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UPDATE: VG stabbing victim dies

The man who was stabbed, allegedly to the neck, in Virgin Gorda this morning, March 20, 2025, has succumbed to his injury. Photo: Internet Source
A man is said to be nursing a stab wound, following an altercation with a nother person in North Sound, Virgin Gorda this morning, March 20, 2025. Photo: VINO/File
A man is said to be nursing a stab wound, following an altercation with a nother person in North Sound, Virgin Gorda this morning, March 20, 2025. Photo: VINO/File
GUN CREEK, Virgin Gorda, VI- The man who was stabbed, allegedly to the neck, in Virgin Gorda this morning, March 20, 2025, has succumbed to his injury.

Police confirmed the death in a press statement around noon.

The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) also said the stabbing incident took place at Gun Creek after 8:00 AM.

"One male was seriously injured and was transported to the Dr Orlando Hospital. He has since succumbed to his injuries."

Our News Centre has the name of the deceased but will withhold it at this time.

Investigations continue 

Police said the details surrounding the stabbing incident are unclear.

"Investigations are ongoing and more information will be provided as inquiries continue."

Unconfirmed reporters are that the person who did the stabbing has since been arrested.

See previous article published March 20, 2025

Man stabbed on Virgin Gorda

A man is said to be nursing a stab wound on Virgin Gorda, following an altercation this morning, March 20, 2025.

According to reports, the man was stabbed in the region of the neck.

His current condition remains uncertain; however, he was transported by ambulance for medical attention.

Police are said to be investigating the incident that occurred in North Sound.

The stabbing comes on the heels of a 17-year-old stabbing his father on Virgin Gorda on March 15, 2025. The teen has since been charged.

More details to follow.

52 Responses to “UPDATE: VG stabbing victim dies”

  • asking for a friend (20/03/2025, 10:03) Like (8) Dislike (11) Reply
    Is it something in the water?
    • @asking for a friend (20/03/2025, 13:24) Like (90) Dislike (1) Reply
      Can’t be. We don’t have water!
    • All with think its ok (20/03/2025, 15:06) Like (54) Dislike (22) Reply
      After witnessing the Leader of the Territory carousing with an accused Killer of course everyone will think thats acceptable behaviour. When you Lead they follow , thats why even a preception of endorsement is not the right thing to do from a leadership standpoint. The Leader casts a shadow.
      • @ Al with think it's ok (20/03/2025, 15:28) Like (13) Dislike (38) Reply
        Your comment is so stupid. How many of us hang out with killers and suspected killers but never wants our name to be labeled like this. Think before you blog. You ate showing your ignorance.
  • bvibuzz (20/03/2025, 10:12) Like (17) Dislike (2) Reply
    not a good start for a Thursday morning
  • Senior native citizen of the British Virgin Islands (20/03/2025, 10:22) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    This stabbing habits in Virgin Gorda is quickly becoming a regular thing, along with the spiking of others physical violent crimes.
    The truth is, wherever a sin (ungodly behaviors) is being practiced by humans crimes also spikes (increases) rapidly.

    I do hope that the injured man's health will quickly and fully be restored.

    Parents, neighbors, too, are being encouraged, in the Holy scriptures in boo of Proverbs, to "train up children in the right path, so that "when they are old, the will not depart (switch to wrong path) from it."
    Sadly the above rerely is been done in the B.V.I. Money, pleasurous activities (public xxx exotic display labeled as emancipation from slavery) have gotten the gold, silver, and bronze medals.

