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UPDATE: Thomas to serve 12 years in prison for rape & abduction

December 16th, 2013 | Tags: Ikeido Thomas High Court rape abduction violence
Convicted rapist, Ikeido Thomas of Sea Cows Bay has been sentenced to 12 years in prison. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Ikeido Thomas was sentenced to no less than 12 years at Her Majesty's Prison (HMP) in Balsam Ghut today, December 16, 2013 after being convicted in the High Court on charges of rape and abduction.

Thomas is set to serve four years in prison for abduction and twelve years for rape.

The sentences handed down by Justice Vicki Ann Ellis are set to run concurrently and are effective from April 6, 2013.

As part of the conditions of his sentence, Thomas is required to be “professionally assessed” within the next three months in order to receive necessary counselling.

See previous article posted December 12, 2013

Convicted rapist Ikeido Thomas remorseful; was not in 'right mind'

Convicted rapist, Ikeido Thomas of Sea Cows Bay, in addressing the High Court during his trial today December 12, 2013 said he was not in his right mind and was mostly under the influence of alcohol when the incident occurred.

Thomas, a former employee of the Ports Authority, was charged with rape and abduction stemming from an incident which occurred on September 28, 2012. He pleaded not guilty after being arrested and placed before the courts in April, 2013.

“I was not in my right mind your honour, I was not fully in my right mind. I was mostly under [the influence of] alcohol,” Thomas told Justice Vicki Ann Ellis when asked to respond to the unprecedented level of violence meted out to the victim in the case.

He also pleaded with the court for leniency and expressed remorse for committing the crime. Asked by Justice Ellis why the court should be lenient with him, Thomas replied, “All acts were not intentional…”

Thomas further told the court that he would like to apologise to the VC if given an opportunity to do so.

“I would like to be able to at least come back out of jail and continue with my life in some form,” Thomas said. “If I could have taken it back I would but it’s in the past, it has already happened…”

Level of violence unseen in jurisdiction

Principal Crown Counsel, Tiffany Scatliffe requested a term of 15-20 years imprisonment given the mitigating and aggravating factors and said she had never before heard of such level of violence in an incident of rape within this jurisdiction.

Scatliffe said the level of violence and sheer brutality left her shocked and added that this was not normal behaviour.

Thomas had a prior conviction of theft but was given a non-custodial sentence for the offence in being placed on a bond and asked to keep the peace. Justice Ellis noted that this must be taken into consideration in his sentencing and said this was not a light offence.

“It speaks to a lack of respect of the authority of the court,” Justice Ellis stated.

Thomas is expected to be sentenced next Monday, December 16, 2013.


Prosecutors stated that the defendant allegedly befriended a woman before abducting, beating and raping her.

The Crown, in outlining the allegations before the court, stated that the Virtual Complainant (VC) was at Perlar’s Bar in Baugher’s Bay on September 28, 2012 at around 12:40 A.M., with some acquaintances. While at Perlar’s the VC was socializing with other patrons and drinking; and when her acquaintances decided that they were leaving, the VC decided to stay.

The VC was reportedly harassed by an individual who she did not know and who allegedly made advances to her. The defendant allegedly came to her aide and caused the other individual to stop bothering her.

The defendant later allegedly walked the VC to her vehicle and caused her to believe that he was genuinely concerned about her safety. The court heard that the accused and VC allegedly had a conversation during which, he offered to assist the VC by driving her home in her vehicle while a friend followed in his vehicle behind.

The VC allegedly agreed and eye witnesses allegedly saw the defendant getting into the driver’s seat while the VC got into the passenger’s seat. The defendant then allegedly drove the VC’s vehicle in the vicinity of Road Town and was proceeding to the Waterfront when the VC allegedly became alarmed as the defendant was driving in the opposite direction of where the VC wanted to go.

It was stated that the VC became even more alarmed when she noted that there was no vehicle following behind. She allegedly asked the defendant more than once to turn the vehicle around and take her to Perlar’s, but he remained silent and continued.

