VI celebrates holiday name change: Heroes & Foreparents Day
The Holiday is now called 'Heroes and Foreparents Day' and as the Virgin Islands (VI) moves towards self-determination and recognizing its culture and history, the removal of the name St. Ursula is seen as one of the moves to enlighten the people.
The colonial power of the United Kingdom is fighting to maintain its practice and policy of control over the Islands and does not support democracy where there is a population of 85% blacks.
Currently, in the VI, there is a white Governor appointed by the British who has ultimate power in the local constitution.
Heroes’ and Foreparents Day will celebrate VI legacy
According to Deputy Premier and Minister of Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries, and Agriculture, Dr. the Honorable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), Heroes and Foreparents Day was established to recognize outstanding Virgin Islanders of the past who contributed to the development of the territory.
In a social media post today, Hon Carvin Malone (AL), a Territorial Member in Parliament and the Minister for Health and Social Development said he “wholly and unequivocally endorse and support it as a national holiday.”
Hon Malone further noted, “Our ancestors are rejoicing.”
The holiday name change is in keeping with the Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) led 2-year Virgin Islands Party Administration, to promote and educate the community on the history, heritage, culture, and national development of the VI.
43 Responses to “VI celebrates holiday name change: Heroes & Foreparents Day”
Ursula is the patron of the Order of St. Ursula (Ursulines), a congregation of nuns dedicated to educating girls. In the 1969 reform of the Roman Catholic church calendar her feast day was reduced to observances in certain localities.
we would not allow the haters to rewire history!!!
some how we are very skeptical about the future: i personally mingle with my fore parents back in the 1950s
somewhat concerned with what the future holds for the grandchildren in the british virgin islands
We get nothing from the uk!!! opps sorry, we got some vaccine and a COI
Presumably, Saint Ursula was celebrated as a national holiday, for Columbus supposedly on his second voyage in 1493 to the new world (now the West Indies/Caribbean already existed ) stumbled (something that already existed is not discovered)upon on the islands and they reminded him of St. Ursula and her 11,000 virgins (Santa ursula y sus once mil vírgenes). IMO, presently, Saint Ursula’s relevance to VI’s culture ship has sailed.
Moreover, both National Heroes/Heroines and Foreparents are well-deserving of recognition and celebration. Nonetheless, Foreparents earned and deserved their separate day of recognition and celebration. They duly earned and deserved it through the dehumanization, brutality, exploitation, blood, sweat, and tears etc endured. Is the VI coat of arms going to be redesigned?