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Vehicles collide @ Sleepy Hill

September 9th, 2024 | Tags: Accident sleepy Hill traffic bus
The scene of the accident at Sleepy Hill today, September 9, 2024. Photo: Team of Reporters
SLEEPY HILL, Tortola, VI- At least three vehicles, including a large bus, were involved in a collision in the area of Tortola known as Sleepy Hill this morning, September 9, 2024.

It is unclear at this time if anyone was injured.

Traffic along that route was backed up due to the accident.

16 Responses to “Vehicles collide @ Sleepy Hill”

  • Real Macoy (09/09/2024, 10:10) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is this that same area they call Sophie Bay Hill when you preparing to go to Brandywine Bay?
  • wise up (09/09/2024, 10:25) Like (20) Dislike (4) Reply
    Government needs to open up their minds and see how road are Build worldwide.Either dig a tunnel thru that hill or take off piece to eliminate that steep incline, same with Cane Gareden Bay,even consider a by pass road from Road Town to east/west end.
    • Too true (09/09/2024, 13:19) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
      Great idea Wise Up, BUT it took weeks and weeks in Sea Cows Bay to lay about 20ft off new road and it's still not smooth. We are good at many things but building roads aint one of them.
    • no money (09/09/2024, 15:19) Like (16) Dislike (2) Reply
      Can't even find money to patch the little pieces we have.
      What bypass or tunnel you talking about.
  • Real Macoy (09/09/2024, 10:44) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    That makes a lot of sense Mr. Wise, but the way the Government moving just to fix the roads and even chop bushes, i doubt they will ever think of that great idea, until there is a serious accident that might kill a few people.
    If you don't have a 4wheel drive vehicle when it is wet you could be in a lot of trouble going up and down that hill.
  • NezRez (09/09/2024, 10:53) Like (40) Dislike (0) Reply
    Sleepy Hill is tired of all the traffic trying to climb her steep back. People have to STOP tailgating. I see it every day. Sick of all of you bad drivers with no common sense of the rules of the road.
  • Somebody was asleep at the wheel. (09/09/2024, 10:56) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
    Hope no one was injured.
  • omg (09/09/2024, 11:07) Like (20) Dislike (1) Reply
    I hope lebo didn't had school kids inside at the time
  • Really (09/09/2024, 11:19) Like (23) Dislike (6) Reply
    When these politicians or their loved ones who's close to them die then all road will be fixed but for now stop complaining because you all keep voting in the crooks. Vote All parties out and start with new faces because the corruption will still be there rotating the same people. Nothing is developed here
  • Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin Islands (09/09/2024, 11:38) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    This traffic accident as reported in that area is as unfortunate, as others are. I hope that no one was injured, and if so, not critical.

    However this continue to show the lack of good governance by or political leaders, especially the ruling party, of handling our traffic needs affairs wisely.

    From East going West on our main road just after the Hamilton L. Stout College entry, there is a dirt road entry right turn that goes toward the hill, straight ahead. If previous governments administrations, the VIP included then and the present one now in power had aquire needed lands from lands owners, that could have shortened the time from backing up and going all the way to where Dr. Kendrick Pickering and his family now living, or by East End Police Station to get past the accident happened, if the road road is not speedily reopen for normal trafficking.
    Moreover ten or more years ago the portion of the traffic road go to the top and beyond the highest point of "Sleepy Hill" was paved higher, so the protective guard rail on left is not at a safe height for safety.
    How much longer should we wait to correct these problems? Should we wait until thirty-seat bus load of people, filled to capacity with local travelers or tourist plunged to their death before proactive safety measures are quickly put in placed?

    God forbid, if the blind, the arrogant and ignorant continue leading, politically commenting, in their own, theirs supporters, friends best interest, rather than us all the people of the BVI best at promised, what future would our children and grand-children experience in days, weeks, years, and decades come???

    Pitched 1: "Swing and a miss. Strike 1
    Pitched 2: "Swing and a miss. Strike 2
    Pitched 3: "Swing and a.........? Fill in the bland.l

  • Zone 6 (09/09/2024, 12:21) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    What the dawn goverment have to do with three cars and bus collide you all to stop shit
  • Poor us (09/09/2024, 15:28) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    It is one week now they trying to repair 30 feet of road in sea
    Cows bay. Hoping it will be finished by the end of this week.
    Just imagine if it was a mile of road.
  • blood (09/09/2024, 16:47) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    The whole lot of you wake up just to bash the Govt, don't you? Try being positive for a day and watch your blood pressure go down
  • H (09/09/2024, 18:52) Like (8) Dislike (4) Reply
    Government have nothing to do with accident the word is take your time an drive simple
  • Hate it. (10/09/2024, 05:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Really hate it when people in power say dom't read the blocks,.I will not vote for anyone that I hear say that...If the XP in my Miami Jail who said he never read the blogs, if he did read the blogs he would have been much smarter. Some of the best ideas and suggestions to move this country forward are in these blogs..Also they are actually saying they don't care what people have to say. These blogs are people's way of getting involved in their country's affairs saying how they feel without been oppressed and victimised..

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