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VI-born stenographer Kimesha Smith enjoying success in US’ judicial arena

[British] Virgin Islands-born stenographer Kimesha Smith recently received public attention on the high-profile Fani Willis trials, working under Judge Scott F. McAfee. Photo: Virgin Islands Daily News
The Fani Willis case, in which Scott F. McAfee, left, is the judge, has received much attention, as it came about from the well publicised indictment of former President Donald J. Trump, right, who was heard in a recording berating and threatening Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, repeating various false claims about voter fraud and begging the Republican official to overturn the election results. Photo:
The Fani Willis case, in which Scott F. McAfee, left, is the judge, has received much attention, as it came about from the well publicised indictment of former President Donald J. Trump, right, who was heard in a recording berating and threatening Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, repeating various false claims about voter fraud and begging the Republican official to overturn the election results. Photo:
ATLANTA, Georgia, USA- Tortola-born Kimesha Smith is a testament to never giving up on dreams even when the going gets tough.

Smith recently received public attention on the high-profile Fani Willis trials, working under Judge Scott F. McAfee. That case has received much attention, as it came about from the well-publicised indictment of former President Donald J. Trump who was heard in a recording berating and threatening Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, repeating various false claims about voter fraud and begging the Republican official to overturn the election results.


According to a publication by Virgin Islands Daily News on July 8, 2024, Smith always wanted to be a court reporter but would find herself on the brink of quitting on achieving her dreams.

The publication revealed that after graduating from Elmore Stoutt High School in Tortola, Smith attended cosmetology school and later studied Computer Information Systems at DeVry Technology University in Georgia.

Smith, who has strong roots in Carrot Bay, attended Brown College of Court Reporting; however, she found it challenging, including being a mother of a five-year-old daughter.

“I almost gave up,” Smith said of her first year at Brown, “This was too hard for me,” Smith told Virgin Islands Daily News.

Smith said she held on; however, and focused on memorizing the 22 keys on the stenography machine and practised daily.

“The dropout rate at reporting school was 97%, and I kept telling myself I was going to be the 3% that made it,” Smith said, adding “there [are] not a lot of stenographers,” and recommends anyone interested in this field of study to “practice, practice, practice!”

Solid advice

“Try to meet people in the field that will motivate you because there are challenges that will discourage you,” Smith further told Virgin Islands Daily News.

It said Smith’s career took off in 2020 as a legal transcriber, and she would often fill in as a floating court reporter. It added that in 2023, Smith was hired as the permanent court reporter under Judge McAfee and has worked closely with US Virgin Islander Ionie Taylor on the Fani Willis vs Donald J. Trump cases.

Smith told Virgin Islands Daily News that it is her most notable case to date, and she continues to contribute her expertise to many trials and proceedings.

