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VI extradites man wanted for murder in USVI

- 32-year-old Demare A. Encarnacion was wanted for the October 2024 murder of Cecil R. Scatliffe
Demare A. Encarnacion arrives in the US Virgin Islands from the Virgin Islands, escorted by law enforcement officers. Photo: VIPD
Demare A. Encarnacion's return to the US Virgin Islands was made possible through the coordinated efforts of the VIPD Marine Unit, the US Marshals Florida Caribbean Regional Fugitive Task Force (FCRFTF), the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF), and the Virgin Islands Department of Immigration. Photo: VIPD
Demare A. Encarnacion's return to the US Virgin Islands was made possible through the coordinated efforts of the VIPD Marine Unit, the US Marshals Florida Caribbean Regional Fugitive Task Force (FCRFTF), the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF), and the Virgin Islands Department of Immigration. Photo: VIPD

CHARLOTTE AMALIE, St Thomas, USVI- Demare A. Encarnacion, a 32-year-old fugitive wanted for first-degree murder, has been extradited to St Thomas, US Virgin Islands, after surrendering to authorities in the Virgin Islands (VI), the [US] VI Police Department and US Marshals Service (USMS) have confirmed.

Encarnacion's return to the US Virgin Islands was made possible through the coordinated efforts of the VIPD Marine Unit, the US Marshals Florida Caribbean Regional Fugitive Task Force (FCRFTF), the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF), and the Virgin Islands Department of Immigration.

Fatal shooting

According to VIPD Director of Communications Glen Dratte, the case stems from a fatal shooting that occurred on October 13, 2024. The ShotSpotter Detection System alerted the 911 Emergency Call Center at approximately 3:03 a.m., detecting multiple gunshots fired on Kronprindsens Gade.

VIPD officers responded to the scene, where they discovered an unresponsive male victim with multiple gunshot wounds. Emergency Medical Technicians arrived shortly after but determined that the victim had no signs of life. He was later identified by next of kin as 59-year-old Cecil R. Scatliffe.

Following an investigation into the homicide, VIPD obtained an arrest warrant for Encarnacion on October 17, 2024, charging him with first-degree murder, use of a firearm during the commission of a crime of violence, and possession of an unlicensed firearm within 1,000 feet of a school.

Fugitive fled to Tortola

In December 2024, investigators from the Florida Caribbean Regional Fugitive Task Force received intelligence that Encarnacion was in Tortola, Virgin Islands. Months later, on March 18, 2025, authorities confirmed that Encarnacion had voluntarily surrendered to VI law enforcement.

With the assistance of the VI Immigration Department, the US Marshals Fugitive Task Force and VIPD Marine Unit traveled to Tortola to retrieve Encarnacion and transport him back to St Thomas. Upon his return, he was officially arrested and charged with first-degree murder.

$1,000,000 bail

Acting US Marshal for the District of the Virgin Islands, Kwesi Howard, reaffirmed the Marshals' dedication to capturing violent fugitives. "As the enforcement arm of the U.S. Courts, the U.S. Marshals’ commitment to partnerships with federal, local, and international law enforcement agencies to track down violent fugitives is unwavering," he stated. "Although we cannot arrest our way out of problems, we can help bring closure to families who are affected by crimes of violence."

The FCRFTF, which played a key role in the case, has been in operation since July 1, 2008, and consists of eight federal and 101 state and local law enforcement agencies. It operates within the southern, northern, and middle districts of Florida, as well as the U.S. Virgin Islands, focusing on apprehending fugitives wanted for violent crimes.

Encarnacion is currently being held on a $1,000,000 bail as he awaits legal proceedings. VIPD has not disclosed additional details regarding the motive or circumstances surrounding the homicide but has confirmed that the investigation remains ongoing.