The court was further told that the defendant drove the VC’s vehicle to a dark, isolated area of Ellis Thomas Downs in Sea Cows Bay, close to where he reportedly lives. The man allegedly stopped the vehicle and attacked the VC.
It was stated that the VC tried to run away but the defendant caught up with her, beat, threatened, sexually assaulted her and forced her to commit gross acts of indecency.

According to Scatliffe, the VC got an opportunity to escape and ran away, leaving the defendant with her keys. The woman then ran to the Sea Cows Bay public road and was followed by the defendant. When he caught up with her he handed over the vehicle keys and told her if she told anyone about what had happened he would kill her husband and children. He allegedly told the defendant that he knew where she lived.

The court heard that the VC grabbed her keys from out of his hands and kept running, and as she ran he allegedly yelled, “Your car , your car, you can’t leave your car like that.”

Scatliffe said that the VC ran and hid by a nearby house and she eventually met someone who called the Police. It was mentioned that the Police took the VC to the hospital where she was examined and swabs were taken. It was announced that as a result of police investigations the defendant was met on February 7, 2013 and arrested on suspicion of rape. He allegedly told the police: “I don’t know anything about any rape, yall got the wrong person.” It was stated that the defendant admitted that he was at Perlar’s Bar on the night in question but denied the other allegations. He also volunteered a DNA sample.

In March 2013 the police received forensic reports and the result showed that the Defendant’s DNA was found on the VC. As a result the Defendant was rearrested on April 5.

49 Responses to “UPDATE: Thomas to serve 12 years in prison for rape & abduction”

  • jj (12/12/2013, 15:08) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    just sad all around
  • Jacky (12/12/2013, 15:59) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
    Mr. Thomas just needs help
    • jeff (12/12/2013, 17:21) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
      Let me say that Ikeido need to stop blaming it on alcohol. Anyone who knows him know that he is Fu--ing crazy all the time. I hope they take him out of the public for some time.
    • billyb (14/12/2013, 11:09) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply

      @Jacky, that whole family need help. 

  • hog (12/12/2013, 16:16) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    What bold peep in this BVI and looking lenience this have to be ah joke lock that up and forget the key
  • dr (12/12/2013, 16:31) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    this dude seems like a mental case
  • white oleander (12/12/2013, 18:45) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    What is wrong with some of you men? are so desperate that you resort to violating females?
  • Not in right mind? (12/12/2013, 20:30) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is he insinuating that a person can be in their right mind and commit such acts of violence?
  • drake (12/12/2013, 21:37) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    You all don't know who his father is, apple don't fall far from the young hope u learn
  • 1 (13/12/2013, 06:33) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
  • SESS (13/12/2013, 07:17) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
  • g (13/12/2013, 13:50) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Swear to God, say me nar go a court pan no rape charge. You mad??!!!
  • legal team (13/12/2013, 15:28) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    Justice has been done under the V.I Constitution:

    Let me first commend VINO for such a remarkable level of investigative journalism,and for bringing this news report,to Her Majesty's free citizens,in Her Majesty's free and democratic BVI,through the lawful publication on VINO's free and democratic news site.

    On behalf of the senior citizens of the BVI,and we the RETIREES,who once served Her Majesty in the BVI; let me say thanks to the many public institutions,responsible for criminal investigations and criminal prosecutions in the BVI.You make Her Majesty proud.

    Her Majesty-The Queen,I am sure,will be pleased,that Her Honorable-Royal Police Officers of Her Royal Virgin Islands Police Force,will continue to work endlessly, to protect Her Majesty's Citizens and Her residents in the BVI, from such heinous,brutal and reprehensible attacks on Human Dignity!

