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UPDATE:1 dead in boat accident; identified as Frandy Martin Jr

-One arrested as police investigations continue
October 17th, 2021 | Tags: boat accident Virgin Islands crash VISAR Slaney
Out of the three passengers on the powerboat, one male, Mr Frandy Martin Jr. suffered severe and fatal injuries and later died. Photo: Team of Reporters
According to reports, the yacht allegedly collided with a small powerboat with about three persons on board, almost cutting the powerboat in half. Photo: Team of Reporters
According to reports, the yacht allegedly collided with a small powerboat with about three persons on board, almost cutting the powerboat in half. Photo: Team of Reporters
This boat was was filmed with police cardon tape in the vicinity of the accident, it remains unclear the cause of the accident. Photo: Team of Reporters
This boat was was filmed with police cardon tape in the vicinity of the accident, it remains unclear the cause of the accident. Photo: Team of Reporters
DUFFS BOTTOM, Tortola, VI - More information has emerged from the tragic boating accident that occurred last evening Saturday, October 16, 2021, around 6:30 PM and has so far claimed the life of one.

Our news center has confirmed that the accident occurred in the area of Duffs Bottom, Tortola and involved a 40 foot Sunseeker yacht named Bayou.

According to reports, the yacht allegedly collided with a small powerboat with about three persons on board, almost cutting the powerboat in half. 

Out of the three passengers on the powerboat, one male, Mr Frandy Martin Jr. suffered severe and fatal injuries and later died. The other two were taken to the Dr D. Orlando Smith Hospital in the capital city, Road Town where they are undergoing treatment.

Details on how the accident occurred with the two vessels colliding at sea is still unclear, however,  there were five persons on the Sunseeker yacht, who also suffered minor injuries, and two reportedly required medical attention.

Police investigators could not confirm whether only three persons were on the powerboat, however said that one person have been arrested and all persons are believed to be accounted for as investigations continue. 

The Police were assisted by the Virgin Islands Search & Rescue team. Our newsroom express condolences to the family of the late Frandy Martin Jr., whose next of kin has been notified of his passing. 

We will bring more details as it becomes available.

See previous story published last evening Saturday, October 16, 2021

Persons reportedly missing following boat accident @ Slaney

-VISAR confirms accident but says Police handling rescue 

SLANEY, Tortola, VI- Information coming into Virgin Islands News Online (VINO) is that a boat accident has occurred near Slaney sometime this evening, October 16, 2021.

Virgin Islands Search and Rescue (VISAR) Operations Manager, Philip Aspinall told VINO that while he can confirm an accident, the officers of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) are leading the rescue operations.

One person in the vicinity of the area where the accident happened related that they heard a loud crash and screaming, however, it was too dark to see what had happened in the waters off Slaney.

It is unclear the cause of the accident and up to publication time, details on the condition of those involved remain sketchy. 

Our News Center will bring more information as it becomes available.

67 Responses to “UPDATE:1 dead in boat accident; identified as Frandy Martin Jr ”

  • Sassy (16/10/2021, 22:27) Like (52) Dislike (4) Reply
    Condolences to his family, it is so sad.
  • Futuro (16/10/2021, 22:31) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    Jah Have Mercy
  • who (16/10/2021, 22:56) Like (7) Dislike (9) Reply
    Who dead ? Wow
    • @ who (16/10/2021, 23:42) Like (34) Dislike (6) Reply
      It’s alleged One died unfortunately one critical.
      Will refrain from posting the names in respect to the deceased relatives.
  • Class of 91 (16/10/2021, 23:55) Like (21) Dislike (8) Reply
    Rest in peace classmate
  • jvdboy11 (17/10/2021, 00:23) Like (5) Dislike (10) Reply
    damnn. one dead. one critical. very sad, my condolences to the families involved. I wonder what time it happened? I couldn't imagine someone driving in the dark
    • Driving in the dark (17/10/2021, 10:10) Like (23) Dislike (1) Reply
      Yachts navigate at night all the time , that is what navigation lights are for and training to become a captain. navigation courses are critical to safely operate vessels
  • window (17/10/2021, 01:39) Like (8) Dislike (75) Reply
    Some wicked soul is out there casting obeah. STOP IT!
    • @Window (17/10/2021, 10:28) Like (33) Dislike (5) Reply
      Can’t you all stop the BS about the obeah nonsense every time something happen? All of you with this obeah nonsense need to be dump in a hole alive and set a blaze.
      • @@window (17/10/2021, 18:21) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
        I feel you, remember when the pilot from VG helicopter crash in Georgia and the pilot died? They were talking the Same BS about obeah or voodoo or what ever they call it was involved.
    • PLEASE;.. (17/10/2021, 16:12) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
      who did the obeah? your stinking mother? no wonder why you dunce.
    • New Life (17/10/2021, 16:35) Like (1) Dislike (8) Reply
      Look the obeah house rite dey
  • pat (17/10/2021, 06:21) Like (14) Dislike (5) Reply
    Thanks for the information vino
  • the rock (17/10/2021, 08:57) Like (34) Dislike (0) Reply
    Volleyball fraternity lost an icon, condolences to his family!
  • musa (17/10/2021, 09:11) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
    My prayers with the families and friends may god bless his soul and the company of the supreme lord and I must say we played a lots of volleyball great sportsman & human beings .
  • Hmmmm (17/10/2021, 09:17) Like (8) Dislike (46) Reply
    This accident happen last night you tell me vino could not wait till the family settle in about loosing there love one to put up his pic, i know the family did not say go ahead and put up his pic wow.

