VI cannot be broke & signing contracts, hiring consultants - Hon. Fahie
He was at the time debating the motion to review the Protocols for Effective Financial Management that was signed between the VI and United Kingdom governments on April 23, 2012.
“The recession is on and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. You can’t win an argument on both sides. You can’t say we are broke and win the argument on both sides. It can’t work Madame Speaker. We cannot be broke and you signing contracts for these amounts of money, you either have or you don’t have.
“You can’t be broke when it is good to suit you to make us look bad and have money when it suits you to make you look good. I hear people knocking the government for consultants; every government needs consultants once they are justifiable, but you can’t tell us you’re broke and then hire them. It’s a paradox,” Fahie told members of the House on July 3, 2012.
The district representative stressed that Government cannot be broke yet “turn around” and give away over 2 to 3 million US dollars of Customs’ revenue.
“I don’t care what it is you’re doing. While it is noble, a broke man don’t give away money. So you can’t win an argument on both sides, we are either broke or we’re not broke. If you would tell me that you don’t have enough money to do everything you want that is different, but you either broke or you’re not broke.”

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