    We as a people of the BVI must continue as a people,who, in our BVI Constitution,we had asked Her Majesty to accept and recognize the following:-

    [""Acknowledging that the society of the Virgin Islands is based upon certain moral,SPIRITUAL and democratic VALUES including a belief in God,the DIGNITY of the human person,the freedom of the individual and respect for Fundamental Rights and Freedom and the RULE OF LAW""]

    These quoted words above are written in the V.I Constitution:So that is what have stood for:

    We as a people are recognized by Her Majesty-The Queen:

    Therefore,we as a people must stand up against and fight Criminality in the BVI Society.Let the few criminals know,the BVI free society,will not be a safe haven for convicted criminals!

    Her Majesty's Government has built a Multi-Million Dollar-nice large PRISON to house all those who are convicted for Breaches against Her Majesty's Peace, and against the loving and peaceful citizens/residents of Her Majesty in the BVI.

    I note that Her Majesty's Principal Crown Counsel,Madam Tiffany Scatliffe has requested an imprisonment term of 15-20 years:

    But madam Scatliffe,I highly respect your prosecutorial ability, but it appears to me that over the years,you have become ""SAFF=soft""?


    Section 117 (1) of the Criminal Code,1997,states:-

    [""A man who RAPES a WOMAN commits an offence and is liable to-IMPRISONMENT FOR LIFE!""]

    Madam Justice,the BVI law declared that the PENALTY for RAPE in BVI is LIFE-imprisonment:

    Sorry madam P.C.C,Scatliffe, the BVI-LAW said,"LIFE"!!
  • TEK DAT (13/12/2013, 19:49) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    since dis afternoon i looking for a lawblogg from legal team.tek is law tek dat.
    Dis dam legal team know every blasted law in bvi law books.dem cannot stop you with de law, a real legal genious. miss scatliffe you mad? the law is clear and in prison.let him appeal de sentence to de prevy consel or let de govornor grant him a pardon after 40 yrs in prison.tek dat, i sticking with what legal team publish directly from bvi law in prison without is law, tek dat.
  • life? (13/12/2013, 21:47) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    men,please leave pussy cat, use miss palmer if the cat dont want your milk...or find out the penalty of a crime before you do the crime.rape is like murder
  • student (13/12/2013, 22:17) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    In many bigger countries,you read bloggs and can even learn something from what is written.Look so many of you,would just go off can blogg and bash but stick to the topic.look at how this legal team person always blogg on the constitution and law with a clear focus on the topic on hand.i learn a piece of law in bvi law books;that's what blogging is about.
    • grace (16/12/2013, 18:43) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ Student. We are not here to learn law, we here to vent our anger at these idiots who want to do what they want. We read the law and agree with it, but you cannot take away our anger about what has been happening here. If it were you and yours, would you be so understanding. Take these damn disrespectful dangerous people away from us. Also Student, I hope you are not one to get into these people's cars. Use some of your knowledge and keep yourself SAFE! You are young and haven't seen or heard much of anything yet. We older heads know, have experienced it, hid it away from the public, have suffered greatly. Throw the key away on him and anyone like him. NO MORE TOLERANCE! ..........DONE.
  • Psychologist (14/12/2013, 10:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    it is a serious crime.judges and majestrate like to say they hav to send a is not about sending a is about the give the max sentence.
  • up town (16/12/2013, 11:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hope he learn
  • legal is an a$$ (16/12/2013, 12:38) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply

    Legal obviously u cant read the crown said 15-20y ears starting point.... the rest if for the judge. and why say life when the court of appeal would reduce it. the crown aint soft and you out of place. they cant go seeking convictions or losing people in jail you all always putting down locals and you cant do no better yourselves.. old fool.

