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Vehicles parked in bus stop @ RT Market Square risk being towed- Police

Motorists have been urged to desist from parking their vehicles in the area designated as a bus stop at the Road Town Market Square. Photo: Provided
Traffic Police Officer Glenn Callwood aka ‘Supa Cop’ violators run the risk of being fined and having their vehicles towed away at their own expense. Photo: VINO/File
Traffic Police Officer Glenn Callwood aka ‘Supa Cop’ violators run the risk of being fined and having their vehicles towed away at their own expense. Photo: VINO/File
The area in front of the bus shed at Road Town Markey Square has been clearly identified as a bus stop; however, motorists continue to park their vehicles there. Photo: Provided
The area in front of the bus shed at Road Town Markey Square has been clearly identified as a bus stop; however, motorists continue to park their vehicles there. Photo: Provided
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Motorists have been urged to desist from parking their vehicles in the area designated as a bus stop at the Road Town Market Square.

According to Traffic Police Officer Glenn Callwood aka ‘Supa Cop’, a no parking sign has been erected at the bus stop; however, motorists continue to park their private vehicles there.

Mr Callwood said he is speaking to the media to alert the public before police start clamping down on violators.

According to Supa Cop, violators run the risk of being fined and having their vehicles towed away at their own expense.

20 Responses to “Vehicles parked in bus stop @ RT Market Square risk being towed- Police”

  • asura (20/06/2024, 11:33) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    tell them super cop
    • Linda (20/06/2024, 14:49) Like (29) Dislike (1) Reply
      Where the taxis pick up people in front of the post office is so dangerous. I see people almost getting hit in the street where cars have to swerve around the taxis picking them up in an illegal pickup location every day. Some years ago they stopped this and now they are back to ignoring the law and picking up people in this dangerous location. Cops do not ticket the taxi drivers at all for stopping there. A police car should be parked right there and ticket all taxis that pick up people. The police should also tell people standing there to go around the corner to the bus stop. If no laws are enforced, people will do what they want, but they won't stand in front of the post office if the taxis won't pick them up. ENFORCE THE LAWS ALREADY, DAMN IT!
  • Career (20/06/2024, 11:34) Like (23) Dislike (2) Reply
    And also, please. The Ministry of Education used to be . Where B&F is located. Can you ticket these taxi busses as well. They need to park at the taxi stand.
  • Worker (20/06/2024, 11:49) Like (23) Dislike (13) Reply
    where the h ell they expect us to park after they took all the space to build kiosks that people don't even use
  • BUSY BEE (20/06/2024, 11:59) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    Tow 'em! We all want to witness this. Double it's ever happened in the BVI before.
  • bvi (20/06/2024, 12:21) Like (31) Dislike (2) Reply
    Ask the Taxi to go to the taxi stand then and not park to the side of the Post office. Come around and ticket them because if you say they have a taxi stand then the busses should use it.
  • HMMM (20/06/2024, 12:23) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
    we need to start getting serious. Just start fining and towing, anyone that blocks in other vehicles should be fined.
  • Deh Watcha (20/06/2024, 12:41) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply

    What a set of jokers.
  • WHAT!!! (20/06/2024, 13:05) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Jokes, people parking illegally everywhere and never see a ticket written.
  • Jane (20/06/2024, 13:39) Like (28) Dislike (0) Reply
    Taxis are always parked between Infinity and the Post Office. They block traffic and park on the corner restricting the view of the emerging traffic. Please start ticketing and towing them too. I think taxi drivers are worse than scooters for the way they disregard the rules. They are professional drivers and ought to be held to a higher standard.
  • Streups (20/06/2024, 13:48) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    You should also fine the people who pick up persons at the mouth of the round-a-bout and along that walk in front of the Post Office. Drivers are stopping the flowing traffic, by abruptly halting in the road/ waiting for passengers to get on or leave their vehicles. Whoever requires those services should stand at the area of the market bus stop/depot from being a nuisance to other commuters. Thank you!
  • Serious (20/06/2024, 13:55) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
    It’s time to take a stand. And while you’re at it, the No PARKING zone down at the OLD hospital needs to be addressed as well. All dem vehicles that park there daily along that white wall blocking up the traffic and making it difficult for drivers to pass need to be ticketed and towed away too. The laws are in the books, they just need to be enforced.
  • Outlaw (20/06/2024, 15:13) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Callwood Go up!
  • Beehive (20/06/2024, 15:48) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    The cars that really need towing y'all ain towing

    It got cars bruk down and park up all through huntums guy and other minor roads in the bvi. Move them thing too
  • bvi (20/06/2024, 16:58) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    what about all the parents stopping outside the high school to let kids out in the road rather then pulling into the drive way. Holding up traffic and also dangerous for the kids. They designed a drop off at the school. Use it and stop being lazy!
  • Arrion (20/06/2024, 23:16) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    This place is Lawless. Even when they make laws, they allow the people to break them.
  • @ ARRION (21/06/2024, 06:48) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    We keep telling BVILANDERS THAT WE ARE ENTITLED - SO ITS CALLED ENTITLEMENT , if they ain't fixing the roads / the flowing of sh*t water in the streets / the free drugs that's all around us / the guns / the COLDBLOODED killers that is allowed to walk in the streets amongst up with their chest held high , like they are all that / some if those taxi men are like TRUMP / the want to become millionaires overnight / the government needs to have some kind if price control OR PROVIDE A GOVERNMENT TAXI SERVICE BETWEEN TOWN & EAST AND TOWN & WEST DAILY FOR POOR PEOPLE
  • 2024 (21/06/2024, 08:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The time has come for Installing Parking Meters
  • By One Mart (21/06/2024, 10:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Also PLEASE ticket people and taxis for stopping on the HIGHWAY to pick up and drop off people by One Mart.
    Some people so stuck up. They don't care how dangerous they make the road. Just convenience they looking for.
  • Really? (22/06/2024, 07:03) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I already said it. Traffic violations could be our next pillar. And police don’t just ticket us ticket your off duty bros and people operating government vehicles from all departments. People STILL leaving government vehicles running while they go into stores,,restaurants, etc. and nobody in the cars. Our government claim they fighting climate change, but I wonder if some of us know that the exhaust from a car contributes to this?

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