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USVI charter operators must pay fair fees; 1992 rates unacceptable- Premier

It has been revealed that US Virgin Islands (USVI) charter operators contribute nearly $100 million to the USVI economy while paying as little as $200 annually for an operating license in the Virgin Islands (VI). Photo: VINO
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has rejected as 'unacceptable' for charter operators from the United States Virgin Islands (USVI) to continue paying outdated fees from 1992 while generating significant revenue for their own economy. Photo: GIS
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has rejected as 'unacceptable' for charter operators from the United States Virgin Islands (USVI) to continue paying outdated fees from 1992 while generating significant revenue for their own economy. Photo: GIS
Governor of the US Virgin Islands Albert A. Bryan Jr had threatened to impose 25% tariffs going into the USVI from the VI in response to proposed increase in charter fees for USVI charter operators using VI waters for business. Photo: Facebook/File
Governor of the US Virgin Islands Albert A. Bryan Jr had threatened to impose 25% tariffs going into the USVI from the VI in response to proposed increase in charter fees for USVI charter operators using VI waters for business. Photo: Facebook/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has rejected as "unacceptable" for charter operators from the United States Virgin Islands (USVI) to continue paying outdated fees from 1992 while generating significant revenue for their own economy.

The Premier’s remarks came during a press conference on February 28, 2025, where he reaffirmed his administration’s commitment to ensuring that the Virgin Islands (VI) receives fair compensation for the use of its natural resources.

"These are natural resources. This is like our gold or our oil," Premier Wheatley declared, as he highlighted the need for increased fees on USVI-based charter operators who benefit from VI's waters.

VI is open to dialogue

Responding to concerns about the proposed 25 percent tariff on VI imports to neighbouring USVI, Premier Wheatley acknowledged the recent legal opinion from the USVI Legislature’s Legal Council, which stated that Governor Albert A. Bryan Jr lacks the authority to impose such a tariff but cautioned that the threat may not be entirely off the table.

"I read the article that was published in the United States Virgin Islands, and it seems as though, given the legal opinion, they’re exploring their options; My humble admonition to the United States Virgin Islands would be, you know, we don’t need to continue going down that particular road."

According to the Premier, nonetheless, the VI is open to dialogue and underscored previous good-faith consultations with USVI officials regarding the matter.

According to Dr Wheatley, "We made it very clear what our intentions were. We shared many amendments to the legislation with Governor Bryan.”

Pay fair share

At the core of the issue is the disparity between the economic benefits enjoyed by USVI-based charter operators and their minimal financial contribution to the VI and, according to Premier Wheatley, during discussions with Governor Bryan it was revealed that these operators contribute nearly $100 million to the USVI economy while paying as little as $200 annually for an operating license in the VI.

"And to pay fees from 1992, which are 30 years old, is unacceptable; The fees will increase, but we’ll increase it at a level, you know, that will be fair in my opinion."

Publicly expressing his disappointment that USVI voters and policymakers had not recognised the need for a more equitable financial arrangement, he suggests, "To be honest with you, I find it somewhat insulting that their voters would not see that they should contribute a little more to the Virgin Islands to be able to access our natural resources and to be able to make a good livelihood for themselves.”

Premier Wheatley reiterated that he is open to dialogue.

"I've extended an invitation to Governor Bryan, also an invitation to the members of the legislature to come to speak to me so we can have further dialogue; And of course, we are willing to, where necessary, make concessions. But it has to be fair. You know, things have to be fair."

10 Responses to “USVI charter operators must pay fair fees; 1992 rates unacceptable- Premier”

  • Land based visitors (03/03/2025, 11:41) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Land based visitors have to pay a 10% Hotel & Accommodation Tax. Hotels & villa owners pay for Trade Licenses, plus employees Social Security, NHI & Payroll Tax. So, the current paltry $200 fee for charter operators is ridiculous!
  • USVI playing games (03/03/2025, 12:34) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    How things going now and life rough every where, its about survival of a people, each man for themselves, friendship gone out the window. USVI are doing what we should have been doing, their people 1st and 2nd ÷rd to. Hope we wake up and learn, don't try to be friends with people who don't want to be friend with you.
    • But (03/03/2025, 13:41) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      crewed charter yachts increase is lass than $1000 a week, they make the full amount in less than a week .
  • local boy (03/03/2025, 12:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I remembered back in 1989 a cruising permit was $100..LOL BVI we got to be MAD to let it run so for so long.
  • Patch (03/03/2025, 12:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Byran under pressure
  • Karnage (03/03/2025, 12:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Raise em. Ole boy always speaks threateningly. Do your do, big dawg
  • Senior native citizen of the British Virgin Islands (03/03/2025, 12:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Our current Premier, Hon. Natalie Sajuande Wheatley, though some of the past times wrong, is right to demand an upgraded and up to date fair fees on Charter Boats for USVI opporators. AAAmen.
  • c (03/03/2025, 13:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Don’t forget local BVI businesses receive a lot of charter guest dollars.
  • lodger (03/03/2025, 13:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Premier says we should increase 1992 charges. I agree but at the same time we should increase all the local taxes which havent been increased since well before 1992. Start with land tax (ducks to protect head).
  • ReX FeRal (03/03/2025, 14:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    If the USVI want to sail in our waters Piss on them. They always look down on us. That is real talk.

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