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UPDATE – Reggae artiste Sista Joyce wins VG Calypso Monarch! [Photoslide Included]

- Says win is for sons
Sista Joyce is congratulated by her supporters after winning the VG Calypso competition. Photo: Aneka Edwards/VINO
The 2012 Calypso Monarch poses with two of her children. Photo: VINO
The 2012 Calypso Monarch poses with two of her children. Photo: VINO
VALLEY, Virgin Gorda, VI – She promised to deliver the goods and with a large fan base ”showing the love” Jocelyn Searles, who sings under the moniker Sista Joyce, blew away stiff competition to be crowned the 2012 Virgin Gorda Calypso Monarch around 1:10 a.m. April 9, 2012.

The stunned and emotional mother of seven knew all eyes were on her since she was arrested and charged for alleged cannabis possession six days earlier, and the following day, April 4, 2012 she pleaded not guilty to being in possession of 503 grammes of cannabis with intent to supply before Senior Magistrate Valerie Stephens. The Calypsonian was granted $60,000 bail signed surety.

During the first round of competition, Sista Joyce gave a riveting performance with “Who To Blame I Ain’t Calling No Name”. She took a swipe at the politicians chiding them that “elections have come and gone and things are still the same”. She questioned the number of petty contracts that are being given out, pointing to the fact that the new Peebles Hospital is not yet completed.

The "long-suffering" labour issue was also on the mind of the 2012 Monarch and she bemoaned that the Labour Department on many occasions sided with the employers. And touching on her run in with the law, the Calypsonian acknowledged that she has taken responsibility for her actions, but wanted to know who will take responsibility for no Coney Island at the Leon ‘Kinny’ Creque Festiville this year. The crowd loved it!

Coming back strong in the second round of competition, the 41 year-old Calypsonian said she is aware that many may think she is “stupidee” to pay tribute to 9th district representative and Opposition leader Ralph T O’Neal, OBE in her song “Man Of Power”.

She commended him for all his contributions to the Territory and the 9th District, and emphasised that “no matter how they try, they can’t keep you under....I salute you.” Sista Joyce ended the powerful song by comparing the stalwart politician to the revered boxer Muhammad Ali.

For her ardent performances, the Calypsonian walked away with $4,000 and the winner’s trophy. She also captured the best lyrics, best social commentary and best musical arrangement trophies.

Swamped by journalists after her big win, the beaming Calypso Monarch said “too much words can’t explain [how I am feeling] I am really glad for my kids because my little one would have been very disappointed. I mean he thought he was a judge.”

Although she has carved her niche as a Reggae singer, Sista Joyce found no difficulty in preparing for the competition and revealed that she penned her own songs. As for singing about herself in “Who To Blame, I Ain’t Calling No Name”, the Calypsonian divulged that her “encounter” has now motivated her to be a youth advocate and she will speak to them that “jail house is no place for them to be.”

“So with what I went through, I am just going to cut and go through but be a better role model for the youths,” she added. Furthermore, Sista Joyce was not surprised with the support shown on her behalf because “I am a very down to earth person.”

So what’s next for the VG Calypso Monarch? Without any hesitation, she replied, “Going for Luther [B]”, the Road Town Calypso Monarch.

Competition was stiff

Despite her win, Sista Joyce faced stiff competition especially from the 2011 winner King Henry; Queen Makisha and King Paido.

In the end, the judges gave Mighty Leh-Leh the 1st runner’s up spot for “Cry For Freedom and “Obeah Jumbie” which tackled his plight of not winning the monarchy. Armed with an obeah woman on stage, Mighty Leh-Leh lamented that it was his opinion that he has to wake up an obeah man to win the crown. “Cry For Freedom” spoke to the struggles residents face including the high cost of living.

Queen Makisha was adjudged 2nd runner up with “Give Them A Grade” and “I Love My Black Man”. She also took home the best humorous song trophy.

Dressed like a school teacher, the vibrant and sassy Calypsonian spoke about the projects that should be given Fs, and returned to encourage ladies not to despair because there are still some strong back men that remain.

King Henry came strong this year with “Time For You To Go” where he bashed the 9th District Representative for doing nothing in VG and appealed for him to go. In his musical satire, the 3rd runner up noted that Hon. O’Neal has his legacy adding, “we know you love your party but it’s sinking like quick sand...look how your name dragging through the mud, supporters are saying time for you to go.”

To hammer home his point, a “Raphie” impersonator was brought on stage. Meanwhile, King Henry’s second song “Desiny” spoke volumes about the dilemma face in today’s society. He was dressed as a shepherd.

The 4th runner up position went to King Paido for “Virgin Islands Dream´ and `The Rest You Deserved´. The other performers were Mighty Spice and the Mighty Rocky.

The Calypsonians were ably backed up by Frontline Band.