    we played basketball together
    we played volleyball together
    we hand out together
    still in shock bro you will surly be miss
    RIP bro
    • @hmmmm (17/10/2021, 10:08) Like (33) Dislike (5) Reply
      Stop thinking like an idiot will you?
      No news site will post a picture without next of kin permission. Another one of the BVI IGNORAMUS yakking S*^t.
  • I need help. (17/10/2021, 09:24) Like (41) Dislike (1) Reply
    All my life im trying to understand how can two boats run into each other in a wide open sea with captains on the look out...It only making sense to me if the boats are left to sail on their own. .Can someone with more knowledge of Boats and Seas explaim to me...Thks...Its a hard one for this church going God loving family., My deepest sympathy..
  • fedup (17/10/2021, 10:03) Like (32) Dislike (1) Reply
    Check the blood alcohol level of everyone involved
    • @fedup (17/10/2021, 10:42) Like (5) Dislike (4) Reply
      And you think the investigators is not going to do that? They already did.
      • fedup (17/10/2021, 16:39) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
        I was injured in a boating accident years ago and the RVIPF team of investigators failed to have everyone’s blood alcohol level checked. It wasn’t until 6 days after the incident it was brought up.
  • ... (17/10/2021, 10:03) Like (54) Dislike (1) Reply
    what a sad sad sad day for the BVI. Frandy was a good man and kind
  • Condolences (17/10/2021, 10:13) Like (28) Dislike (1) Reply
    My sincere condolences to the Martin family, may God be a source of comfort in your lives as you mourn the lost of Frandy’s untimely death. I would like to wish a speedy recovery to all the other parties involved in the incident. May God be with you all.
  • Dash (17/10/2021, 10:32) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
    Very sad and shocking news this morning. Condolences to all his family and friends.
  • mercy (17/10/2021, 10:33) Like (20) Dislike (2) Reply
    O Lord our God! Have mercy upon us !
    Comfort the bereaved family; grant them your peace.
    Heal O Lord, the injured ones; strengthen their families and give them grace at this difficult time
  • SAD INDEED (17/10/2021, 10:39) Like (34) Dislike (0) Reply
    He was one of the good guys. my sincere condolences to his family and friends. Sleep on in eternal peace dude.
  • Liat 521 (17/10/2021, 11:18) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Rip frandy
  • Family friends it's (17/10/2021, 11:38) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    Its so sad that I can't even find the word to we both attend Sunday school together way back in the 80 at East end where is dad was the pastor the hold family are kinds and respectable my deepest condolences to you all especially to his mom and dad may his soul rest in perfect peace
  • And so ? (17/10/2021, 11:44) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    I wonder if anybody will be charged. Maybe this will just disappear like the nothing that happened to the captain in the Guana island incident some time back.
  • Conficting assessment (17/10/2021, 11:57) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Firstly our thoughts and prayers must be with his immediate family and friends during this difficult times, words are inadequate to express how they are feeling now, another family now in mourning.
    Vino you stated that yacht collided into the power boat and then later on you said the cause of the accident is unclear.
    I think the unclear paragraph is about correct for now until investigating authorities give an official statement because in these small islands rumours usually fly like wild fire and journalists should not be caught up into that. Its a very sad day in the BVI once again.
    Sadly punishment for causing death in these circumstances is very low, another good soul snuffed out. Let's focus our energies on the family at this time.
  • Ghost (17/10/2021, 12:08) Like (21) Dislike (0) Reply
    Learning this news made me very sad.. Frandie was such a lovely and helpful person . My heart grieves losing him.. to Frandie’s family/the family of those that are injured I pray God’s Comfort for you and God’s Healing for those that were injured on both boats..we don’t know where death is why it’s so important that we all ready our souls to meet God..(I’m not saying his soul wasn’t ready, just speaking in general terms for us all)..I love you Frandie and you’ll be forever missed..
  • Oxana (17/10/2021, 12:35) Like (32) Dislike (0) Reply
    He was a friendly and respectful of people. Condolences to his family.. he was a lively person who loved sports.
  • rules (17/10/2021, 13:22) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
    Someone asked. The First Rule is all boats shall avoid a collision at all costs - this means even if you are the right of way boat you have to give way
