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Vehicles run off road @ Windy Hill & Chalwell

One of the vehicles that ran off the road on Windy Hill today, March 6, 2025. Photo: Facebook
WINDY HILL, Tortola, VI- Motorists have been urged to exercise caution while traversing the Challwell area and Windy Hill Road due to vehicular accidents.

According to reports reaching our News Centre, two vehicles ran off the road at separate locations this morning, March 6, 2025.

There have not been any reports of injuries at this time.

Second District Representative Hon Melvin M. Turnbull has told motorists to exercise “extreme caution”.

“I realize that we have two ships in today as well asking the motoring public to prioritize safety while navigating this area, especially our valued taxi drivers and other road users. Drive slowly, maintain a safe distance from other vehicles, and stay alert,” Hon Turnbull stated on his Facebook page.

2 Responses to “Vehicles run off road @ Windy Hill & Chalwell”

  • bvibuzz (06/03/2025, 10:20) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    she was going to her garden to plant food
  • Madussa (06/03/2025, 10:33) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    How many times do motorists have to be warned? When does common sense set in? I am tired of these speed demons on the road daily. If police monitored and gave tickets to reckless drivers, people would start doing the right thing. They have no sense of the rules of the road, just putting their cars into drive and taking off. Sick of them.

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