26 Responses to “VI extradites man wanted for murder in USVI”

  • peek a boo (19/03/2025, 10:17) Like (41) Dislike (0) Reply
    Wonder who were hiding him here
  • guy hill (19/03/2025, 10:50) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    This jack donkey of a boy. You murder someone and run away with your coward a$$...Of all places you run away to Tortola.. really. My mother of Sainted Memory used to tell me. "When you do what you do, You get what you get". You do good, you do good to your self. You do bad Hmm. Go figure.
  • st. thomas (19/03/2025, 11:12) Like (31) Dislike (10) Reply
    They need to investigate who was aiding him in Tortola. Tortola is good for hiding criminals. That is why the United States don’t trust Tortola judicial system. The one that killed the ex service man in the club comes and goes as he pleases under the cover of darkness. Criminals know that if they commit a crime, they can run to Tortola and hide out. Your open borders are a criminals paradise. Do the crime and Tortola will shield you.
    • soo (19/03/2025, 14:19) Like (5) Dislike (7) Reply
      This is not a nice comment sent to the world about Tortola.
      • @soo (19/03/2025, 17:08) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
        The world already knows knows about Tortola so don’t try to sugar coat anything. Please and thank you. To late to chant the shame song.
    • @ st. thomas (19/03/2025, 15:22) Like (5) Dislike (4) Reply
      The unites states dont trust their judicial system so whats your point?
    • st thomas (19/03/2025, 16:13) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
      Mehnn flashhh!! That ex service man had a gun on him!! Ohh you didn’t know sit tf back ..and watch on
    • You sound dumb (20/03/2025, 08:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

      There are persons in both set of islands who hide criminals of all kind. Especially women. Desperate young and old women, as well as mostly young to middle age dudes who think they are gangsta. Then you have the poor older fks who just listen to ZBVI who wouldn't have a clue that why are habouring a fugitive but he is mi bruddah or sista son or dem gran child. So st Thomas stop spewing and foaming at your mouth. Cause this sh**t stems throughout the Caribbean to the USA.

  • nosey neighbor (19/03/2025, 11:45) Like (24) Dislike (2) Reply
    I wonder if he committed any crimes while he was here?
    • @nosey neighbor (19/03/2025, 12:36) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      Once you kill, you will kill again just remember that. Glad they got his behind up out of here.
      • @@nosey neighbor (19/03/2025, 21:01) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
        We have every right to be a nosey neighbor. We don’t know who is living next door to us. The SERIEL killer, the rapist, pedo and the killer could be living next door.
  • i said it (19/03/2025, 12:02) Like (18) Dislike (4) Reply
    They need to seal off Tortola from the outside world. All kind of criminal element can commit a crime and run to Tortola for safety That is going to be Tortola’s down fall.
    • 1 criminal 2 D next (19/03/2025, 12:23) Like (21) Dislike (4) Reply
      but we just give a criminal close to 300,000 dollars of our hard earned money
  • Bebob (19/03/2025, 12:23) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    This is need give home owner and business license fire arm because there is to much illegal guns and some of the officers is a part of the problem the community need better protect them self from criminal elements the look to rob and kill over money and jewelry.
  • if you ask me (19/03/2025, 12:41) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    They should have tired a rope around him and the back of the boat and let him body surf on the water all the way back to the USVI.
  • NezRez (19/03/2025, 13:10) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    It always amazes me that people could take someone's life, yet they want to live. They stop someone from existing and they run and hide for their miserable lives. Punks and cowards are what they are. Unless you are committing self-defense to protect your life because someone is harming you, you should do life in prison with no bail for malicious murder—life for a life.
  • Not smart enough (19/03/2025, 14:13) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Homeboy cutoff he locks for a disguise
  • @I said it (19/03/2025, 14:40) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Are you saying seal off the entire island and throw away the key? If so, perhaps they should. No one allowed in our out. Every month, send in a food ship so they can have access to food and other supplies. Other than that seal off savage Island from the outside world.
  • hmm (19/03/2025, 15:41) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Makes you wonder how much more of his kind enter here illegally or so, and living amongst us. It's bad enough already that some people living here can commit heinous crimes and get away with murder, or merely a slap on the wrist.
  • Crazy Cindy (19/03/2025, 20:05) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I wonder if he was committing those recent roclbveries. Maybe he is one of them who robbed Pressure Burst Pipe.
  • crazy (20/03/2025, 07:05) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    This hiding goes both ways as there was one in recent years that killed in the BVI and ran to St. Thomas for cover. He even cut his locks to disguise himself.
  • Kartel (21/03/2025, 12:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is the ppl who aiding them we need to look into…them is the other problem…da one wa kill the dude in the club Uo and down…Keith daughter Cant leave he alone…he think we ain seeing them…but the police here is everybody friend it seem like…soon ppl will take matters into them own hands…hope they see if the streets start a war…wa kind of guns out here eh
  • Finaĺy (21/03/2025, 21:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    You got it kinda right

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