    Under power you give way to the vessel to the right of you, by either turning right and going behind them or slowing down and letting them pass ahead. IF the give way boat doesn't give way at an early stage than it is up to the right of way boat to avoid. ÀLL should be done early. All boats of the size in the accident should have their lights on from sunset onwards. For the collision to occur there has to be bad seamanship on both parties. Things like this are preventable and the rules are designed to make sure that this doesn't happen.
    • BuzzBvi (17/10/2021, 18:10) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Unless one is not visible to the other. What time was this?
      Very sad news and condolences to the family. Let;s hope everyone works to stay safe.
    • boat captain (18/10/2021, 07:23) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Rules: all very good points. But where does one learn the rules of navigation? Only qualification required to own and operate a boat is sufficient cash to pay for it. The sailboat charter industry term is “credit card skipper”. No test or license is required unlike the BMV. Everyone living on an island should learn the basics of water navigation as part of their standard primary school education.. That said, an issue that arises is that people who do have right of way do not always have the wisdom to let the other vessel pass and instead end up being DEAD right. Number one rule at sea is avoid collisions at all costs even if the other person is on the wrong side of the rules. It is a fallacy to think that private craft operators are conversant with COLREGs (international avoidance if collision at sea) rules, so generally good policy to stay clear of private craft, especially if at speed. And always, keep a good look out (as required by Colregs). Sad to read about stories like this.
  • All I can say (17/10/2021, 13:26) Like (6) Dislike (18) Reply
    Condolences to the Bereaved families and friends of the deceased.
    Prayers for the other person who’s hospitalized.
    Hate this type of news especially when
    Christmas is soo close.
  • Hmm (17/10/2021, 13:43) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
    its really sad to see u go, but i kno one thing you wont be stressing anymore. you will be missed by those truly love you, those who u inspired and even those who took u for granted. life is to short. RIP
  • Coworker (17/10/2021, 13:43) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    I'm in shock ooh my.
    now checking the news and it saddens my heart. My sincere condolences to this family. He was my coworker for a number of years.
  • one love (17/10/2021, 14:34) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    2021 will be a year to remember but for many it is one they just want to see behind them. Death touched so many families this year and it’s only by God’s grace and strength they are coping, I pray the Martin family will be comforted during their pain. God blessings upon them.
  • Me (17/10/2021, 14:38) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    So sorry to hear this news. Frandy was always a pleasant person to me. Never once passed me straight over the years. Awesome musician on those drums especially. Will miss seeing him around. May he RIP and may his family be consoled by the good memories.
  • dua (17/10/2021, 14:50) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    @I need help, Operating a vessel at night the crew or someone on board should be a lookout person because sometimes the captain might have a blind spot on the other side of the vessel if one of the boats are running without running lights that can be a big problem for the other boat. It's hard to understand what really happened because it was clear last night with a little bit of moonlight. Operating a boat at night is not easy because if you don't know how to read the lights around you you can be in trouble.
  • Andrew Cox Sr (17/10/2021, 15:55) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    my deepest condolences to the Martin Family and be of good courage
  • K in (17/10/2021, 16:14) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Sometimes when things like this happens it leaves you with a question mark but my beloved brother God knows best my your soul rest in peace
  • Real Talk (17/10/2021, 18:23) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    My sympathy to his entire family wonderful you man always pleasant fast recovery to those that were injured pray the lord would look over every boater on the water be safe. Thank you visar and the rvip and other persons who assisted.
  • Sad (17/10/2021, 19:40) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    But I understand the yahct didn't see the other boat cause their didn't had on no light.
