VI delegation attends St Thomas Swearing in for 32nd Legislature

Yesterday saw a pre-ceremony for St John District and tomorrow Tuesday January 10, 2017 the show will move to St Croix for another celebration.
The USVI Senate is made up of 15 senators, 7 from St Croix, 7 from St Thomas and 1 from the St John District who is voted for At Large. However, today only 14 senators took the oath of office as a USVI Supreme Court ruled that Senator-elect Kevin A. Rodriguez faced an injunction on his taking the oath of office, after his residence requirement was challenged.
VI Delegation
While it is unclear who headed the Virgin Islands (VI) delegation to the ceremony today at the David Monsanto Bandstand Emancipation Garden on St Thomas, there was representation from the British Overseas Territory, the USVI’s closest neighbour and friend.
It is our understanding that Premier and Minister for Regional Affairs, Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith (AL) was to head the VI Delegation to the St Thomas ceremony but at the last minute pulled out, according to our NDP sources, because of a "very serious meeting that could have ramifications for the survival of his administration."
It is also our understanding that Hon Ronnie W. Skelton (AL), who was reportedly scheduled to go to St Thomas, is expected to be in one of the many emergency meetings. Our newsroom is on the scene awaiting the results of one of the meetings.
With the two not in attendance, the show went on for the VI delegation with Speaker of the House of Assembly (HoA) Hon Ingrid A. Moses, Hons Archie C. Christian (AL) the Junior Minister for Tourism, and Marlon A. Penn (R8) the Junior Minister for Trade and Investment Promotion.
The delegation to the swearing in of the USVI senators also included Senior Opposition Member Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1), Hons Alvera Maduro-Caines (R6), Melvin M. Turnbull (R2) and the HoA’s Sergeant of Arms.
It was a bit awkward when the Master of Ceremony called out the other two names- Hons Smith and Skelton- not knowing they did not make the ceremony.

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John Cline