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UPDATE: Public servants urged to stay united!

- Disappointing turnout at VICSA Forum
Members of the Virgin Islands Civil Service Association (VICSA) were afforded the opportunity yesterday May 23, 2013 to listen, learn and voice their concerns on a number of topical issues affecting the sector and the economy of the Virgin Islands as a whole. Photo: VINO
Some of the public officers who made the time to attend the CSA Forum. Photo: VINO
Some of the public officers who made the time to attend the CSA Forum. Photo: VINO
The Virgin Islands Civil Service Association (VICSA) committee members. From left to right (seated): Deputy Financial Secretary Mr Wendell M. Gaskin, Asst. Secretary MEC Ms Tasha K. Bertie, Human Resource Manager, MoF Mr Jeremey W. Hodge. Standing from left to right: Postmistress General Ms Paesha V. Stoutt; Programme Officer, DYAS Ms Violet J. de Castro; Deputy Accountant General Ms Laurel L. Smith (ag); and Administrative Officer, WSD Ms Natasha C. Deane. Photo: VINO
The Virgin Islands Civil Service Association (VICSA) committee members. From left to right (seated): Deputy Financial Secretary Mr Wendell M. Gaskin, Asst. Secretary MEC Ms Tasha K. Bertie, Human Resource Manager, MoF Mr Jeremey W. Hodge. Standing from left to right: Postmistress General Ms Paesha V. Stoutt; Programme Officer, DYAS Ms Violet J. de Castro; Deputy Accountant General Ms Laurel L. Smith (ag); and Administrative Officer, WSD Ms Natasha C. Deane. Photo: VINO
 President of VICSA, Ms Tasha K. Bertie said the forum on May 23, 2013 would see key individuals from the public service making presentations, including the Acting Director of Human Resources Michelle Donovan-Stevens who would be discussing the matters of Leave Policy, the Public Interest Form, Conflict of Interest Form and Insurance Scheme. Photo: File
President of VICSA, Ms Tasha K. Bertie said the forum on May 23, 2013 would see key individuals from the public service making presentations, including the Acting Director of Human Resources Michelle Donovan-Stevens who would be discussing the matters of Leave Policy, the Public Interest Form, Conflict of Interest Form and Insurance Scheme. Photo: File
Acting Director of Human Resources, Michelle Donovan-Stevens. Photo:
Acting Director of Human Resources, Michelle Donovan-Stevens. Photo:
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Members of the Virgin Islands Civil Service Association (VICSA) were afforded the opportunity yesterday May 23, 2013 to listen, learn and voice their concerns on a number of topical issues affecting the sector and the economy of the Virgin Islands as a whole.

It was the occasion of the "CSA Forum" held in the conference room of Maria's  by the Sea where the turnout was described as disappointing by Chairperson of the programme and Past President of VICSA, Mr Wendell Gaskin. None-the-less those who showed up made full use of the opportunity of the interactive session.

President of VICSA, Ms Tasha K. Bertie challenged civil servants to stay together as a united body. "The strength of our togetherness is evident in what we have achieved in our partnerships with the key businesses such as reduced gas prices for CSA members at Delta Petroleum. The strength of our togetherness is also evident in the reduced insurance rates provided," she said is only a small sample of the benefits of being part of VICSA.

According to Ms Bertie, because of the worldwide economic down turn and other factors, public servants are facing their full share of challenges in the areas of budget cuts, personnel shortage and the constant highlighting of weaknesses, rather than the celebration of the strengths.

"All these challenges and more, but yet as public officers, we continue to strive for excellence, we continue to go beyond the call of duty. For this, as your president of the CSA, I congratulate each of you and I say thanks," stated Ms Bertie.

The topics were covered were Private Interest, the revised Leave Policy and Health insurance, which was facilitated by Acting Director of Human Resources Department Mrs Michelle Donovan-Stephens who was assisted by Acting Human Resource Manager Mrs Stacia Huggins-Foy.

Director of KPMG (BVI) Ltd, Mr Grant Green spoke on the topic of the United States Citizens Tax contribution while Mr Shan Mohamed spoke of the benefits that can be derived from being associated with Nagico Insurance.

The cream of the CSA forum saw intense and in-depth discussion about the recently revised Statutes, Rules and policies on Ethical Conduct for Public Officers and health insurance issues as it related to BUPA's role.

Arrangements are to be made for a special session to discuss and ventilate issues of concern on the aforementioned.

See previous article posted on May 23, 2013

VICSA to hold forum to discuss matters affecting civil servants

- Forum to be held today May 23, 2013 at Maria’s by the Sea

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Noting that it has been listening to the many concerns of civil servants, the Virgin Islands Civil Service Association (VICSA) will be meeting with public officers today May 23, 2013 at Maria’s by the Sea conference room to have discussions about some “very pertinent matters” affecting them.

This is according to President of VICSA, Ms Tasha K. Bertie. 

“What we have been doing is listening to the voices of our public officers and these are issues that persons have really been voicing concerns about and we thought it best to bring the key individuals within the public service that are outside that would be able to share information regarding what these issues are as well as to get feedback from public officers, said Ms Bertie in an exclusive interview with Virgin Islands News Online.

The VICSA President said the forum would see key individuals from the public service making presentations, including the Acting Director of Human Resources Michelle Donovan-Stevens who would be discussing the matter of Leave Policy, the Public Interest Form, Conflict of Interest Form and Insurance Scheme.

VICSA also hopes to have discussions from persons with the International Affairs Secretariat on matters relating to the US Taxation Scheme that should be coming on board for US citizens living in the VI.

“We are not just limiting the discussions to these particular issues. These are what we consider the most prevailing ones but the forum is also open to other matters that public officers may feel need to be addressed,” Ms Bertie explained.

