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UPDATE:Customs & duties bill passed with amendments

February 14th, 2012 | Tags: HOA Local customs bill
The Customs Management and Duties Amendment bill is being heatedly debated in the HOA.
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- After a lengthy Committee Stage, the Customs Management and Duties Amendment Act 2012, which was met with opposition this morning by members of the opposition and needed a majority vote for it to proceed, was passed this afternoon February 14, 2012 in the House of Assembly.

The bill was amended to make way for duties to be relieved from the cost of Freight and Insurance of imports by businesses, which would cost Government some 3.7 Million dollars per year.

According to Premier Dr. D. Orlando D. Smith, his Government saw the need to revive the economy and the bill is seen as one way of stimulating the business sector and that Government was also looking at other ways of enhancing commerce.

Dr. Smith said it is expected that the bill would result in increased commercial activities, lower prices and job creation.

Deputy Premier and Minister for Natural Resources and Labour Hon. Kedrick Pickering said Government was concerned with the high prices especially for food. He noted too that businesses have been complaining of being unable to compete with St. Thomas due to high cost of shipping and duty and noted that the cost of shipment to USVI from the United States was cheaper than to the Virgin Islands.

Dr. Pickering said Government could not afford to eliminate import duties as it is a major source of revenue for Government.

But First District Representative Hon. Andrew Fahie noted that the move will not show results tomorrow in supermarkets and that savings would be very small and would also take some time to be felt and asked how Government would get back the some $3. 7 million it will be losing.

But according to Hon. Fahie, Government needed to go after the cost of freight subsidising some of the local shipping companies and sending them to the mainland and let them return with their freight at a more reasonable price.

He also said there was need for legislation for consumer protection as there was no guarantee that the savings would be passed on to the customers.

Third District Representative Hon. Julian Fraser RA, said to lose 3.7 million dollars in revenue as a supposed stimulant to the economy was a joke and said the Government was only hoping that the savings would be passed on to the customers. “You don’t give such money and hope. There must be a plan in place to make sure the money goes where it is intended to go...What is the real intent of the bill? What do you hope to achieve? If it is to stimulate the economy the money we are talking about will not do it.”

Hon. Fraser also said if it is intended to make people stop shopping overseas the bill would also would not facilitate that. There was also an exchange of words around that time between Hon. Fraser and a member of the Government during which time Hon. Fraser remarked “You said the country was broke now fix it” to which the member said “we will fix it”.

“To come and tell people you are going to give them 10 cents on a dollar it’s a joke,” Hon. Fraser stated and also added that the move would just be an opportunity for businesses to increase the prices of their goods by just leaving prices as they are and also an opportunity for them improve their inventory unless Government ensures the savings are passed on to the consumer.

