UPDATE: ‘We paid our rent up to May’- Alred C. Frett

Mr Frett said he has “always paid his rent even after the Hurricanes” and is “now paid up until May 2018 along with a deposit that is there”.
He suggested that we can also verify his side of this issue by speaking to the landlord Ms Diane Bruce of Mill Mall Investments Ltd, who still could not be reached up to press time.
“Landlord did not keep her words” - Frett
The former government minister said, “It was the landlord who did not keep her side of what was agreed, to fix the property after the Hurricanes,” but instead he went ahead and did the repairs that the landlady refused to do, in exchange to be compensated, but “I was not compensated”.
Mr Frett said there was no reason for the landlord to placed chains and locks on a portion of the property that still remain there up to publication time.
He said he wants to assure the “bloggers” that he has always paid his rent and continue to do so, even after the Hurricanes when large portions of the building was devastated.
See article previously published on May 7, 2018
Landlord locks out staff of B & F Medical
-tenant says it was done ‘without given cause’
Staff of B&F Medical turned up to work early Monday morning, May 7, 2018, only to be greeted by chain and padlock to the entrance of the place of business in the Mill Mall on Wickham’s Cay 1, Tortola.
There was also a notice allegedly posted on the door by the landlord, Mill Mall Investments Ltd, stating, among other things, that “Any personal property not belonging to Mill Mall Investments Ltd situated within the premises may be collected by appointment.”
It is unclear at this time why the landlord has taken such a course of action.
“Yes, it is true!!! Landlord locks out B&F Medical Complex without given cause!!!” Owner of B&F Medical Alred C. Frett stated via email today.
Efforts to reach Diane Bruce of Mill Mall Investments Ltd were not successful up to the time of publication.
Meanwhile, calls for a Landlord/Tenant Legislation, especially following the hurricanes of September 2017, continues to be ignored by the National Democratic Party (NDP) Administration.

33 Responses to “UPDATE: ‘We paid our rent up to May’- Alred C. Frett”
When you think you hold the master key, there's a bigger plan in the mix.
Not going to speculate here but in the absence of a statement from Ms. Bruce and her attorney, I cannot say much. But I will ask these questions, 1. Was there a notice given? 2. Was there a court order?. No landlord have any authority to lock out anyone unless the two above questions has been address or the premises abandoned by the tenant. There can be serious consequences for such action.