US & VI may be better off with Donald J. Trump as President- Hon Fraser

Mr Trump strode to victory against Democratic Candidate Hillary R. Clinton with wins in battleground states, including Ohio and Pennsylvania, propelled by white, working-class “Trump Democrats”. These voters crossed party lines to back a billionaire who vowed to return jobs to America — echoing Ronald Reagan’s victory over Jimmy Carter in 1980.
Virgin Islands News Online reached out to Hon Fraser for his reaction to the US elections results and the Opposition Leader responded via a post on his Facebook page this morning, November 9, 2016.
We asked Hon Fraser what he felt the US election results could mean for the Virgin Islands and what could the territory learn from the US Presidential Elections.
“I think the BVI will be the better with a prosperous United States. What do we ever get from China, in terms of aid! Rebuilding the US infrastructure means money for United States workers, which translates into tourism dollars coming to the Virgin Islands, means Americans investing in our housing market. The possibilities are bright.”
According to Hon Fraser, the United States has lost its way in world trade and its balance of trade deficit is untenable. “America doesn't produce anything anymore. Just think about it, America lifted a trade ban on Iran, and before the ink dried, France was signing the sale of 118 aircraft valued at $25 billion with Iran. What happened to the US aircraft manufacturer Boeing? Well they eventually signed a smaller deal later. Perfect example how the international community is taking advantage of the US. A Trump presidency will put an end to that. Meaning a paying down on the ridiculous $20 trillion debt.”
The Opposition Leader also pointed out at how China has militarised the South China Sea, as America has helplessly stood by, much to its allies’ astonishment, all in the name of so-called friendly relations with the same China.
‘I always favoured Trump’
Hon Fraser, reflecting on the 2016 US Elections campaign, said after some eighteen months of bickering, ugly insults and bitter fighting, the America establishment and those they were able to convinced, had sealed shut their minds from the message the Republican Candidate/Nominee was spreading, and preferred instead to focus on his rhetoric.
“The result of this cocky attitude, coupled with a liberal media's disservice to the people in their obvious favour for Hillary Clinton was the shock of their lives this morning with a Donald Trump election to the Presidency of the United States.
“Anyone with whom I felt was open minded enough to have a discussion with me on American politics could tell you where I stood. It has always been my preference for a Trump presidency. Just like I called BREXIT. American, and by extension, the world needed a new direction. Hillary Clinton was only going to be more of the same.”
Hon Fraser concluded: “We can learn here in the BVI the dangers associated with the lack of transparency when it comes to politics, if only your political opponent is prepared to call you out on it.”

33 Responses to “US & VI may be better off with Donald J. Trump as President- Hon Fraser”
Trump has no respect for any race but his own, has no respect for women in general, and is incapable of having a "grown up" conversation without resorting to comments like, "No I'm not, you are".
He has created such division in his country that it is not only likely but it is EXPECTED that there will be race riots in the streets once again. By his own statements and actions, he has given the citizens of the USA permission to bring bigotry, hatred and bullying back in vogue again. He will lead his country back to the 1930's!
Donald Trump has no business running one of the most powerful countries in the world. He is unqualified on so many levels, the least of which is not his personality. He is hardly the rock steady type I would want to join in the war room, where he would be within arms reach of nuclear warheads!
Sadly, his mentality is along the same vein as that of Vladimir Putin, but without the intelligence and cunning that Putin possesses. He is basically another Kim Jong-un, with a much bigger budget and a far better trained military. He is nothing more than a wealthy, puppet capable of being manipulated by those far, far smarter than he is.
I am not at all surprised that Mr. Fraser is a Trump supporter.
You folks can't seem to think for yourself, Democrats don't do spits for black people except to keep them poor, but because the black so-called leaders say vote Hillary Clinton, people like you think everyone must follow. Fraser is just good where he is. And you will be alright in your misery
Frazer is no Trump.
you think a person who is so easily insulted and wants to punish by hitting back "twice as hard" is world class material? can you see him standing with the queen or next to the Japanese premier and ignore protocol because he doesn't half to respect traditions? He is a loose cannon who insults the intelligence of informed people. He won because his crudeness appealed to the un-informed. He said he "loves un-educated people". That's an insult in its own right. Fraser, you belong with him.
That is why we didn't vote for you Fraser, you like Trump.
privacy including in financial and banking matters, not to mention socially. Snap out of it! Act like adults.