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Utility companies should stop reconnection fees – resident

- Sam Henry suggests Works Minister’s intervention due to 'hard times'
One resident of the Virgin Islands has expressed his disgust at being charged a reconnection fee by local utility companies after being disconnected for what he described as small amounts of money. Photo: VINO
Host, Julio Sam Henry, argued that people were losing their jobs and said it was exceptionally hard this year. Photo: VINO/File
Host, Julio Sam Henry, argued that people were losing their jobs and said it was exceptionally hard this year. Photo: VINO/File
The host made an appeal to Minister for Communications and Works Hon. Mark H. Vanterpool to suspend disconnection of power and water for the people of the Territory for the rest of September and October. Photo: VINO/File
The host made an appeal to Minister for Communications and Works Hon. Mark H. Vanterpool to suspend disconnection of power and water for the people of the Territory for the rest of September and October. Photo: VINO/File
The resident also believed the BVI Electricity Corporation (BVIEC) should not impose a re-connection fee for being disconnected for small amounts owed. Photo: VINO
The resident also believed the BVI Electricity Corporation (BVIEC) should not impose a re-connection fee for being disconnected for small amounts owed. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - One resident of the Virgin Islands has expressed his disgust at being charged a reconnection fee by local utility companies after being disconnected for what he described as small amounts of money.

The resident, who was at the time a caller on the Speak Your Mind TV show aired on September 21, 2013, gave an example of economic difficulties being experienced and questioned whether government would be able to have any influence on the issue of utility companies charging reconnection fees for owing an amount as low as $50.

The resident argued, "Things are so rough on people that, for example, I go to Water and Sewerage because they cut my water. They cut my water for [non-payment of] $50. you now have to pay $20 to get the water back on. If I can't find $50 and that's why they cut it, how in the name of God I'm going to find another $20 to get them to put it back on. Don't you see that government needs to consider when a man is being cut for $50 they shouldn't [take] that $50 and put him back on?"

He challenged the reason for the reconnection fee as being that workers had to be paid to do the job of reconnection. "Don't tell me you got to pay the man to go out there, because most of the time, the man is sitting down there doing nothing anyhow, they have to pay him," he said.

"If he has to get up and put back my meter on, let him do that because he's being paid by the taxpayers of this country," he continued.

According to the resident, "In this hard time we need to stop charging people those extra money, because if they can't find the money that they actually have to pay, how [will] they find [re]connection money? The same thing goes for the [BVI] Electricity Corporation."

Host, Julio Sam Henry, made an appeal to Minister for Communications and Works Hon. Mark H. Vanterpool to suspend disconnection of power and water for the people of the Territory for the rest of September and October. "Give them a break, it is hard," he said.

Mr Henry argued that people were losing their jobs and said it was exceptionally hard this year, "The slow season kicked in two months before normal, I can challenge anybody on that," he stated.

"Suspend the disconnection. People will come in, let them come in and pay their bill. Send them some notices saying you're past due. Give them the same disconnection notice without disconnecting. give people a break man, it's hard," he appealed.

15 Responses to “Utility companies should stop reconnection fees – resident”

  • nonsense (23/09/2013, 09:09) Like (13) Dislike (129) Reply
    Nonsense. Just like how citizens have bills to pay on time, the utility companies have bills to pay on time. Only here in the BVI people complain about these things. It is rough yeah, but its rough all over. Aint no where in the world you could go to utility companies telling them to discontinue disconnections and disconnection fees. STOP this Nonsense man.
  • qc (23/09/2013, 09:34) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    good point caller
  • ooooo (23/09/2013, 09:47) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    you will be speaking to deaf ears
  • make sense (23/09/2013, 10:23) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    nonsense sounds like they are one of the fortunate ones. everyone dont have it easy like you. so those who have it rough will cry. those who have it easy and are not struggling will say something like that. thats life for u.
  • lawdhavemercy (23/09/2013, 11:01) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
    At lease reduce the disconnection fee to $10. that is what BVI Electricity charges and they too have to send their guys out to disconnect. Water and Sewage need to stop this bullying. You can't even complain when you are being treated unfairly. The boss don't want to hear it.
  • Okay? (23/09/2013, 11:40) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    While we're at it why not just make water and electricity free. It's not like it costs anything to produce them right? No staff and bills to pay, no equipment to maintain, etc etc.
    Or better yet let the government pay for it because they're swimming in money. It's not they don't owe the Corporation millions already. What's a couple million more?
  • Really? (23/09/2013, 12:45) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    If 1000 people decide $50.00 is too much that's $50,000 owed to Government. Meanwhile their employees are paid. Who pays the slack?? There are people with hardships but $50.00?????? Hmmmm...The water companies must be paid, their vendors must be paid, their employees must be paid. This is the real world.
  • help help (23/09/2013, 15:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    when deeds two dept merged father send help for we
  • 1 (23/09/2013, 20:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    that's typical how the governemnt works they can owe you but you cannot owe them one sided
  • Paco (23/09/2013, 22:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Man, the most disgusting of them all is BVI Cable TV. $25.00 USC for reconnection. Someone need to look into this. Soon all customers gone to satalite Dish.
  • DIVA (24/09/2013, 09:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

  • Nonsense!! (25/09/2013, 13:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    i agree with DIVA< but sometimes them does cut your water without notice or even a monthly bill. but still people need to use common sense and pay their basic bills like water, electricity and rent before spending money on cell phone,shoes,beer,rum,woman etc. them want to spend their money on bs then bawl things hard. all of we are feeling the economic hardship, but i rathe pay my bills and stay brokes than to be brokes and houseless,waterless,electricityless. if u cant afford to pay your bill on time call or visit the office and tell them you will pay it on such and such date, simple communication.

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