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USVI to revoke business & driver’s licenses of 25 deadbeat dads

US Virgin Islands Attorney General Claude E. Walker made known through a statement issued on Sunday March 6, 2016 that the Department of Justice was in the process of revoking the driver’s and business licenses of 25 delinquent parents — all of them fathers — who had failed to adhere to the Department of Justice’s (D.O.J) call of coming into compliance with the territory’s child support laws. Photo: VIC

FREDERIKSTED, St Croix, USVI — US Virgin Islands Attorney General Claude E. Walker made known through a statement issued on Sunday March 6, 2016 that the Department of Justice was in the process of revoking the driver’s and business licenses of 25 delinquent parents — all of them fathers — who had failed to adhere to the Department of Justice’s (D.O.J) call of coming into compliance with the territory’s child support laws.

The move comes as part of D.O.J.’s Operation Support Our Children effort, which was announced in September 2015, and revealed that over 1,700 parents — most of the fathers — owed more than $29 million in child support. Speaking to the initiative’s success, USVI Governor Kenneth E. Mapp revealed during his State of the Territory address that over $1.8 million had been collected by D.O.J., and lauded Mr Walker for his efforts. And just last month, D.O.J., continuing its ardent push, released the names of 130 people who collectively had over $600,000 waiting to be collected.

Delinquent parents were given a 30-day amnesty to at least enroll into a payment plan. But while the general response has been “splendid,” according to Mr Walker, there remains “a minority [that] has given us a negative response, or demonstrated a complete lack of interest in this amnesty initiative, despite sending these parents actual written notice,” he said.

“Therefore, for the sake of our children, the D.O.J. must now adopt an adversarial position by taking regulatory enforcement action against 25 parents,” he added. “On Monday, March 7th, these delinquent parents will have their driver’s license, as well as a professional or business license, if they have one, [revoked]. They owe very large amounts, some as high as $179,000, and we know that they have the means to provide monthly child support, but have failed or refused to do so.”

Mr Walker also reminded the 25 delinquent fathers that their passports would be revoked as well, because of a partnership between the local and federal government, which is supported by federal criminal laws pertaining to child support.

Yet, even with D.O.J.’s tough stance on the matter, Mr Walker said community outreach will continue, with a strong emphasis on teaching men how to become better fathers. To that end, Mr Walker said D.O.J. has partnered with the Department of Human Services to provide fatherhood sessions to 60 non-custodial fathers beginning in April.

“Studies have shown that at first, participants in fatherhood sessions view the classes as passé, but that view radically changes as the sessions progress,” Mr Walker said. He also cited data from a 2013 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study that links deep-seated poverty, teen pregnancy, substance abuse and other social problems to the absence of fathers in their children’s lives.

“These sessions will be conducted by highly-trained professionals with a proven track record, and we also reached out to a number of clergy and faith-based representatives to get them come out of the sanctuary by getting into the trenches to fight this war, and their response has been overwhelming – they are very eager to participate,” Mr Walker said. “The intent of these formal sessions is to help fathers to become better fathers, and when that happens, we will see a depreciable decline in many of social ills that the [US] Virgin Islands face today.”

20 Responses to “USVI to revoke business & driver’s licenses of 25 deadbeat dads”

  • weed (08/03/2016, 16:10) Like (4) Dislike (45) Reply
    This is just wrong
    • @Weed (08/03/2016, 17:45) Like (38) Dislike (1) Reply
      It's even worse not to support an innocent child. These children grow up to be a burden to society if not cared for in the early stages. I just wish some men would grow up.
      • @@weed (08/03/2016, 18:54) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
        No, its even worse to rear your children up in an immoral environment. What children see their parents do, they do as adults. Truly train a child in the way he/she ought to go. Love your children by showing them respect. Parents' conduct says a lot to youngsters.
      • hello (08/03/2016, 22:16) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
        Some women also!
  • love america (08/03/2016, 17:23) Like (17) Dislike (2) Reply
    Hey its America. Their lives belong to the government. Its the American way! Yahoo, round 'em up!
  • Must be another way. (08/03/2016, 19:17) Like (2) Dislike (29) Reply
    This is nonsense. This is an ignorant and crazy attorney general. Mentally sick. How can he take away a man business. This same business may one day be past on to those same kids.
    • *Hmm (09/03/2016, 09:42) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
      Wait, the man done not taking care of his youth you talking bout business passing on, give me a break. He wants nothing to do with his child what makes you think he leaving anything...remind me again what type of drug you on buddy
  • nonsense (08/03/2016, 19:25) Like (2) Dislike (55) Reply

    This AG will not last long.

