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VG residents felt shut out of 60th festivities

Residents of Virgin Gorda blame the late start of the Closing and award ceremony for the shifts in times for other activities of the night which they were not able to enjoy. Photo: VINO
Virgin Gorda Residents said that they were only able to see the performance of the Intrigue Dancers and heard some of Revelation's performance on their way out. Photo: VINO
Virgin Gorda Residents said that they were only able to see the performance of the Intrigue Dancers and heard some of Revelation's performance on their way out. Photo: VINO
The residents of the sister island said that arrangements should have been made to have a late ferry to Virgin Gorda to give residents the opportunity to feel included in the final night of the 60th festivities. Photo: VINO.
The residents of the sister island said that arrangements should have been made to have a late ferry to Virgin Gorda to give residents the opportunity to feel included in the final night of the 60th festivities. Photo: VINO.
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Residents of Virgin Gorda, Virgin Islands said that they are disappointed in the BVI Festival and Fairs Committee as they failed to influence decisions that would have allowed the entire Territory to enjoy the festivities of the 60th Festival celebrations of Emancipation.

This was expressed to the Virgin Islands News Online on the final night of the festivities as a large number of residents who hail from Virgin Gorda (VG) had no choice but to get aboard the ferry at midnight on August 8, 2014.

“We are a part of this Territory, they keep inviting us to join in everything as one for the Festival yet we came over to enjoy the final night of things but what everything started late and we had to rush back,” said one disgruntled VG resident.

Another said, “We sat in the village from 6:45 pm listening to recorded music and had to leave before the band come on. I am p….d to the maximum. The only thing we got was stones jerk chicken and pork and conch soup.”

Most of the distraught persons from Virgin Gorda said that things could have been a little better had the committee insisted that the closing started on time. “They started the closing ceremony which was scheduled for 8:00pm after way after 9:00pm. They pulled back the fire-works to 11:00pm… all they were thinking about was themselves,” explained one who agreed to only use his surname, Mr. Wheatley.

Mr Wheatley said that while they got to enjoy the fireworks along with the residents of Tortola they felt embarrassed and insignificant to the fact that they were deprived from seeing any of the international performances.

“We saw the Intrigue dancers who we see all the time, on the way out to rush to the ferry dock we heard some guy called Revelation. If they had done things early we could have at least gotten some of Tessanne Chin who I came to see especially because one of the committee members assured me that she was going to be the first international artist to perform and I really wanted to see her,” said Wheatley.

It was a general consensus that the committee should have used their influence to have one of the ferry services do a late run at least for the closing night. “Speedy on their own push back their schedule from 11:00 to 12 mid night otherwise we would have had to look at the fire works on the ferry while we were being shipped back to we own country, sorry I mean island,” one said.

“I could well imagine what Anegada and Jost Van Dyke brothers and sister would have to say. Come on leaders stop the discrimination we are one people with one destiny stop treating us like your step children or if we are worse case Cinderella where the prince would never find our glass slipper and come to our rescue,” said another.

21 Responses to “VG residents felt shut out of 60th festivities”

  • please (11/08/2014, 08:22) Like (23) Dislike (8) Reply
    You cant please people. The people in the BVI never cease to amaze me
  • whats new??? (11/08/2014, 09:04) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    Welcome to the BVI.
  • ccc (11/08/2014, 09:14) Like (13) Dislike (11) Reply
    What else is new with the ndp they only like vg when they looking votes
  • Scary Mary (11/08/2014, 09:17) Like (36) Dislike (1) Reply
    We went to see the fireworks but got tired of waiting and went home to bed. The fact that we can't seem to start anything on time is pathetic.

    We were there to watch the parade on Festival Monday and stood in the hot sun for hours and hours - WAITING! I was stupid enough to believe Mr. Blyden when he promised that the parade would start on time. Not until 2:00 p.m. did I see Ms. Hodge Smith roll past, only to stop for a good half an hour about 30' away from us.