    • rewrsdffds (16/12/2013, 15:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    • see who is @$$ and old fool (18/12/2013, 07:46) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      As an attorney at law,I am compelled to share some knowledge on the law and on the sentencing procedures in v.i legal system.If you are referring to the writer who blogg on the legal system and on bvi law,as an @$$ ;well I wish to say the writer is spot on the law,so to call the writer an @$$ and old fool,that tells me,you dont understand law and you dont know court procedures.The writer is lawfully correct.The maximum penalty for rape is life in prison,as stipulated in the law;but the judge can give less than life, and the crown does not have sentencing powers in bvi law,to suggest to a judge what sentence may be appropriate taking into account the aggravating factors.The crown is out of order to suggest a low or high sentence,because there is no legislation in v.i sentencing procedures for such request.Once there is a conviction,the rest of the procedure is for the judge and the judge only.So legal is not an @$$ or old fool.It is clear to me that the legal writer,is or was part of the bvi legal system or is academically verse with many,many bvi laws and the v.i constitution.If the writer is not a lawyer,then,that writer is legally brilliant.
    • TEK DAT (18/12/2013, 17:09) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Ah wah yu say ' legal is an a$$'? yu read de blogg 2 steps below, tek dat. do like legal team, i.d yrself and state yr business,tek dat... ah yu always misleading bee wee ii while legal man teach us the dam law,tek dat. show us de law in the bvi justice system that give the crown the right to tell de judge we want 15-20 tek dat and bring de law for us to read,tek dat. ppll dorse read legal team blogg to learn de law,tek dat, but bcuz him say who him be,ah u want to use dat as advantage to tek revenge with bad words and dorty tongue,tek dat, look de blogger ' see who @$$ and old fool, clear up de point legal team make on de law,tek dat,, de crown hav no lawright to call on judge to giv 15-20,tek dat,, judge giv 12,so tek dat,, appeal de 12, and tek dat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  • she the cat mother (16/12/2013, 13:06) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    In the immortal lyrics of the late, great Bob Marley:

    "I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy..."
  • Is you (16/12/2013, 13:21) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Reckless rogues.
  • dd (16/12/2013, 15:59) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Hope he give his life to the lord
  • dog (16/12/2013, 16:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hope he gets into a rehabilitation programme
  • c kA bEY (16/12/2013, 16:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • legal team (16/12/2013, 17:35) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    Sincerest greetings to VINO and the Senior Citizens of Her Majesty's Free and Democratic BVI:

    A well-known Queen's Counsel [QC] attorney-at-law,legal lecturer of the UK has asked me to convey his appreciation to VINO for allowing Her Majesty's Citizens and residents to express themselves,even when it appears to VINO,that the bloggers have become personal with their attacks on other bloggers who are not in Public Life.
    The private citizens must be protected from SLANDER:There are some[the enemy] who want to tarnish the high quality blogging on this news site,but try again elsewhere-not here.

    VINO,you are very smart:Even the Q.C sensed your smartness! Legal Team bravely identified himself:

    The Legal Team was not appointed by the Governor,after consultation with any commission,under the V.I Constitution,neither was the Legal Team elected by the people during General Election:

    The Legal is an UN-educated,simple Citizen of Her Majesty-The Queen,who only blogg on VINO's free and Democratic news site! Legal Team does NOT blogg on other news sites,because the other news sites are NOT DEMOCRATIC!! It is my Constitutional Right to say that without being cursed by the waiting like SHARKS..

    Such blogging by Legal Team,on VINO,usually brings out the enemies from every where: Keep hiding?

    And when the enemy set his/her trap for Legal Team, the Legal Team will REPEL the traps;with the power of the holy spirit,and the trap is returned to the setter of the trap. 100% accurate:

    But I must also commend VINO for its responsible reporting,and for giving everyone a chance to express himself or herself,even when they appeared to be VEX.That is very good for Democracy.

    Let us all read and see if the BVI LAW is VEX with this PRISON sentence imposed by the Judge,with Discretion:

    Remember, Her Majesty's Crown HAD asked for 15-20: i Will not say that the Principal Crown Counsel had asked for that sentence.The enemy blogger may think it's personal,if I would say is P.C.C asked for 15-20.