28 Responses to “UPDATE – Reggae artiste Sista Joyce wins VG Calypso Monarch! [Photoslide Included]”

  • The King (09/04/2012, 03:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    CONGRATULATIONS Sis Joyce! You did it! I am overjoyed for your success. Now push to get a postage stamp in honour of 2012 Calypso Monarch Sis Joyce right alongside VG's hero's stamp of Hon Ralph Telford O'Neal. You deserve and He does too.
    • Proud West Indian (09/04/2012, 08:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      A stamp in honor of her? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What kind of message would that be sending to our youths!!
      • me (09/04/2012, 11:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        I couldnt agree more. She should have been banned from the show regardless. And before i hear the cries of "hater", i actually quite like her music but wrong is wrong and we need to set an example tot he youth and other idiots that want to break the law
        • Chairman (09/04/2012, 20:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          Sis Joyce couldin't be left out of the competition because she wasin't convicted on the charges of her arrest. People are innocent until proven quilty. Virgin Gorda's calypso Committee isin't a court and would never act as one. She would have her day in court and until then she is to be treated as innocent. Hard decisions would me made to protect the image and the iIntegridty of these beautiful British Virgin Islands by any convicted artist who has to represent this Nation on the internationl scene. I strongly believe that no one should be left out of playing apart in cultural activity within the borders of the British Virgin Islands. Open the doors of love and close the windows of hate. Leave all judgement unto God because only him alone could forgive our sins.
          • Ppl man (10/04/2012, 14:42) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
            Welsah she should been thrown out, of the competition cause of her pending case ,well now as she win what role model will she be to the youths if she have to give talks at seminars at school etc,all kids hv access to computer these days don't think they done what she did. And all you still wondering why the youths going down that road of destruction, perfect example she get lock up for such amount of weed with intend to supply to the same youths if she wasn't caught. Now we youths seeing and hearing what happening , making it ok for them to go down the same road thinking if they will get off like the rest of them who done crime and because of who they are they get a slap on the rist . I think they need make an example out of somebody if all you want cut down on the distribution of drugs on the bvi...
      • big ups (09/04/2012, 13:05) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
        Congrats to my beautiful and talented sister joyce...let the haters like "pround west indian" tek dat...Nuff respect!!!!
      • HMMM (10/04/2012, 06:02) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        You all does sound so foolish. God give man the herbs of every plant for meat. I don't understand you people at all. As Bob Marley song says: You think you living in heaven but you living in hell. You poor foolish people/nation.
      • house n (10/04/2012, 07:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        'Proud west indian' is noting bout a nasty jealous hater...Sista joyce girlfirend u were Awesome sunday night! the haters cannot touch u!!!!!
        • Pround West Indian (10/04/2012, 09:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          I am not a hater. But was commenting to a poster who said that she should have a postage stamp in her honour. I thought that was inapproriate because of her recent run in with the law. I have nothing against Sister Joyce as I have enjoyed her music for years.
  • What (09/04/2012, 08:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hold um Sister Joyce...
  • mother hen (09/04/2012, 08:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    There is a god go sister j
  • attention (09/04/2012, 08:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    girl you pulled it off let them tek dat in dem backside...congrats
  • Chacha (09/04/2012, 09:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Sistah Joyce please rewrite your TRIBUTE to Ralph since it has incorrect information. It was the Late Hon. H. Lavity Stoutt who developed our electricity infrastructure not O'Neal.
  • critic (09/04/2012, 10:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    lord dont tell me makisha got F for a grade?
  • DJ GUMPTION (09/04/2012, 10:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    #booooooooom go empress you did it, virgin gorda all the way :)
  • For Pete's sake (09/04/2012, 12:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Sistah Joyce Girl I stayed up all night waiting to hear what you were coming with and you were included your own drama for being caught and I applaud you for taking responsibility!!! How many more calypsonians would sing about themselves..... NONE!!! But you did it!!!
  • weed (09/04/2012, 12:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am so happy for her
  • born here (09/04/2012, 12:59) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    deh evil haters can't keep a good woman down...never go forth sister Joyce!!!!
  • Shara Parlin (09/04/2012, 16:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Sistah Joyce I am so proud of your well deserving Tribute Song to Ralphie...its timely and well deserving of him our real hero! Please this should be our national anthem and be sing all over the Myron and Ms. P take notes and end the competition for we have the song already! It was Ralph T. O’Neal who developed the most if not all of the infrastructure of the BVI and not Dr. Smith. The people already don't know our history so thanks for setting the record straight before the NDP spin doctors try and rewrite our history. Good job, good job... good job girl.
    • hello (10/04/2012, 07:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      i agree..BAM
      • the rock says (10/04/2012, 09:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        agree my's man like mr. noel ras shabazz..the late lavity's guys like them that build and fight for this country...know your role and know your history!!!U JOEBRONIES!
  • sell (10/04/2012, 09:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    good job sat night sister
  • loveann (10/04/2012, 10:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    By the way Sherene was terible on stage. She find all excuses not to sing in VG but want to come to Road Town to try and run the show.
  • BVI Pride (10/04/2012, 15:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Loveann You lay off shereen. All of you a bunch of haters. She is a bvislander and have a right to go to Road town or anywhere in BVI. This is one woman I have a lot of respect for. She has the bvi at heart and that is most imPortant. Love the way she suppport sista joyce through thick and thin
  • vg (10/04/2012, 17:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    if only you could spell terrible . Leave SHereen alone. You haterz dont know when to stop. As a bvislander she can sing and go anywherere in the BVI she pleases. For us she is the best. a true love of calypso and VG.
  • llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll (10/04/2012, 23:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    way to go sister Joyce
  • tola (11/04/2012, 02:37) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Who God Bless No Man Curse

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