18 Responses to “VI-born stenographer Kimesha Smith enjoying success in US’ judicial arena”

  • Citizen (08/07/2024, 12:43) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    A positive and encouraging story, well done Kimesha. This is a testament of the power of perseverance. Keep going my sister.
  • Big yard (08/07/2024, 13:50) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    Kimisha we are proud of you keep reaching for the stars congrats
  • jack (08/07/2024, 14:11) Like (2) Dislike (18) Reply
    Free the drew
  • Hmm (08/07/2024, 15:13) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    Well done my sis, aim higher. It only shows that virgin islanders can go to a next man country and reap success and not a whisper.
  • No thanks (08/07/2024, 15:35) Like (14) Dislike (22) Reply
    It’s all well and good to celebrate the accomplishments of Virgin Islanders living abroad but most of these people left here on Government scholarships and never returned. Now they are living their best life and offering their services to America, while we have zero to show for our tax payers money which was spent to educate them. Sorry but I can’t celebrate this.
    • @No thanks (08/07/2024, 17:29) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
      I don't know this young lady but I am in agreement with the mqjority, we should congratulate her on this stellar achievement. Please let us learn to encourage eachother and celebrate one another whenever we accomplish something in life. Its time we stop being so negative and being so mean to our black brothers and sisters. Ita as if we are still living as slaves. This mentality sucks. By the way, how is it you business whether or not a scholarship recipient comes back to work in the Virgin Islands? I can assure you most recipients would jump at the chance of coming back home to live a much easier life and be amongst family and their life long peers. Its not an easy decision but we have to be mindful the Virgin Islands do not make it easy to work due to the limited employment for some of the related fields of study. More often than not, its better to gain employment experience overseas, become financially stable before returning home to share our knowledge with our community. Stop behaving as if given the opportunity you wouldn't look out for your best interest instead of being civic minded. Continue to focus on being the best version of yourself, be kind and learn to encourage others. Peace to you my dear. May God bless these beautiful Virgin Islands and all who make it their home.
    • @No thanks (08/07/2024, 21:02) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      And what made you assume that her education was paid for by a government scholarship?
    • #no thanks (09/07/2024, 06:37) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      The problem in the BVI is the crab in a barrel attitude. We hate to see each other survive. Many educated BVIslanders have left in frustration after trying to get employment here in most cases they donot even get short listed.
  • THE DARK TRUMP (08/07/2024, 21:13) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
  • Open - minded (08/07/2024, 22:28) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    @ No thanks. Kimesha is a US Citizen. She didn’t need any scholarship or grant from BVI government so don’t be so quick to jump to conclusions.
    • @Open - Minded (09/07/2024, 07:04) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Thanks for this response. I really don't understand why @No thanks responded that way. I don't know the young lady but had to respond to @No thanks because i felt their outburst was unwarranted. Its as if there is a personal vendetta or some type of jealousy towards Ms Smith. Its not my achievement but I am very proud of her. We should always celebrate eachother because thats one of the things that can change our World. Imagine being amongst 3% who passed, it says a lot about who Ms Smith is and how important of a moment this accomplishment should be celebrated. Hopefully, Ms Smith doesn't take these negative comments personally but recognise that these persons need to change their mind set, learn to mind their business and be more open minded (hence your blogging name) because confusion always cloud our judgement of others. Its easier for @No thanks to imply and judge Ms Smith than look and herself in the mirror. Yep, @No thanks has to be female, we can tell by what she wrote. Open-minded, thank you for clarifying a few things and standing up for your family/friend/neighbour/admirer, Ms Smith. To Ms Smith, Congratulations! Continue to be your true, authentic self and soar whereever you live. God bless you, Open-Minded and the Virgin Islands!
  • Keep Going!! (09/07/2024, 00:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Happy for and proud of you Lil Kim-esha!! It warms my heart to see your passion and persistence help you achieve positive outcomes.
  • Quietly Watching (09/07/2024, 01:08) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    We see you, Kimesha. We are sooo proud of you. We wish you all that God has in store for you for your future endeavours. Keep striving. Keep praying. Becoming a court reporter is hardwork but I knew you could do it.

    Now that you have achieved your goals, continue to put God first and strive my sister. We will continue to encourage and pray for your continued success. You are deserving and as one of your favourite cousins would say: "Who Jah Bless, No Man Curse." Enjoy the fruits of your hard earned labour. Blessings.
  • 1st District Repping (09/07/2024, 05:07) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Kimmy, I am sooo proud of you. Ignore the haters and continue aiming for the stars. Wishing you well in ALL your endeavors. Much love and blessings. I know you worked very hard to get where you are today and don't let anyone rain on your parade. Shine girl, shine!!!
  • Agreeable One (09/07/2024, 08:32) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    So so proud of this young lady. She bringing home the gold for us, Bam Bam!! Our brains are no different to any other person. You shine girl!!!
    Now let me respond to that negative blogger. The reasons why people hate on persons like her is she has taken away that haters excuse. Other persons accomplish highlights our own unwillingness to work hard and sacrifice. So easy to full your head with stupid smoke and drift through life. Not pointing out those who had the drive and ambition but just did not have the means or support. Keep in keeping Ms. Smith.
  • I encourage (09/07/2024, 22:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I encourage any local in pursuit of careers to take their education to more developed countries becuz this country are not investing in their youths. Is only so much job specific titles you can find freely available around here and government not look into developing various types of job opportunities and careers.

    Not everyone wants to work in finance and tourism.

    Expand the youths opportunities or experience brain drain smh
  • KB (11/07/2024, 13:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

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