descent from a father or mother who was born in the V.I".

    Legally and lawfully, under the UK's British Nationality Act 1981 and 2002, our Nationality or Citizenship, is [BRITISH].

    And we [belong to the BVI] by birth, naturalization or registration, but we are BRITISH citizens from [HERE]!
  • vi (24/05/2022, 06:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    No matter what it is blame the elected officials the thing just start
  • @Boo (24/05/2022, 08:59) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Yes 1 2 3 jump out of the frying pan into the fire . We are roasted either way only difference we will have a big stick cutting our axxxs. I prefer to take my chances with my constitutional right. None of us who are alive today know what it is to live without a constitution. Man to man is very unjust no matter where he come from or the colour of his skin. Them UK men are gong to be worse than what we have experienced. You will say you were told so and if I had known. Too late shall be our cry.
  • Lillian (24/05/2022, 15:26) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply

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