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Vehicles collide @ West End; Injuries reported

The scene of the accident at West End, Tortola today, March 7, 2025. Photo: Team of Reporters
The accident took place before 4:00 PM near Frenchman's Cay. Photo: VINO
The accident took place before 4:00 PM near Frenchman's Cay. Photo: VINO
Police on the scene of the accident at West End on March 7, 2025. Photo: VINO
Police on the scene of the accident at West End on March 7, 2025. Photo: VINO
WEST END, Tortola, VI- There has been a serious vehicular accident at West End, Tortola and injuries have been reported.

According to reports, two vehicles collided at the turnoff leading to Frenchman's Cay sometime before 4: 00 PM.

One of the vehicles ended up on its side.

It is unclear how many persons have been taken to hospital via ambulance.

Police are on the scene investigating.

Traffic is completely blocked at this time and persons have been using alternative routes.

More details to follow.

11 Responses to “Vehicles collide @ West End; Injuries reported”

  • (07/03/2025, 17:40) Like (2) Dislike (15) Reply
    They were rushing to see the new west end port building
    • NezRez (07/03/2025, 19:25) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
      But seriously, where are people speeding to leaving no room for error or an obstacle, turns or an animal in the road? Tailgating and just not following the rules of the road are the biggest problems here. People are always honking their horns to pass you, to go where on this small island?
  • Rush Hour (07/03/2025, 18:39) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    At that junction no one wantvto stop the sign is visible
  • Hon Dawson please help, (07/03/2025, 20:01) Like (6) Dislike (6) Reply
    Hon Dawson could you please assist with placing two speed bump's in that area? one going east and one going west of that intersection given that there was already one death at that intersection a few years back, we really don’t want to loose anyone else because reckless driving.
  • Kia boyz (07/03/2025, 23:51) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    Any Kia souls in this one?

    Or speeding trucks?

    N0? Ok .
  • Anonymous (08/03/2025, 07:57) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    These little cars on these bad roads
  • Hum (08/03/2025, 09:25) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Car speeding 80kl + just in front of police station
    And no reaction
  • Periodico (08/03/2025, 12:43) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    A youn Black male was jn handcuffs at the scene but we may never know why,least if all identity. The trend in D1 is hushed hushed and hide..the young Blavk makes know plenty secrets of the whose who in the ocean activities.
    Usvi and VI coast guard and police in the Towers at the Catoo Pier lyden location the other day big action. Shhhhh..of course. Same day 10 million worth of cociane scooped up in variousCaribbean waters by Florida..tra LA ka..shhh
    • @periodico (08/03/2025, 13:13) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      According to Florida ,News it was 141 million worth of Cocaine seized from various Caribbean seas..Seven people were info regarding their countries of origin or their names so far.
  • Real Talk (08/03/2025, 20:03) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Ar wanda how catoo get to own the dockk then i remember who the rep was oh shit he in jail

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