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VI could hold possible oil wealth off Anegada – Bishop John I. Cline

-says territory could explore possible oil resources but still look into renewable energy in the interim
Bishop John I. Cline has called for the Virgin Islands to explore more renewable energy resources in the territory to reduce the local energy cost, however, he did not discount that the VI could hold possible oil resources that warrant exploration. Photo: Facebook/File
The Bishop said VI should explore possible oil resources off Anegada but in the interim, he said the VI should still look into renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and the ocean. Photo: Internet Source
The Bishop said VI should explore possible oil resources off Anegada but in the interim, he said the VI should still look into renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and the ocean. Photo: Internet Source
DUFF'S BOTTOM, Tortola, VI- Outspoken clergyman Bishop John I. Cline has called for the Virgin Islands (VI) to explore more renewable energy resources for cost mitigation; however, he did not discount that the territory could hold possible oil resources that warrant exploration.

Speaking on March 2, 2023, via a video posted on the ‘My BVI’ Facebook page, Mr Cline added that with access to technology, the Virgin Islands should look more into renewable energies, since it does not have the capacity to generate its own oil to reduce energy costs. 

“We don't have oil wealth, maybe there's oil off Anegada and I don't think that's beyond exploration, maybe it's been tried before... We should go back and look, because I think there's something out there.”

In the interim, he said the VI still has access to renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and the ocean which are all sources of clean energy.

VI already has access to renewable energy - Bishop Cline 

“We have access to this type of renewable energy and sometimes we talk about waste management. What to do with all the garbage that's being generated? Well, there's something called an anaerobic digester and it is something that turns garbage into energy,” he further added.

The Bishop; however, said the VI seems to be stuck on a dependence on fossil fuel while the rest of the world and region are moving ahead with renewable energy.

“I believe that we can do better with renewable energies, o that we can minimise our dependence on fossil fuel and the high bill that we have to pay,” he added. 

Bishop Cline had previously called for urgent intervention into VI's rising energy cost, which he said was causing a struggle for both residents and local businesses. 

He said in order for the VI to reduce its dependence on fossil fuel, however, it would take courageous, visionary, and sound leadership in the current political season.

41 Responses to “VI could hold possible oil wealth off Anegada – Bishop John I. Cline ”

  • VG Resident (10/03/2023, 11:38) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
    I think a nuclear reactor is the answer. Cheap electricity for years
  • Basis? (10/03/2023, 12:17) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
    Does the good bishop have any solid geological informatiom to claim there could be oil off Anegada? Secondly anaerobic fuel digesters may well offer some promise, but for that to work we need a functional sewerage system, which would require a massive capital investment. Solar is much more feasible. The technology keeps improving, but last I checked it was subject to high importation tariffs.
    • Duty Free (10/03/2023, 16:11) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      This is not an accurate statement. All renewable and energy-efficient products are duty-free. This has been in effect since 28th May 2021 through the Going Green Initiative-Transitioning from the Dependence on Fossil Fuel to Renewable Energy.
    • UK Grants to ecplore sea beds (10/03/2023, 23:21) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      We has a concept that why the UK is doing mapping and sonar of our sea beds to sea where the oil is. Why would the UK give a grant for that that is one of the grants the have us with out us even asking.
  • ok (10/03/2023, 12:30) Like (36) Dislike (1) Reply
    What's is wrong with that man and his nephew all of a sudden he is an ExxonMobil expert in knowing where there is oil.
  • I agree (10/03/2023, 12:42) Like (39) Dislike (1) Reply
    Great idea bishop. I want to say .maybe there is oil under your church. Maybe we should push it down and start exploring. If you think it is wise to invest money in a maybe why not you start by investing your money in a maybe under your church. You would be able to buy another yacht for your worldly pleasure.
  • Driller (10/03/2023, 13:10) Like (21) Dislike (7) Reply
    There are NO oil reserves under the BVI. This was proved a fact in 1984 by the exploratory drillings on the Whale Bank that year. Stick to preaching the word of God please.
  • lmao (10/03/2023, 13:23) Like (17) Dislike (4) Reply
    Best lol for the day. "oil off Anegada.

