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Venezuelan man killed in Carnival Tuesday gunfire

March 6th, 2025 | Tags:
Carnival celebrations along the Western Main Road in St James, Trinidad came to an abrupt end on Tuesday evening after gunfire erupted, resulting in a Venezuelan man being killed and four other people being injured. Photo:

PORT OF SPAIN – Carnival celebrations along the Western Main Road in St James, Trinidad came to an abrupt end on Tuesday evening after gunfire erupted, resulting in a Venezuelan man being killed and four other people being injured.

A 61-year-old man of Carapichaima was detained by police following the incident.

Police were told one of the victims may have attempted to rob him and he pulled out a Glock pistol and opened fire, hitting the victim and three others.

Police were unable to confirm whether the man was authorised to have the firearm in his possession.

They have, however, since been able to identify the dead man as 30-year-old Irvin Joaquin Mayora.

His death has taken the country’s murder toll for the year so far to 65 compared to 94 for the corresponding period last year when there was no state of emergency.

The incident took place in the vicinity of Universal Bar near the market around 5:05 p.m.

The other injured victims included a 66-year-old man from Diego Martin, who was shot twice to the right leg; a 25-year-old man from St James, who was shot in the head; a 29-year-old woman from Maraval, who was shot in her right knee; and a 65-year-old woman from Maryland, Unites States who was grazed on her left leg.

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