US$805K found on vessel in June 2020 forfeited to Crown; Duo found guilty

The duo was found guilty on March 29, 2022, after a trial that commenced in January 2021.
Magistrate Richards found the men guilty of Possession of Proceeds of Criminal Conduct; Failing to Declare Monies to her Majesty’s Customs; and Illegal Entry.
Additionally, Wilson was found guilty Failing to Comply with an Order contrary to section 91 (1) (c) of the Police Act (CAP 165), of the Laws of the Virgin Islands.
US$805,370.00 forfeited
In addition to convicting the Defendants on all Complaints, the Senior Magistrate ordered for the amount of US$805,370.00 to be forfeited to the Crown.
These monies were recovered on June 16, 2020, when Officers from the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force and Customs Department spotted the Defendants while on sea patrol just off the coast of St Thomas.
Wilson, who was represented by Stephen R. Daniels and Valera, who was represented by E. Leroy Jones, will be sentenced in May 2022.

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