    The BVI Law states:-

    [""Where a sentence is passed on a person upon the conviction on INDICTMENT of that person for an offence and it appears to the Attorney General [Now D.P.P] that the sentence is unduly LENIENT or that the trial Judge ERRED in LAW as to his POWERS of sentence,the Attorney General [Now DPP] may,with the leave of the Court of APPEAL,refer the CASE to the Court for THE sentence to be REVIEWED""].That's the BVI LAW.

    Remember; Her Majesty's Crown had asked for 15-20: The Honorable Justice-Judge gave 12: 3 to 8 less!

    NOW, The UN-educated Legal Team,read out the Penalty,as written in Her Majesty's BVI Law-to be Life in prison! ALL I DID WAS READ and BLOGG ON WHAT I READ IN THE BVI-LAW.THAT'S ALL I DID!

    NOW AGAIN; The Criminal Procedure(Amendment)Act,2006, WAS passed by the BVI Legislative Council on 21st February,2006 AND assent to on behalf of Her Majesty,by His Excellency-Governor-Thomas Townley Macan, Governor of the BVI; on 9th March,2006-Making the Legislation[LAW]

    So I expect HER MAJESTY's Crown to appeal the sentence:They asked for 15-20:The judge gave 12. The BVI lAW say the Crown may Appeal,so Appeal!

    I humbly apologize:

    On behalf of my mom and my lecturer Queen's Counsel of the UK,I would like to apologize to Her Majesty's Principal Crown Council,for my expression [""SAFF-soft""] which associated with her.
    These exciting words 'saff-soft'were not used to diminish the ability of madam Principal crown counsel,[Her Majesty's PCC] and her assessment of a Prison-sentence:In my personal assessment of madam PCC,she presented this case on behalf of Her Majesty,with usual professionalism:The expression 'saff-soft' was more to say stick with what the BVI declared,as oppose to a suggested sentence 15-20,which is not in BVI Law:

    Legal Team; As an UN-educated layman person, expected to read,the crown asking for life;because it's the LAW:The BVI Law declared LIFE! The Judge has a discretion:But the law declared life in prison.

    The Crown does-Not have a Discretion,AFTER- CONVICTION to suggest a SENTENCE!

    Don't blame me for my bloggs on the law-because I say LIFE in prison?The law said LIFE! Not ME:

    And don't DIG holes for me by calling me -

    [AN A$$]

    I hope your children are BRIGHT-and NOT A$$ES: Take that as a spiritual warning:
    Watch your wishes for others.Are you prepared to receive them?

    Nelson Mandela, could not blogg on the streets of Soweto-for 27 years.He was in prison for lawfully giving his opinion,and for false accusation of treason.[he was accused of planning to overthrow the Government of South Africa]

    BVI is a Free and Democratic Territory of Her Majesty-The Queen.I obeyed Her Majesty's V.I Constitution and Her Majesty's BVI Laws:

