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UPDATE: Virgin Islanders react to new Pope selection!

March 13th, 2013 | Tags: Rome conclave cardinals new pope white smoke
Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio has greeted crowds in Rome's St Peter's Square after his election as the Catholic Church's new Pope. Photo: BBC
The Catholic community and other persons in the Virgin Islands have been making their opinions felt over the selection today, March 13, 2013 of Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio as the Catholic Church's new Pope.
The Catholic community and other persons in the Virgin Islands have been making their opinions felt over the selection today, March 13, 2013 of Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio as the Catholic Church's new Pope.
Priest of the St. William's Catholic Church on Tortola, Fr Walter M. Mendonca S.V.D. Photo: VINO/File
Priest of the St. William's Catholic Church on Tortola, Fr Walter M. Mendonca S.V.D. Photo: VINO/File
Bells rang as the white smoke poured out. Photo: BBC
Bells rang as the white smoke poured out. Photo: BBC
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The Catholic community and other persons in the Virgin Islands have been making their opinions felt over the selection on March 13, 2013 of Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio as the Catholic Church's new Pope.

Cardinal Bergoglio, 76, who is the first Latin American and the first Jesuit to be pontiff, will call himself Francis I. He replaces Benedict XVI, who resigned last month at the age of 85, saying he was not strong enough to lead the Church.

Virgin Islands News Online spoke to several persons in the Catholic community on their reaction to the election of Pope Francis 1.

"I am pleased to know that the Pope is from Latin America. It is the first time that a Pope has been chosen out of Europe," said Elena.

Marieta said she was just glad that the Pope was chosen sooner than later. "I couldn't handle the suspense," she laughed.

Deandra said she hoped that the new Pope would spell a new era for the Catholic faith, which she said has been hurt by scandals.

Geraldine said she wasn't sure what to think but was just happy that there is a new Pope.

Mr Benjamin said he hoped the next Pope would be a black person. Nigel said he wasn't Catholic but hoped that the Church would pay more attention to the issues of molestation and homosexuality, which he said should be condemned always.

Meanwhile, Virgin Islands News Online had previously spoken to Priest of the St. William's Catholic Church on Tortola on the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI. Fr Walter M. Mendonca S.V.D. said he felt the pope did make the right decision given his age and physical ability. “he saw his sufferings and the difficulties he had in executing his duties.” He said too that Pope John Paul was very feeble and had to be aided during his time to carry out his function.

“It was even hard for persons to simply understand what he had to say so I guess Pope Benedict was aware of that and didn’t not want to subject himself to such a thing and so he made the right decision,” said Fr Walter M. Mendonca S.V.D.

Similar sentiments were expressed by Eucharistic Minister Bro. Rudy J Blaize. “I think we as human beings always look at the human side of people, we don’t look at the spiritual side of people as we should.” The minister added that the pope was of the opinion that he could not physically carry out the responsibility as pope effectively. “So I believe he thinks the best thing for him is to retire and let someone who is more capable, physically and mentally to carry on the job and I think that’s the way we should look at it,” the minister had said.

See previous article posted on March 23, 2013

Argentina's Jorge Mario Bergoglio elected Pope

(BBC NEWS)- Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio has greeted crowds in Rome's St Peter's Square after his election as the Catholic Church's new Pope.

Appearing on a balcony over the square, he asked the faithful to pray for him. Cheers erupted as he gave a blessing.

The first Latin American and the first Jesuit to be pontiff, he will call himself Francis I.

An hour earlier, white smoke from the Sistine Chapel chimney announced the new Pope's election.

Pope Francis, 76, replaces Benedict XVI, who resigned last month at the age of 85, saying he was not strong enough to lead the Church.

The 115 cardinals have been in isolation since Tuesday afternoon, and held four inconclusive votes.

At least 77 of them, or two-thirds, would have had to vote for a single candidate for him to be elected Pope.

Before the conclave began, there was no clear frontrunner to replace Benedict.

Crowds with umbrellas massed in the square flying flags from around the world.

The Catholic News Agency said people were running through the streets of Rome, hoping to reach St Peter's Square in time for the appearance of the new Pope.


35 Responses to “UPDATE: Virgin Islanders react to new Pope selection!”

  • ras (13/03/2013, 15:50) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    Chalice in the palace
    • mother hen (13/03/2013, 19:10) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      I'm sorry, but I cannot ascribe to the claims of the Roman Catholic church which was founded 300 years after the death of Christ By Emperor Constantine and ratified by the Council of Nicaea .....
      • . (14/03/2013, 10:00) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
        By your logic you must be either a Hindu, Muslim or Jew. Those are the only religions that predate Catholicism. All other Christian religions came long after. In fact the second Christian religion, Anglican, only broke off from the Catholic Church during the Reign of King Henry VIII. It was invented to allow the King his wish to divorce his Queen and marry his mistress.

        300 years after Christ's execution as a criminal, Emporor Constantine publicly recognised the error of that judgement and allowed Christ's followers to practice their faith openly.