    and personal ambition

  • Vybz? (20/03/2025, 10:30) Like (46) Dislike (33) Reply
    Kartel vybz still hanging around?
  • Wa Gwan (20/03/2025, 10:38) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    Virgin Gorda wa gwan?
  • What !!! (20/03/2025, 10:49) Like (42) Dislike (2) Reply
    Two stabbings in a week, not good, guys control your temper.
    • @wHAT (20/03/2025, 14:05) Like (10) Dislike (5) Reply
      Imagine if people could own a firearm license...a lot of people would be on permanent rest. Don't tell me nothing about company owners should be the only ones to have them. It has some of them who shouldn't own them either because of their temper. Not everyone should own one of those things, but I do believe people who handle them should undergo regular psyche assessments.
  • resident (20/03/2025, 11:16) Like (20) Dislike (7) Reply
    let's ban knives /s
  • james (20/03/2025, 13:06) Like (7) Dislike (13) Reply
    I am sad to announce this person get dead.
  • Gun knife (20/03/2025, 13:08) Like (10) Dislike (12) Reply
    Better a knife than a gun but whatever happened to a good old fist fight
    • smh (20/03/2025, 13:31) Like (28) Dislike (2) Reply
      @ Gun Knife. What kind of ignorance are you spewing? It’s still a weapon and it cost someone their life. There’s no way you just say better a knife than a gun. smh
    • Fatness (20/03/2025, 13:50) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
      Are you serious right now. What's the difference, the man died same as if he had get shoot. Stop the senseless fighting and walk away before things escalates. So a knife is just as bad as a GUN remember that
      • @Fatness (20/03/2025, 17:54) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
        Correct, a knife is just as bad as a gun and the hands is quicker than the eyes. You can also kill someone with a solid frozen whole chicken or solid frozen leg of lamb.
  • FEO GOMEZ (20/03/2025, 14:03) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    Could this be avoided? Or was this inevitable. Man can't contain rage sort out things with diplomacy. One gone and the other going up Balo for a long time. No pums just man around smh sounds like HELL to me.
  • This is sad for me to say (20/03/2025, 14:20) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    Seems to me that killing each other is becoming a sport. There is no reason to resort to taking someone’s life. The best way to defuse is to walk away no matter what they say as long as they don’t lay a hand on you. If they lay a hand on you, you have a right to defend yourself be it in your home or on the street. Drop those egos and worrying about people laughing at you calling you a punk and soft because you chose to walk away from the situation. They wanted to pull out their phones and start recording, they wanted a show.
    • They sure did (21/03/2025, 09:25) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      The ones that was standing watching EGG AND HYPED UP THE SITUATION . They were recording to post on line instead of trying to defuse or call the police. As far as I am concerned, the ones that was recording is just as responsible. They were acting like this was some type of underground blood sport. Fight to the end.
  • 2cents (20/03/2025, 14:42) Like (20) Dislike (20) Reply
    Buju is menace to the vg community . i hope he gets life in prison
  • Stab Olympics (20/03/2025, 14:43) Like (12) Dislike (3) Reply
    Wha going on in VG buddy! Like they have a Stabbing competition up there!
  • Ms.B (20/03/2025, 16:45) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
    We have to sacrifice them o keep our smal) business running
  • Real Talk (20/03/2025, 17:04) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
  • Junie (20/03/2025, 17:23) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    RIP. Sincere condolences to his family and friends.
  • Read (20/03/2025, 17:36) Like (1) Dislike (8) Reply
    Reading is fundamental. if you read article carefully, you will see that the stabbing happens and March 15 and now decease man passed away today March 20.
    • @read (20/03/2025, 19:22) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
      No, YOU need to reread the article. There are two separate incidents: the victim of the 15th is still alive, whilst the victim of today incident succumbed to their injuries. Read to understand, don't be hasty to comment.
    • @read (20/03/2025, 19:53) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      Seriously take your own advice. Reading is fundamental but you must learn to process and comprehend what you read.

      Read the article carefully again and you will understand the incident happened TODAY March 20th after 8.
  • this is crazy (20/03/2025, 18:01) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Who doesn’t want to live. All they are doing is bringing grief and pain on their families who have to muster up thousands of dollars they may not have for burial. Why put your family through that. If any business make it through this economic time is the funeral homes.
    • @this is crazy (21/03/2025, 09:50) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      You are correct, the funeral homes will make money. Someone has to do the job. Seems like that is the profession to get into in the BVI. Me personally can’t do it.
  • Talk d truth!! (20/03/2025, 18:12) Like (22) Dislike (9) Reply
    Buju is no menace to society.The deceased was a peeping tom and a trouble maker.He was always picking a fight.Buju was defending himself!
    • @Talk d truth!! (20/03/2025, 20:27) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      If this Buju was defending himself, he will have his day in court to prove he was and had to defend himself.
      • Captain Obvious (21/03/2025, 08:32) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
        this doesn't even need to go court the video clearly shows the deceased was the agressor
    • I laugh (21/03/2025, 11:48) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
      buju is a big menace how much time he been the prison already ? he is a thief , a drug addict and a trouble maker . if he is such an upstanding citizen why the police cant find him ??? why he hiding . girl bye
  • please (20/03/2025, 20:23) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Post a picture of the perp who commented this heinous crime.
  • Stab City (20/03/2025, 21:52) Like (7) Dislike (4) Reply
    Statistically, VG is the most dangerous island in the Virgin Islands right now, per capita….
  • WE'RE SUPPRISED (20/03/2025, 21:59) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
  • El Demonio Negro (21/03/2025, 07:52) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
  • old saying (21/03/2025, 09:39) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Who don't hear, will feel. The aggressor had multiple opportunities to just walk away. The buju individual from the video I saw was doing his level best to avoid an altercation. Self defense. Manslaughter, not murder. Little men, who trying to play with their lives just know you only get one and it's way better to just walk away and live to see another day and continue to antagonize someone. You never know what the person you're meddling with is capable of with just their bare hands. Chill out and see a therapist to release your high emotions in a more controlled setting.
  • qc (21/03/2025, 09:53) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    what a waste of a life
  • Incorrect (21/03/2025, 11:54) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    you all are so wrong . i catch the boat every morning from gun creek. Buju has been provoking the guy for a very long time. the video is no evidence of what was happening earlier in the week . the guy is homeless and often is provoked by persons. the video does not show how this all happened . buju threatened the guy all morning! stop with the false narratives .
  • @ Incorrect (22/03/2025, 04:14) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well make sure you give that evidence to the police. It might just help the DPP win this case, thank you.

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