VI Gov’t seeking to terminate BVIPA MD; Board Chair to resign- Premier Wheatley

Further, Premier Wheatley said BVIPA Board Chairman Kelvin E. Hodge has indicated he will tender his resignation.
Ms Pickering-Maynard, along with former Premier Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1), was arrested by the US Drug Enforcement Administration at a Miami airport on April 28, 2022, on charges of conspiracy to import five kilograms or more of cocaine into the US and conspiracy to launder money.
Pickering-Maynard’s son, Kadeem Maynard, was arrested the same day on St Thomas, US Virgin Islands, and is being held in Puerto Rico while he awaits transport to Miami to face the same charges.
Pickering to be fired; Hodge to resign
According to Dr Wheatley, the legal and practical issues involved in terminating the appointment of the current Managing Director are being examined and updates in this regard will be forthcoming.
The Premier also said he has been in communication with the Chairman of the Board, who is Mr Kelvin Hodge, and he has indicated that he will tender his resignation.
New Board to be appointed
“The term of the remaining members [of the Board] will expire within days and a new Board of suitably qualified persons will be appointed. This decision was not taken lightly; however, given the remaining concerns about security at the ports after the arrest of managing director Ms Oleanvine Maynard and the details of her activities described in the affidavit filed in US courts, we must refresh the board so its integrity is beyond reproach.”
Dr Wheatley also said the soon-to-be-appointed Board will be tasked with the appointment of an interim Managing Director while the recruitment of a substantive Managing Director is underway.
“I want to reassure you that the ports will continue to operate,” Dr Wheatley stated.
Premier to meet Governor & CoP on ports security
Meanwhile, Dr Wheatley said, regarding the security of the ports, he has scheduled an urgent meeting with Governor John J. Rankin, CMG and Commissioner of Police Mark Collins to discuss some of the security concerns and what measures can be taken to address them.
The Premier also said the National Unity Government will soon be coming to the public to explain its firm plans to improve governance in the Virgin Islands, along with plans to ensure the proper management of the society.
“In the meantime, we are proceeding with some immediate reforms that we believe are in the public interest,” Dr Wheatley said, before announcing the coming shakeup at BVIPA.

42 Responses to “VI Gov’t seeking to terminate BVIPA MD; Board Chair to resign- Premier Wheatley”
"... trained experienced BVI Belonger law enforcement pp... " Because so far in this whole scenario belongers have proven soooo trustworthy.
You got to be from VG always complaining about being left out yet always being divisive.
Locals need to be put first.