    I am fed up with this nonsense and won't be bothered with any of it next year. When I read in the paper that events start on time as scheduled, then I will start going again, but not until. And officials WONDER why attendance is dropping off. Did any of you ever consider that habitual tardiness, year after year after year might have something to do with it? Get your act together, have some consideration for both young and old, and perhaps then people will start coming back.
  • KML (11/08/2014, 09:24) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
    I agree with the residents of Virgin Gorda.NONSENSE
  • resident (11/08/2014, 13:06) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    Mr Blyden doesnt show true and honest leadership. He keeps no promise.He needs to be replaced.
  • VG residents (11/08/2014, 14:21) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
  • Wooley (11/08/2014, 15:54) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    There is no godly reason why we have to have a politician at every single event speaking. It is a bit much now. I dont want to hear speech after speech
  • xxxxxxxx (11/08/2014, 16:13) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Here we go again thought Myron was almost living in VG looking votes
  • west (11/08/2014, 16:45) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    Deeds ppl complain about anything
  • D Tourist (11/08/2014, 19:30) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    I agree that Virgin Gorda is being overlooked at this time of the year. BUT this is an annual thing. The question must be asked:
    ,,,, how can this major festival be enjoyed by Virgin Gordaian? can Virgin Gordians play a part in this major festival? can Virgin Gordians be able to have a planned financial spin off from this festival?

    My friends this lack of integration on this matter "shall soon pass"
    My friends we in Virgin Gorda are going to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for seeing more financial and other integration in these matters.
    IT SOON COME....
  • mother hen (11/08/2014, 20:53) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    We desperately need term limits for all politicians in the BVI just reading how they treat the sister islands
  • virgin gorda (11/08/2014, 21:01) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    LOL...dey NDP tek people fi fool..
  • time will tell (12/08/2014, 02:20) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    Did Andrew or Ralph arrange a late ferry for the 50th? Some of you complain about the simplest and most unreasonable s***! Why? Simply because these blogs are here so you can complain. I agree that its time for them to go. They do more harm than good to the WHOLE country. Ridiculous I say. Ridiculous!!!
  • dissappointed (12/08/2014, 12:00) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The ISSUE is NOT the ferry. The issue is NOT STARTING THINGS ON TIME!!!!!!!. Stop making everything political
    • L.Ann (15/08/2014, 13:09) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Even if they started on time, would they make the 12am ferry??? NOOO. ...
  • belonger (12/08/2014, 12:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am a Born Tortolian living in St. Thomas, but during my childhood days in Tortola August Wednesday in Long Look Greenland used to be the highlight of the BVI Festival. The first Majorities were organized by Letticia Thomas, and members were Dinis George, Maltena Thomas used to turn the somersault. Of course I can't remember all the members, but the first Majorettes ever in the BVI should have been acknowledged. Merle Stevens or Maltena Thomas were also Festival Queens. I can't remember who was 1st runner up or winner, but they were not mentioned. The people who every year made Festival a resounding success were not even remembered. Long Look is where the crowds came on August Wednesday, the troupes from Long Look/ East End had to come to Road Town to make the August Monday parade a success. OMG you mean to tell me that no body remembered how it used to be? Where it all started? How sad. The little girl who turn the somersault, that is what people used to call her. Maltena Thomas, Letticia Thomas, Dinis George, Adleta Frett , and a host of others from East End/ Long Look were the first Majorettes in the BVI. They brought it into existence and you won't see those Majorrttes sticks twirl ever, the way those girls used to spin and twirl. Those responsible need to give credit and recognition where it is due.
  • VG!! (12/08/2014, 14:30) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Ayo VG people need to pick up the boat thing with Speedy's or the big one @ Tourist Board. Not the Government.

    When will ayo BVI people say thanks.
  • hi (12/08/2014, 15:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I agree with you Time will tell they makes me sick now. Shttt
  • Lily Ann (15/08/2014, 13:07) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    OK OK OK OK OK ...... One thing I haaaaate is nagging old people. Come onnn It's fireworks! !!! Don't u wait up later than that for New Years Fireworks??? I was casually chilling, enjoying the moonlight and only to hear the constant naaag of people btchn about the late start !!! It's the BVI, plus it's fireworks u dealing with. If the barge had blow up, yall woulda say they ain't tek them time to do it right!!! In other News-----VG people blame Speedys for not offering a 3 am boat for yall. I can understand you old people on this venture, yes, Speedys shoulda sort yall out!!!!

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