Vanterpool vs HoA Speaker to be heard in High Court April 12, 2019

Mr Vanterpool penned a letter on March 5, 2019 to the Clerk of the HoA asking not to be sworn in as a member on March 12, 2019 and to resign from representing the Fourth District, after winning at the polls on February 25, 2019.
At the time there was no Speaker of the HoA; however, when a speaker was in place from March 12, 2019 Mr. Vanterpool’s letter was turned over to Hon Willock, the new Speaker, by the Clerk.
Speaker accepted resignation
Mr Willock then accepted Mr Vanterpool’s letter of resignation. However, the Attorney General later advised Mr Vanterpool that his letter of resignation written to the Clerk was invalid as per Sec 67 (3) as it was not written to the Speaker.
After receiving the Speaker’s resignation acceptance letter, Mr Vanterpool wrote seeking to be sworn in based on the advice he had received by the Attorney General Mr Baba F. Aziz.
Many legal scholars have raised questions over the Attorney General advising Mr Vanterpool, the Speaker and His Excellency the Governor all on the same issue.
Court on Friday April 12, 2019
The matter is expected to be heard on Friday April 12, 2019 in the High Court in Road Town; however, both sides have been tight-lipped as to who are the lawyers representing each side.
A local online news site had reported that Speaker Willock has hired independent counsel; however, when reached he declined to comment.

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