    off Anegada is a big, ols trench, 7 miles deep. Anegada is not Guyana.
  • 1 (10/03/2023, 13:24) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
  • Knobhead (10/03/2023, 13:27) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    Anegada sits on the edge of the Puerto Rico trench which is the deepest part of the atlantic.
  • Knobhead (10/03/2023, 13:27) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Anegada sits on the edge of the Puerto Rico trench which is the deepest part of the atlantic.
  • oil (10/03/2023, 13:41) Like (30) Dislike (0) Reply
    and this is based on what ?
  • Please... (10/03/2023, 13:53) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    Been there, done that! Now is not the time for seeking attention.
  • Well Sah (10/03/2023, 13:57) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    Bishop not a bad idea to you right ? But that could spark earthquakes like what happened in PR couple years ago, then Tsunami and the rest of the activity. Now you trouble God creation and you take what you get , then you don’t believe in global warming,
    Wealth is not all but the he health of the Planet should be considered.
    Let’s go in Space instead, Earth is crying
  • THIS IS ENOUGH... (10/03/2023, 14:24) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Did you give up head pastor to be a politician? Why you so outspoken all of a sudden? Well tell Jovan you want it back because NOPE...CJAN
  • hmm (10/03/2023, 14:28) Like (26) Dislike (1) Reply
    This dude a clown
  • WOW (10/03/2023, 14:48) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    This dude and his nephew are two bozos all of a sudden he becomes one of ExxonMobil expert what a clown
  • Hmm (10/03/2023, 14:49) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
    This man was gifted many talents
  • red (10/03/2023, 14:54) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    I'm wondering what the other countries are thinking of the BVI when they are listening to all what is being said by some of us here in the beautiful vi what will they think of next.
  • Mustang (10/03/2023, 15:03) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    It is possible that there may be oil reserves off of Anegada. But what is the level of confidence that there is? Have any test been conducted to support or disprove the belief? And if there is what is the plan of action? The BVI lacked the capacity and capability to extract and process the oil. It will have to outsource like Guyana is currently doing. Guyanese are benefitting little, if any, from the rich oil find. It has a resource curse, ie, rich in natural resources but the people are poor. The big oil companies benefit immensely from Guyanese wealth while Guyanese still struggle. Guyana is going through the same circumstances as mineral rich Africa. To satisfy our curiosity, perhaps the BVI can sign a win-win exploration contract with a major entity.
  • hmm (10/03/2023, 15:20) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Man turn this one is today's
  • hmm (10/03/2023, 15:32) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    cooking oil, trunk oil or coconut oil?
  • Truth (10/03/2023, 15:52) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    It runs in the family they have what they have just by fooling others
  • remove (10/03/2023, 15:57) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why can't someone in the family tell him and the nephew to give it a rest the whole world is listening
  • R (10/03/2023, 16:15) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Talented Mr talented like my brother cat will say
  • I believe (10/03/2023, 16:50) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    I believe that if i look hard enough, i will find a million dollars in my bank account tomorrow. No, make it 10 million.
  • Norris Turnbull (10/03/2023, 17:09) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Weren't there oil exploration in the past that came up zero?
  • hmm (10/03/2023, 17:25) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    A little more oil infinite to keep it burning. I mean in my lamp to keep it burning!????
  • .WHATS NEXT ? ???? (10/03/2023, 18:22) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
  • White man, (10/03/2023, 20:04) Like (0) Dislike (4) Reply
    Bishop Cline is on on something. The reason for a lot of these earth quakes recently around here is because there are ships outside our waters carrying out a lot of drilling exercises. PLEASE Investigate and the truth will surface. . As far as waste to energy goes, about 10 - 15 years ago a group of Vi residents made a propsal to government which was turned down by the then Misister of health Dancia Penn. Like the late Hon Lavity Stoutt said " where there is no vision the people perish"
  • Kedrick and Dr Smith Should have Answers (10/03/2023, 21:00) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    There were studies done on this topic as far back as the 1960s there should be reports on the findings that can indicate
    weather there is anything worthwhile. Government should have records.
  • Fact Checker (11/03/2023, 06:07) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ahh yes and maybe there’s gold on Jost Van Dyke we can use as well. Oh there might be diamonds on virgin gorda.
  • JUST ASK È LIEonard (11/03/2023, 06:52) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
  • hot air (11/03/2023, 09:57) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Oil is very slippery an ideal investment for the Reverend
  • Kingfish (11/03/2023, 10:32) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    How does one become a BISHOP?
  • Total Destruction (11/03/2023, 11:13) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Such exploration will ultimate lead to the destruction of our pristine waters let alone the ugly sight of oil platforms - have you see Aruba? What a mess that is!
  • Frakin’ Bishop (11/03/2023, 12:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    While he’s at it why don’t we search for natural gas and do some fracking up deh! Bishop you got some of dem edibles that the school children abusing? Seems so. Now that you’ve supposedly stepped back from the JJ thing; you’ve got too much time on yah hands to be coming up with these pipe dreams….you looking a consulting job already buddy?
  • Horse path iam (12/03/2023, 00:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The bishop is on to something. There is oil in oil nut bay…duh
  • Shorty (12/03/2023, 16:58) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Along with being a fake bishop now he's a fake petroleum geologist.

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