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USVI: Man arrested after ramming ex's car in McDonald's drive-thru

-also threatened to kill her parents
McDonald's Restaurant in Golden Rock, St. Croix. Photo: VIC

GOLDEN ROCK, St. Croix, USVI- A man was arrested after reportedly threatening to kill his ex-girlfriend’s parents and then ramming her vehicle in a McDonald’s drive-thru.

According to court documents, the woman went to police on Thursday morning to report the incident. She said she was at the Golden Rock McDonald’s drive-thru, between the payment window and the one at which customers receive their meals. Vincent Petrus, her ex-boyfriend, reportedly pulled up alongside her vehicle facing in the other direction, demanding that she roll down her passenger side window.

The woman said she complied, but only rolled the window down part-way. She reportedly told her ex that he had threatened her too many times before, and she no longer wished to have any interactions with him. Upon receiving that message, Petrus reportedly reversed his silver Jeep Wrangler and then accelerated into the woman’s vehicle, ramming the Jeep’s front crash bar into her Toyota Corolla. The woman recounted feeling fearful for her life during the incident. She stated that after the incident, Vincent told her it was just the beginning of his plan to destroy everything she had.

Petrus threatened ex’s parents

When the distraught woman called her mother to explain what had happened, she was told that Petrus had recently been at her parents' home, where he allegedly threatened to kill them and destroy everything they owned.

Police observed a large dent on the passenger side doors of the woman’s car, and scratches along the side as well. Video footage from the McDonald’s surveillance cameras has been requested by the police.

Petrus was also at the police station but declined to provide a statement to officers. He was arrested for third-degree assault as a crime of domestic violence and remanded into custody to await his advice of rights hearing.

In court on Friday, Magistrate Yolan Brow Ross issued an order that Petrus be released ahead of trial, however, bail amounts and conditions have not yet been made public as of press time. His next court appearance has been scheduled for October 23.

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