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UWI Lecturer says time to scrap Religious Studies in schools

October 30th, 2016 | Tags:
UWI political scientist Dr Tennyson Joseph says it’s time to stop teaching religion in Barbados’ schools. Photo: Barbados Today
BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, WI – Cut out the religious mumbo jumbo!

That’s the call of University of the West Indies (UWI) Political Scientist Dr Tennyson Joseph who says it’s time to end to religious teachings and introduce a fully secular curriculum in Barbados’ schools.

He articulated the position during a session of the Barbados Senior Parliament held at UWI’s Cave Hill Campus on october 19, 2016.

In making his contribution to the topic ‘Should Home Schooling Be Continued in Barbados?’ Joseph expressed the view that a universally accepted secular curriculum would eradicate any conflicts which may exist for non-Christian members of this island’s increasingly diverse society.

The issue of home schooling was thrown into the national spotlight after a Rastafarian couple was brought before the court for refusing to send their children to school. They were found guilty of breaching Section 41 of the Education Act on the grounds that there was no record of the children attending formal classes. Their children – who are both under age ten – have been placed in the custody of their paternal grandmother, pending the court’s sentencing decision on October 27.

However, in support of the Rastafarian couple’s contention that their son and daughter were being homeschooled, Joseph argued that any attempt to curtail parents’ choice to home school their child ought to be contingent on the provision of a universally acceptable education system by the State.

“The easiest way to make it [the education system] become what you want it to become is to have something called a secular education curriculum. This is universal,” Joseph said, explaining that “if you say one plus one equals two, whether you are Rastafari, whether you are Muslim or whether you are a Jew, you can teach my children one plus one equals two.

“But do not tell them about virgin births, which is a biological impossibility,” Joseph said, in an obvious reference to the Biblical account of Jesus being born to a virgin.

He argued that the rest of the world had moved away from religious-based education, while telling the authorities: “Don’t come with your packaged doctrines and say that is part of the curriculum and that a child cannot learn the secular things without it being packaged in religious clothing.”

While advocating homeschooling as a viable alternative for those with diverging beliefs, Joseph warned that the current religious-based system was failing already disenfranchised classes of society.

“The failures of the State are in fact leading to the disadvantaging of our women because they are ones carrying the burden of educating our children at home. It is leading to the disadvantaging of the poor families because they have to find alternatives to educate their children because the State will [not] do for us what we expect it to do for us in a context of independence and sovereignty . . .

“In addition to protecting our right to homeschool our children, we need to see that the struggle goes beyond that. We need to insist that the democratic State that represents us in the 50th year of our independence, the State to which we pay taxes we don’t have, begins to transform themselves into what we want them to become and they could start with education [reform] by separating religious mumbo jumbo from serious secular notions. If we do that, then we won’t have the problem that we do before us,” insisted Joseph. (Adapted from Barbados Today)

12 Responses to “UWI Lecturer says time to scrap Religious Studies in schools”

  • Student of the occult (30/10/2016, 15:33) Like (14) Dislike (36) Reply
    This is very much the solution that is needed in these times! Not just in Bbds but right across the chains of island nations.
  • Melony (31/10/2016, 12:35) Like (11) Dislike (22) Reply
    I Agree, it's time for us to move on and acknowledge that persons are free. We West Indians are too colonial
  • Observer (01/11/2016, 16:27) Like (19) Dislike (7) Reply
    Please keep iton the syllabus. We might later regret it as we are now experiencing so much crime and violence even though we tend to say toomuch of one thing aint good enough. America threw it out of the window and after that all hell broke loose there and we are feeling some of the effects of it. Who knows the student studying it might just be the next Pope or the greatess Prophet/Prophetess of this generationp,or your next pastor at church or more so the one to save you or your family from hell damnation and the evils of this world. Please keep it there it is up to who wants to choose it or not.Let the student/parent make that decision. Another thing too(I am not fighting down anyone as I too have a degree) I find many persons who especially a University graduate,moreso those with the highest level after achieving such tend to say there is no God,well if there is no God there is good and evil and good always prevail over evil anyway
    • Harold (01/11/2016, 23:02) Like (7) Dislike (24) Reply
      Teach a number of different religions so the kids can learn that its all nonsense. Hopefully in a few generations these medieval fables will be a thing of the past.
      • reason (03/11/2016, 10:51) Like (23) Dislike (4) Reply
        Harold, there is a great controversy between good and evil. There is a higher power who controls everything and created everything that we see or do not see. The higher power is God. It is up to you or anyone that choose to acknowledge him. All of us that are living on this earth exist because of the creator. Everything has a balance. Without it, the World would be in chaos and probably non existent. Why there are many thing that are created by human beings example chemical war fares(nuclear, anthrax etc..). Also weapons of all sort.
        All of us one of these days has to give an accountability to God when he returns to this earth. This earth cannot continue to evolve the way that it is going. Too much devastation. I know that there are those deep down in their heart no matter who they are Rastafarians, Hindu , Muslim and Christians would agree, that they want a world that is beautiful and no corruption, no dying, no diseases or pain.
        • Harold (05/11/2016, 18:38) Like (5) Dislike (4) Reply
          That is your opinion, however none of what you said can be backed up by real facts. There have been thousands of gods created by man, if you or anyone else want to make such a wild claim that there is a god then please prove it with real proof and facts.
          Religion is a way of controlling the masses, it a dangerous tool that is still being used. Most of you people that are still wanting to see religion taught in the schools have already been indoctrinated into the christian religion. I put it to you that the vast majority of you have not even read your bible (all of it), most of you are not aware of how residents of these islands became christians and have no undeerstanding of the pure hatred and division that is actually contained within your religion.
          • DONT Care At all (09/11/2016, 15:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
            Harold I agree with you somewhat but I think that if someone believes in God one requires no proof just faith. faith that the same God who created the laws of physics chemistry etc can altar it to his/her purposes so please understand that religion is not logical and there seem to be facts going both ways so try to be respectful towards all religions just as you would want them to be to you for I myself am not a theist
  • WHAT AN IDIOT! (02/11/2016, 23:35) Like (22) Dislike (6) Reply
    Professing to be wise, they became fools!
  • HERIGHT (04/11/2016, 10:06) Like (11) Dislike (8) Reply
    When one does not understand history, they will opine that the professor is wrong. The professor is right. Religious studies should only be taught along with a history course to show the origin of religion and what it has done to black people. Keep the history unfolding.
  • Ignorance (05/11/2016, 16:51) Like (9) Dislike (4) Reply
    The world has gotten so ignorant. What's wrong with teaching religion in schools? Spiritually development is very much important. I did religious education at the secondary level and I have learned to appreciate others more.

    TOO MUCH PRIDE CAN LEAD TO A DOWN FALL! I agree with Observer points.
  • jbond (08/11/2016, 19:07) Like (8) Dislike (4) Reply
    God still rules in the affairs of man, because he loves us he withholds his wrath from destroying us. Seek Jehovah while he may be found.
  • Boo (12/11/2016, 21:51) Like (0) Dislike (5) Reply
    This liberal twat can park his arse from here with that crap!

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