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Upper-level trough affecting VI

- residents advised to pay attention to updates
September 10th, 2024 | Tags: trough weather VI Virgin Gorda unstable conditions
The weather system over the Virgin Islands, as shown on Zoom Earth today, September 10, 2024. Photo: Zoom Earth
The Virgin Islands (VI) is currently experiencing unstable weather conditions caused by an upper-level trough the BVI DDM has said in an advisory today, September 10, 2024. Photo: BVI DDM
The Virgin Islands (VI) is currently experiencing unstable weather conditions caused by an upper-level trough the BVI DDM has said in an advisory today, September 10, 2024. Photo: BVI DDM
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The Virgin Islands (VI) is currently experiencing unstable weather conditions caused by an upper-level trough.

The Department of Disaster Management (DDM) in an advisory released at 3:25 PM today, September 10, 2024, also said flooding may be a possibility and, in the event flooding occurs, avoid roadways until the water subsides.

Meanwhile, a cluster of severe thunderstorms is in the vicinity of the Territory and likely to affect marine conditions, especially in the vicinity of Virgin Gorda.

Waterspouts caused by the thunderstorms could overturn boats and make local seas hazardous. Mariners should therefore exercise caution during this period.

The BVI DDM is advising all to pay attention to updates.

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