        I am not into religion, but if you are going to be into religiion you have to know the history first. For my part, I always bear in mind that Christ was not a Christian, nor was Buddha a Buddhist. Let's emulate our spiritual teachers rather than idolize them.
  • catholic by baptism (13/03/2013, 15:56) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    • Virgin Son (13/03/2013, 19:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Congratulations Pope Francis. God Bless you to help Bless us all.
  • ann (13/03/2013, 15:56) Like (5) Dislike (18) Reply
    who cares...I wanted a black pope
  • ras (13/03/2013, 15:57) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    chalice in the palace
  • school children (13/03/2013, 15:58) Like (4) Dislike (9) Reply
    Why the pope must be always white?
    • x factor (13/03/2013, 16:06) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
      same thing i talking about
    • Hollowee (13/03/2013, 19:45) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Lets hope he goes after all those rogue paedophile priests that are still in the ranks of the catholic church.
      • My hope (14/03/2013, 07:58) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        Hope that he can bring the church forward into a new eraa
        especially with that dark cloud of abuse that has persisted over these few years with the abuse of boys. Welcome new pope
  • facts (13/03/2013, 16:03) Like (5) Dislike (16) Reply
    Quick to jump in color, the pope is not white nor black he is a latin person SPANISH for your understanding.
    • she the cat mother (13/03/2013, 19:35) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      Cogratulations to Pope Francis. Seeing that you are from Argentina I know that all of Latin America is going crazy with joy. May your greatest strength of character be shown by your humility and also your compassion and charity towards the most vulnerable among us!

    • Brazilian Fire (14/03/2013, 19:36) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      You are dumb. People from Spain are Spanish and last time I checked they are white. Latin has nothing to do with a racial background. Anyone that speaks a romance language is Latin. Latin has to do with LANGUAGE. Not RACE. Italians, Haitians, Dominicans, Spanish, Portuguese, Brazilians etc all speak Latin Languages. Haitians speak a Latin Language and that never stopped them from being black.

      The Pope is a white man from Argentina of Italian descent. The man is clearly white.

  • .+. (13/03/2013, 16:06) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    Lets hope this one's straight
  • ccc (13/03/2013, 16:06) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    i want to grow up to be pope
    • family (14/03/2013, 08:01) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Good News...It's NOT too late to REPENT and be in line with CHRIST'S Teachings! Peace!
  • Mick Mars (13/03/2013, 18:44) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    A black Pope equals what? Nothing. White man, Black man, Indian chief. As long as he can do what he there to do and not turn a blind eye to all the crap that goes on in Catholic society, I say go for it.

    Anyways, I sure he going to have his hands full, partying with Dennis Rodman in the weeks to come since big man in the Vatican waiting to lime wid him.
  • Ha Ha (13/03/2013, 19:06) Like (4) Dislike (24) Reply
    With the election of a new Pope, local stores have announced that boys pants are half off.
    • Roxy (14/03/2013, 19:29) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      You are so, so sick. I wonder if you are one of those non catholics who always go to the catholic priests when they have problems and asking the priest to pray for them.
  • native girl (13/03/2013, 19:11) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
    Francis is a good choice of a name. I was hoping for a female Pope or a Pope from Africa
    • jtv (14/03/2013, 08:02) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Congratulations to Pope Francis. Your task ahead is great. The church cries out for direction and strong leadership. Your Jesuit training as defenders of the faith derives from a labour of love.
  • bonus (13/03/2013, 19:46) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Felicitaciones al Papa Francis.
    Su viaje será muy interesante.
  • is (13/03/2013, 21:49) Like (1) Dislike (12) Reply
  • to god be the glory (14/03/2013, 07:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Like most Catholics I am relieved to have a spiritual leader once more
  • Paige Summers (14/03/2013, 09:50) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Our society as I have seen in recent years have branched out to many other denominations that raises concern for me in this small community and with such diversity of denomination comes segregation. With the selection of a new Pope in historical fashion I continue to see how these organizations in such influential positions try to target and solidify their presence in areas of great vulnerability. The Latin America Catholic society has been the fastest growing audience in recent times and they have seen it fit to establish a foundation in this ethnic race of which is still viewed as a minority worldwide. However, with they higher rate of reproduction in years to come the catholic population will rise just because of this selection. The Catholic church being on of the most long standing know the true teachings of the bible but yet have choose to caterer to a wider audience for strength instead of loyalty to the WORD.
  • Nice (14/03/2013, 10:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Jes·u·it/ˈdʒɛʒuɪt, ˈdʒɛzu-, ˈdʒɛzyu-/ Show Spelled [jezh-oo-it, jez-oo-, jez-yoo-] Show IPA
    1. a member of a Roman Catholic religious order (Society of Jesus) founded by Ignatius of Loyola in 1534.
    2. ( often lowercase ) a crafty, intriguing, or equivocating person: so called in allusion to the methods ascribed to the order by its opponents.
    3. of or pertaining to Jesuits or Jesuitism.
  • fact check (14/03/2013, 17:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    deeds priest need to stop touch the young boys
    • Mick Mars (14/03/2013, 18:21) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      For someone with a name like "Fact check" you need to run a spell check on your friggin' posts. "Deeds" You is a willfull 'claut.
      • . (14/03/2013, 20:37) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Deeds commenters need to develop some tolerance. And maybe a sense of humour. And deeds priest need to stop touch the young boys/
  • ausar (15/03/2013, 13:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    "Facts", he's not Latin ethnically.

    He is nationally but his parents are Italian so he's a caucasian!!
    • iraq (16/03/2013, 05:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Could the next Pope REMOVE that UPSIDE DOWN CROSS from above his seat!
  • speed (16/03/2013, 05:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Could the New Pope please ENSURE that the 2nd of the 10 Commandments of God: Exodus 20:4 "Thou shalt NOT make unto thee ANY graven image, or any likeness of ANY thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water underneath the earth:"

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