    • wow (08/03/2016, 21:37) Like (26) Dislike (1) Reply
      It's not that sound of the market but the price of the goods, let's see what happens. I like his tough talk .
  • big daddy (08/03/2016, 22:30) Like (1) Dislike (7) Reply
    nah bro...i cyar agree with that....sorry...politics is one thing..that cross the line taking away the fahter bsuiness and humble opinion..
  • Try it here (09/03/2016, 05:10) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    Maybe they should do it here. Half the problems with the young is because they come from a one parent home.
  • good (09/03/2016, 06:29) Like (33) Dislike (0) Reply
    U making money and still don't want to buy your child a candy its one thing if ur not work but if u are make an effort
  • ..... (09/03/2016, 07:57) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
    It's about time.
  • good move (09/03/2016, 08:26) Like (17) Dislike (4) Reply
    I like this move. BVI needs to adopt it!!
  • *Hmm (09/03/2016, 10:02) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    "...over 1,700 parents — most of the fathers — owed more than $29 million in child support."

    "Delinquent parents were given a 30-day amnesty to at least enroll into a payment plan. But while the general response has been “splendid,” according to Mr Walker, there remains “a minority [that] has given us a negative response, or demonstrated a complete lack of interest in this amnesty initiative, despite sending these parents actual written notice,” he said."

    It's funny to see how many ppl against the AG's decision on an ongoing matter happening all over. Right here in BVI we have plenty men walking round flinging them **** left, right & center yet refuses to take care of their children. Mothers then left to hold the strain while these dead beats flashing the latest of everything yet can't find it to give their kids not even a drink of water. You don't want to be with the mother for whatever reason ok fine things happen but look after your child man, be in their lives BE A MAN!!

    Ya'll ppl full of sh*t to think it's a wrong move. Read the quote above, it clearly states that some of these men been warned even given a grace period to sort out themselves yet willfully turning a blind eye and will now be punished for it. Damn right they should be. It's like dealing with a child, you can talk & talk & talk till you blue in the face hoping they behave but at some point you have to up the punishment so they could feel & understand. Then and only then when they see you serious they pull up their socks. Guarantee these men when they now face the prospect of losing especially their business license they sort out their self
  • Observer (09/03/2016, 10:31) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Thats what I'm talking about!
  • Well, Well, well (09/03/2016, 13:15) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    I blame the women most of all. In many instances women know a man has many children that he does not support but they choose to become pregnant by him; because they are different and special and he will support theirs. That is ignorance and the court needs to start looking into these situations and calling out the mothers for their poor decisions. Men, you must use protection if you do not want to father children. If you cannot or will not support those you have then you will not support the next one, so protect yourself and your partner. Come on people act responsibly.
  • Well, Well, well (09/03/2016, 13:26) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    I blame the women most of all in this dilemma. Women, Stop putting yourself with these men whom you know to have several children and do not support them. What makes you think you will have a different outcome. He is not supporting those he fathered before yours, he will not support one by you. The court needs to come down on you women who put yourselves and innocent children in this situation because it is a matter of making bad decisions.
  • Concerned (09/03/2016, 18:27) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Government waits to late to do what they should have done before. Don't take away their bread and butter. Teach them, counsel them, then make sure they support them. You are only going to put more problems on the streets and society. The government needs to educate the females about getting pregnant, and plan for children. Its children getting children these days, and they cannot raise them in the proper way this is why we have so many problems with them, and they are not to be blamed alone. If you are not told this is wrong then they will continue to do it.
    Lets get real.

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