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VI defeated 0-4 by Dominican Republic in WC qualifiers

After a valiant showing against Guatemala at A.O. Shirley Grounds on June 8, 2024, the VI boys suffered a 0-4 loss against hosts Dominican Republic in Group E at the Estadio Panamericano in San Cristobal yesterday, June 11, 2024. Photo: BVIFA
The [British] Virgin Islands had a tough outing in the Second Round of Concacaf Qualifiers for the 2026 FIFA World Cup on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. Photo: BVIFA/File
The [British] Virgin Islands had a tough outing in the Second Round of Concacaf Qualifiers for the 2026 FIFA World Cup on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. Photo: BVIFA/File
SAN CRISTOBAL, Dominican Republic- The [British] Virgin Islands had a tough outing in the Second Round of Concacaf Qualifiers for the 2026 FIFA World Cup on Tuesday, June 11, 2024.

After a valiant showing against Guatemala at A.O. Shirley Grounds on June 8, 2024, the VI boys suffered a 0-4 loss against hosts Dominican Republic in Group E at the Estadio Panamericano in San Cristobal yesterday.

The Virgin Islands fell behind in just the 2nd minute when Rafael Mata fired in a curve ball from outside the box.

A penalty was then conceded by skipper Kavon Troy Caesar and Dorny Romero converted from the spot in the 14th minute to double the lead for the hosts.

Mata struck again from distance in the 31st minute to give the hosts a three-goal lead.

Romero converted his own double in the 90'+3' to put the exclamation point on the home victory.

The Dominican Republic improved to three points and maintained third place in the group. Guatemala and Jamaica are first and second in the group with six points each.

Dominica and the VI are winless after two games in the Second Round.

11 Responses to “VI defeated 0-4 by Dominican Republic in WC qualifiers”

  • question (12/06/2024, 09:24) Like (5) Dislike (4) Reply
    Why didn't Azarni Callwood play? He always looks dangerous when he comes on with his pace and dribbles. Why does the coach believe in Lizario so much when he is lacking pace. He may be good in local league but not at regional levels. Just my 2 cents.
    • Game changer (12/06/2024, 11:01) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
      Hugo L. only looks go in local league depending on who he plays as most of his goals came from weaker teams at the bottom. Azarni and Adrian are game changers, and they should have been on the pitch in the last 2 games. Excellent points aka question.
  • like i said (12/06/2024, 09:29) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    Dem less
    • HMMM (12/06/2024, 11:14) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      BVI not as good as these teams. BVI are playing against professional players. Some perspective is needed.
  • Buy one then (12/06/2024, 10:40) Like (4) Dislike (5) Reply
    two games without scoring a goal. have they any shame box?
  • @ LIKE I SAID (12/06/2024, 15:03) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    you got that right - they ain't ready yet / and I ain't putting them down / anybody who know football can see that / they hot the ability but it's not being used , or applied not marking the othef team's
    strikers properly / not positioning themselves properly to recieve the ball and
    passing it on to another teammate who should be in a good position to collect the ball and passing it on to their striker to try a shot on goal or passing to another
    teammate who is in a better position to
    strike , is very essential in football , the coach needs to view the international football league with the team and explain
  • Lebron (12/06/2024, 23:31) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    "Fire the coach"
  • asura (13/06/2024, 06:31) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    there is a young guy hungry for game why he got no play?
  • @ ASURAp (13/06/2024, 10:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    that alone won't work , if he doesn't
    possess the skills reQuired • and as ( @ @ like I said ) even if the coach did all that was necessary , it can still be a problem , because you can take a horse to water , but you cannot make it drink , (
    @ lebron ) so we have to look at it from both sides / it's obvious the team is not clicking on all cylinders
  • Honestly (15/06/2024, 07:46) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    We are a tiny nation playing against much bigger countries - we should be proud of the fact our team is out there on the pitch competing with countries that have very high level players on their teams. Enough of the negativity!
  • new strat (18/06/2024, 20:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    my opinion bvi need to come out of this born hay nonsense and check the community it have players hay that represent there home country at many level but the give up the game because u need papers from hay look at other country how much of them born there look for people who know the game and u see the different keep a regular camp with all the team in tola or call a came for a week and seek out the best i bet u be in a better position there is no person in that team that have experience all them young no body to controle the game the coach need fire look for local player that use to play the game to coach if not u will never meet no where take my stupid advice

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