    Her Majesty gave me freedom to blogg-I WILL BLOGG on VINO!
  • PAM (16/12/2013, 18:48) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    @ Legal Team....WHO THE HELL ARE YOU????? PLEASE>>>>TOO MUCH CRAP ALREADY! You taking up the space of real bloggers.
    • law student (16/12/2013, 20:36) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
  • TEK DAT (16/12/2013, 19:32) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Tek dat again in ah u B.S.i was waiting for another legal team blog before i bloggtekdat;; dis legal team is now a law lord.oh my koonyeahw.i want dem bvi lawbooks. i sending british scotland yard to invade the locker of legal team to see if dem find dem bvi law books inside de locker.meh son where you have all dis bvi law hiding? give the people de law to read.tek dat,tek dat,tek dat,,,,give d p p a.g and de judge a copy of dis bvi law..hooooooooooooooooooo d p p can appeal sentence? let me see dem beg for 15 to 20,ah ah ah ah?
    Tek Dat. look another bvi law dat was hiding all de time. appeal de dam 12 years. yu'al call for 15 to 20 yrs; de judge giv 12, legal team give us a bvi law dat say de crown can ask for more in de appeal court so use de law and appeal.Tek Dat. legal team should not apologise,dem dam suff yess, but my bro i know u believe in clean blogging on vino bcuz u believe in justice. by de way where is de bvi law dat say, the crown can beg for less sentence than de bvi law blasted law say dat. but bcuz legal team embarass dem, u blgger bllooger talking bout doh like local. when dem jokee lawyers go and carry news on de local magistrate de other day and bvi bloggers was bashing de magistrate, it was legal team who search the constitution and defend the local magistrate,by reading de section in de constitution that say de magistrate didnt misbehave. but legal team is a local in de constitution and always talk good about bvi people and bvi country.Tek Dat, the dpp have no lawful right to beg for 15 to 20 blasted law say pcc should tell de judge, 'judge just follow de law',, i support the legal team for his knowlage on bvi law.u will stay on vino to teach us de bvi law.let dem dig hole for you,hope dem dig it dip dip dip.Tek Dat..hhooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  • Real (16/12/2013, 21:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I think lotion, paper towel, a bottle of water and a quiet place would of cost him less than 12yrs in jail and couple thousands in lawyer fees, I am just saying.
  • Police officer on duty (16/12/2013, 23:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I don't understand how a person could know so many different laws in a country.Many times we sit and discuss how this man would just research the law,with such clarity.This is like a low jab from behind from Legal Team.If you p.c.c call for 15 yrs to 20 yrs without a law to back you up,but the Judge disregard your request bcuz you have no power under virgin islands law to tell the Judge how many years to give a convicted man.But look the real lawman legal team give you a law in the virgin islands law for you to appeal the sentence impose by the Judge. 12 is below 15,. If you really wanted 15 - -20 for this crime,then appeal against the 12yrs. To Legal Team,you are a gifted person,with a high level of intelligence.You know what,is shame they shame,that you know more law than them.They are in public life.You are just a blogger.You are not in public life.Let them continue to call you an a$$ but the a$$ taught me something in a virgin islands law that no bvi lawyer have ever taught me.Thank you sir,for your continued education on bvi law.You are a Legal Star..Keep on shining.You always respect authority in the bvi and you always respect virgin islands laws.
  • rat race (17/12/2013, 05:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    who was this guy's attorney?
  • BVI Legal system (17/12/2013, 08:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Unlike the US legal system,the UK / B.V.I does not have a system where,the Crown Prosecutor/District Attorney and the Defense can come together in dialogue,and decide on a plea-bargain or plea-deal,where a sentence is decided upon, before a guilty plea.We do not have such system in the B.V.I Law.

    Similar to the UK the B.V.I legal system is not designed with such convenience of Plea-Deal.

    Face the law:

    The Maximum sentence for RAPE under B.V.I law is Life imprisonment.

    That sentence is NOT Mandatory life- like in cases such as Murder,where the sentence is Mandatory life in prison.

    In rape,the Judge has a discretion to sentence from low as one day in prison all the way up to life in prison.

    VINO's reliable news site reported that Her Majesty's Crown,[crown prosecutor] who presented this case on behalf of the QUEEN,in whose name the Indictment was brought-
    ask for 15-20; but Her Majesty's Statutory Law-Section 117,sub-section (1) of the B.V.I Criminal Code,1997, LAWS of the Virgin Islands,directed that the Maximum Penalty for Rape is life imprisonment.[That maximum is not mandatory]

    Legal Team never said that the Convicted man should be sentenced to the maximum, life imprisonment.

    Legal Team had said in his first free and democratic blogg that the Maximum sentence is Life!

    Legal Team will now say that Her Majesty's Crown[Crown Prosecutor] has NO Authority under Her Majesty's-B.V.I Law to Minimize or Maximize a sentence of Her Majesty's lawful-Court.OR to even suggest to a Judge what sentence is appropriate, after a Conviction:

    Legal Team agrees with the Judge: Give him 12: Let the Crown appeal the sentence,if it's not enough:

    [Let them call down people as ""Dam A$$ and Old Fool""] simply because Bloggers""Make the Vex"".I want my people to be free from misconception:

    But I will read this psalms,as it is my Fundamental Right and Freedoms,as declared in section 21 of the Queen's V.I Constitution,for me to enjoy and practice-freedom of religion.