22 Responses to “UPDATE:Customs & duties bill passed with amendments ”

  • observer (14/02/2012, 13:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I just heard Myron and Mark screaming on the top of their voices like children in the house…what a turn off!!!...yak yak
    • jerry springer (14/02/2012, 13:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      What was missing was the punches flying in the house this morning. Myron and Mark had a right to scream because the pot calling the kettle black. All of them are a set of sick politicians but they all will pay the price in the near future for misleading the people. NDP play your cards right and treat your people right.
    • Liar!! (14/02/2012, 14:37) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You dawn lie!!! I heard them too and they were not screaming like the laughing children we had there before. Go to hell!!!
      • no class (14/02/2012, 23:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        hell yes every NDP supporters agree dem was screaming like children...dem so out of place and disrespectful to the for Myron just looking at he you can see he aint belong in dey...from dey lower class!
        • Wow!! (15/02/2012, 09:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          You really good to know every NDP supporter. You are nothing more than a hater. NDP is in charge of the house and there is no more clowns laughing and giggling for everthing. The house is back to BUSINESS.
    • Truth Is (15/02/2012, 12:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You so lie..they were talking through their hurt and passion. I heard no screaming. Better that then than the nonsence we heard from the previous government who ruled the house. How quickly do we forget. Go to the house making empty promises for four years. You and your other VIP backers said nothing, now we have an active government, making promises and keeping them and you here talking hog wash...It's about time NDP told them about themselves. They made a mess of our finances causing England to now want to look at our budgets but you aint going to hear all you talk about that...It going to have a lot more for all you to talk and waite
  • 9th District Voter (14/02/2012, 14:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Where is our Representative again? The people went to the polls for a Rep. and this what they get. We need a bielection now, how long more do we have to wait? What a ting to tell the King.
    • BREAKING NEWS (14/02/2012, 16:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I agree with you "9th District Voter". It need a bi-election so we can vote out the rest VIP fools.
    • 6th (14/02/2012, 18:32) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      It's you who help to put him in there. Now the 9th District is without representation. That's a thing to tell the king. lol
  • billy b (14/02/2012, 15:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Fraser have the nerve to say, “You said the country was broke now fix it” , when he was the one who plead to the public to give the government a chance, support them and be patient because of our economic situation. Now he giving the government LIP!!!!!
    • Agree!! (15/02/2012, 09:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      That's the best of Fraser. He talk until he talk sh..t. He help to mess up the country and he busy trying to tell NDP how to fix it. You and the others were there and you did nothing more than put us in a ditch. NDP will fix it but we do not need your help to do so. All of you should have been out looking in and learning a thing or two on how to run a country. Fahie believe that he is the best with words but we got him covered. He is no more than a talker who try to use words at his advantage. The people of the BVI are above that nonsense now.
  • Freedom to spend (14/02/2012, 16:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I did not like what was said in the house , that it is ok for the expatriats to send all their money back to thier country, but they need to find a way to stop locals from shopping St. Thomas. I see something very wrong with that statement, because the money that the locals spend St. thomas, cannot compare or even come close to the large amount of money leaving this country every week through the money transfer companies. For every dollar local spend in St. Thomas a thousand dollars get sent out by the money transfer companies. The money being sent out needs to be tax
  • positive vision (14/02/2012, 18:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    what a thing to tell the king ///darm
  • TELL THE TRUTH (14/02/2012, 19:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    With some of the culprits in we house how the hell can price be drop…one is selling a hamburger and fries for almost $15.00 at his restaurant…there is no guarantees that prices will drop? where is the consumer protection bill that the NDP promise we the people? More hogwash, more spin, more perception management…but you can fool the people some of the time but not all the time…2015 come fast we made a big mistake!!!!
    • My $0.02 (14/02/2012, 22:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      That's the beauty of a free market economy, no one is forcing you to buy that $15.00 Hamburger. You could buy $2.00 patty at the supermarket and make one yourself.
      • question (14/02/2012, 23:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        the opposition members was at their best today; there main point was government must make sure the savings are passed on to the consumer and they don't think that this will help the economy....who can disagree with that unless you are driven by power, and just want to support Dr. Orlando before you get fired????? now tell we .
  • Tram (14/02/2012, 20:09) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    It is obvious to me that the honorable member from the 3rd does not understand the intent of this bill. It is not to so much to put money directly into people's pocket. Obviously that's all the VIP knew how to do. Rather the bill seeks to circulate an additional $3.7 million in the economy each year. This will help produce a progressive "multiplier" effect on the economy by helping businesses order more stuff, stay afloat, remain competitive, grow larger, retain employees etc. It is an investment in the economy and in the future. Honorable opposition member, it is your right to disagree. But don't try to belittle other members who are obviously smarter than you, and are only trying to fix a bad economic situation caused by you and your party. What are your solutions, sir? I thought so. I like the more respectful approach by the member for the 1st, and even like his idea of government working with the freight companies. But I think the bill as presented will spread the benefits across all businesses and not just the freight companies.
    • ayo could stay vex (14/02/2012, 23:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      ha ha "Tram" you can jump high and jump low ayo cannot touch the man form the 3rd...we put he in @ we goin put he in again next time...get use to it and ayo got to live wid it. he has the most sound and rational arguments in we legislative council today....very astute man....gosh Frzer hurry up come Premier bossman
    • Exactly (15/02/2012, 13:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Exactly, this money will be used by the businesses. But that is not what government is trying to fool the people into believing. Government is telling people that the $3.7 million is to be passed on to the consumers (shoppers), but the only man smart enough to see different is Fraser. Those Merchants are not going to pass on any savings to the public. You know it, the Merchants know it, and the Government knows it. As far as you criticism of Fraser's defense of the people is concerned, you need to grow up and respect the Opposition's role, they are there to keep the government honest, and inform the public.
  • De Castro (14/02/2012, 21:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am so proud of the opposition of their well research and sensible contribution on this bill…. good job! The bill is just not right for we the little people!!! This bill will only benefit all the big business, big restaurants, hotels, developers and others making it easier and cheaper for those big companies to import. It is no way on earth they will pass this on to we the little poor people. But this is typical NDP like the Republicans for big business and rich people. I want a government for the little man that is why come next time, I am going back to the VIP all the Way. I am disappointed in this bill but not surprised by the NDP actions.
    • HELLO!! (15/02/2012, 12:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      So these business men you are talking about are not from here? Give me a break from talking trash. The small and big businesses will benefit from this bill. Like the opposition, you did not understand the real content of this bill. Get a copy and review it in your mind...struppss

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