    • lie (18/10/2021, 15:42) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      trying to fabricate stories now.... we pray that the truth will come to light
    • L**s (23/10/2021, 23:14) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      That can’t be true that they didn’t have on any lights when even when the lights on the boat were still on when it was towed to the dock.
  • Slam team (17/10/2021, 19:49) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Terminator legendary sportsman may you enjoy the company of the supreme lord ,this is sad news .
  • ting to talk (17/10/2021, 21:48) Like (3) Dislike (12) Reply
    So white boat captain can black boat captain. Shouldn’t be about race. But it is deep down. If two locals hit each other they would both get off whoever was at fault. But now a white man drives nice yacht and hits locals boat should be interesting
    • race (18/10/2021, 08:45) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
      Great to see that there are some racists on this site to introduce hatred and local versus foreigner politics..well done haters..
  • Nathan (18/10/2021, 03:17) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Boats are coming in on the eastern end of the island at any time now. 2 go fast boat just came in. The police need to be on the patrol in the area between 2 am and 5 am.
  • hmmm (18/10/2021, 03:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    A third go fast boat just arrived east. A wha go on this early morning buddy.
    • They busy (18/10/2021, 17:08) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Since curfew lifted the big power boats come in at 3:30am to sea cow bay. They wasted no time in those night trips.
  • Music (18/10/2021, 04:40) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    A massive light had been extinguished. The sports world know his skills and the music industry has lost a tremendous talent. Of all the drummers I've come across he was definitely top rated - BVI's best. REST IN ETERNAL PEACE my friend. Your smile, energy, talents and presence will forever me missed and treasured.
  • @ ting to talk (18/10/2021, 06:36) Like (15) Dislike (6) Reply
    You sound so stupid and arrogant. It has nothing to do with race…. If the captain was a real captain and he hit a vessel… the logical thing to do is stop the boat and see what he has hit not hit the boat and keep sailing like a amateur…. He hit a boat killing someone and kept going… doesn’t matter race… the amount of people in the boat and not on see the boat? Smh what where the doing, other than being drunk and reckless.
    • As do you (18/10/2021, 16:55) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
      Don’t spread rumours and lies. People from both boats were in the water. No one drove off.
      • BuzzBvi (18/10/2021, 22:37) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        That's what I hear so far. Kill the room more mill.
      • @as do you (19/10/2021, 08:33) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
        Then how did one boat make it back Nanny Cay? And the other had to be rescued…. Hmm
  • Fam (18/10/2021, 20:50) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    God bless his soul
  • who (18/10/2021, 22:53) Like (0) Dislike (5) Reply
    Who sails in the dark?
  • SkinnyPipe (19/10/2021, 11:05) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    There is a time for EVERYTHING under the sun.
    This is about a LIFE. OMG PEOPLE!!!
    Frandy and I grew up together... went to school together... sang together and played together as Terminators..
    PLEASE RESPECT the LIFE he lived by remembering HIM and the fact that while you can post inconsiderate comments at a time like this, HE CANNOT!!
    You can argue about boating issues later on, but, ACCIDENTS HAPPEN. If they didn't, we wouldn't be grieving, celebrating a life, and for the rest of you, arguing, at this time.
    RIP my brother...
  • Garry g (16/04/2022, 22:28) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Who sails in the dark..A lot of ppl..How you think staff get back from Outer islands after work.If you Google too can learn how to navigate at night.Who drives at night without lights..ppl smugglers and drug runners..and Irresponsible captain's.The boat that tried to cut in front and killed the man,that needs to be looked into.Fran,s father is a Ex policeman...Pastor of Church of God..just saying.The other boat needs to be looked into also.They were supposed to go behind the boat coming down from vg.Mistakes happen and this ain't over,Were are the phone at?No videos at all.weird.
  • Me (08/03/2025, 11:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    2025, my friend Frandy, we are still recording you. Does anyone here know what happened with the case?

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