    With that Freedom from Her Majesty-The Queen,let me read a scripture in the Bible,which I would read every morning. VINO,can I express my Freedom of Religion,without being hindered?

    Psalms 5 verse 10- [""Not a word of their mouth can be trusted,for their heart is full of mischief.Their tongue flatters with deceit,but their throat is an open grave""]
    • TEK DAT (17/12/2013, 10:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      We hav enough space for legal team,Tek you come with bvi legal system?let dem tek dat in dem think dem know it better than all ah we in bvi.Tek Dat...Meh son? yu words dem to strong. How yu say it? 'crown prosecutor have no authority under bvi law to call on judge for sentence..Tek dat and bring de law to show me where the crown have power to call on the judge to give 15-20.oh yeah, judge look left n right, and judge give 12, so Tek Dat..ah you just blogging and yapping while i reading legal team lawing. Tek Dat..go back to de drawing board,then come back to Tek Dat and GWAY...
      • to tek dat (17/12/2013, 13:21) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        you saying it too saff soft. tell dem read de dam law and tek dat.
  • mistrial or hung jury? (17/12/2013, 09:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I reading in the news the prosecutor call for 15 yr or 20 yr in prison for this violent crime against a lady;
    The judge give 12 yr in prison for this bad crime against a lady
    The penalty for rape crime I reading in bloggs is life time
    Another law I reading in blogg is that the crown can appeal for more sentence
    This is a case of hang jury.
    There should declare a mistrial
    Try the case again and give the right sentence as is in the law.
  • 12+15+20=47 (17/12/2013, 10:09) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    judge give 12, dpp want 15, plus 20, a total of 47. the law say maximum life.this man is a danger to society.give him 47
  • Arrowroot (17/12/2013, 14:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Incident ccured September 2012- Arrested made Feb.2013 O_o?
  • legal team (17/12/2013, 18:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    VINO has space for Legal Team: I am the most Talked-About-Blogger

    But I will not join alliance with dirty words directed at the Citizens of Her Majesty's B.V.I:

    Instead,I will call on the Citizens to turn the pages of their V.I Constitution,and read along with me Chapter 2 [Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Individual]

    Her Majesty-The Queen,declared in Section 9 and she said:-

    [""Whereas every person in the Virgin Islands is entitled to the

    [Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Individual]

    Protection of Freedom of Expression

    Section 23 states:-

    [""(1) No person shall be hindered in the enjoyment of his or her freedom of expression""]

    Her Majesty-The Queen,who owns the B.V.I, give me,as a Citizen,[Fundamental Rights and Freedoms] in Her B.V.I, but some of you want to curse me for Blogging about Her Majesty's Laws, on a Free and democratic news site,to be published in the Queen's [Free and Democratic B.V.I]

    VINO,Let Freedom REIGN!!
  • TEK DAT (17/12/2013, 20:41) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

    Meh son, ah from hieh. Ah tell you already b4 yu blogg call me to read the blogg.Tek Dat. we hav fundamental right from the queen but ah yu want to silence the media and de bloggers, Tek Dat. yu want to hinder me from sayin what i want to say,tek dat. look minister W go in de house assemble and koss down bloggers for there freedom to blogg,leh he tek dat. look de crown come insulting de judge telling de judge 15 to 20 we want.judge giv a dozen yrs or 12 yr.TEK DAT! who de hell is u,to tell de judge what sentence yu want.whay de dam lahw that giv u right to say 15-20 tek dat. tell us about fundamental right tek dat, ah yu mouth filfy with nastee words,tek dat,,cast bak dem eveil bak to dem;;;tek dat.....tek dat...

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