The forum will also present an opportunity for incentives to be offered to public servants by corporate entities. “We have developed key relationships with businesses within the VI who will be offering incentives to public officers who are paid members of the CSA. These organisations should be there making presentations as well.”

The business entities expected to make presentations include Delta Petroleum, Nagico and Thornton Smith.

Following her election to the helm of VICSA on March 8, 2012 Ms Bertie had reiterated her team’s position that the concerns of the Civil Service will become the agenda for the team.

“I would like congratulate and thank all public officers for coming out and exercising their democratic right by voting. It is now time for us to come together as one so that we can turn the Civil Service Association into a first class organization. We look forward to meeting with all public officers, so that we can work together to make this the best two years for the Civil Service Association.” she said, “Though we are the ones elected, you are the ones that matter and in the next two years we build a team that exemplifies what T.E.A.M. means; working together everyone achieves more”.

Today’s forum at 3 P.M. is expected to offer such an opportunity to achieve that objective as stated by Ms Bertie in March 2012.

All public officers are invited to attend.

The Virgin Islands Civil Service Association acts as a corporate body with objectives inclusive of uniting all public servants of the Territory and establishing and maintaining high standards of efficiency in the Public Service.

34 Responses to “UPDATE: Public servants urged to stay united!”

  • ... (23/05/2013, 08:08) Like (12) Dislike (11) Reply
    the csa is useless
    • qc (23/05/2013, 09:24) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    • jr (23/05/2013, 16:45) Like (3) Dislike (18) Reply
      CSA is weak we miss gaskin
      • What? (24/05/2013, 17:19) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        I don't miss that loud, foul mouth, corrupted crook. He speaks with too many different tounges. He is a bad man who plays like he is fair but only looks out for his interest as well as the NDP's interest.
        • sayingso (27/05/2013, 10:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          @ what? you described my co worker lol I never know it have more people like that in the work place lol
    • WASTES (24/05/2013, 13:40) Like (3) Dislike (8) Reply
      Look at the picture/s, set of wastes!!!! Rubber Stamps I call the bunch. I for one could find something better to do with my five dollars per month.
  • . (23/05/2013, 08:08) Like (6) Dislike (7) Reply
    After that whats next? Waste ah time!
  • civil servant (23/05/2013, 08:17) Like (5) Dislike (31) Reply
    Me naa wah to hear from she as she sit dey a let a JAMDOWN become she boss and aint kick hell….ova & out!
    • HMMM (23/05/2013, 11:38) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
      Your comment is the stupidest thing I ever heard. You know that post of PS is who the Minister wants & no one can stop that.
    • civil servant (24/05/2013, 13:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Civil Servant, where have you been under a rock? Use some intelligence for once nuh! The Minister only wants the one he have now no one else would do. Ms. B. certainly would not have his blessings for sure. She is perceived a VIP. Don't worry time will tell it all.
  • civil servant (23/05/2013, 09:59) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    All public officers invited, however the forum is at 3:00pm, which means if you want to attend and you are not on leave, this may prove difficult or impossible. If we all leave the office at that time, what happens!
    • Important (23/05/2013, 12:39) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      This forum is for ALL public officers! The Governor and DG has been kind to give the CSA full permission to host this event. So public officers are allowed to leave their offices early to attend. But attend you must!
  • good (23/05/2013, 10:00) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    keep up the good work. Remember you can't please everyone but just keep doing what is right.
  • yellow (23/05/2013, 12:27) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    may God be with you Ms President and continue to bless the CSA.

    • new civil servant (25/05/2013, 08:52) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Someone needs to conduct a Survey of all Departments to ascertain two things: who is your CSA rep and has anyone from CSA ever visited your dept meeting?

      CSA does not have the balls to represent the interest of civil servants that is why they have not been taken seriously in assisting the civil servants, so yes they are failing.
  • Not again (24/05/2013, 01:22) Like (4) Dislike (14) Reply
    It always amazes me how illiterate and highly uneducated Tolans can be
  • member (24/05/2013, 13:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I will like to find out how i can discontinue membership with the CSA. These are economic times and i need the money that comes out of my pay for this.
    • cat walk (24/05/2013, 16:39) Like (1) Dislike (7) Reply
      cas is weak they have done nothing for civil servants after the 2011 elections
    • Ex CSA member (25/05/2013, 13:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Fill out a salary change form like you do when you want to stop the deductions from your salary and send it to human resources.
  • GoonSquad (24/05/2013, 15:12) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hummm, do they have the power to fight the Human Resources Dept? That dept is doing a lot of BS to their own people (especially the AG Director). She does not know anything about HR and I find her to be very un-fair and Bias in her actions. Her, Archer and the DG holds one head., I feel for our poor public servants.
  • 360 (24/05/2013, 16:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    only two more years help is on the way
    • Mel Anderson (25/05/2013, 08:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      The CSA officers are a joke, when you make a complain they don't offer much help.
  • Worthy (24/05/2013, 16:43) Like (0) Dislike (10) Reply
    Some of you Civil Servants are a complete waste of your mother's nine months. You are ungrateful, disrespectful and obviously not doing the job that you a paid to do since you are on the WWW blogging during working hours. Some of you are clueless as to what is going on around you as one blogger is asking for Gaskin and he is a part of the VICSA Executive.. What does madam president of VICSA has to do with the appointment of the Permanent Secretary of MEC. To the blogger nicknamed WASTES, you are deserving of the name and members pay $10.00 per month. You don't have a clue as to what is going on around you. Use your time wisely from blogging on Government and Tax Payers time.
  • good job (24/05/2013, 17:16) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Good job CSA. I am proud of your efforts.
  • unity (24/05/2013, 17:21) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Our people will always be left behind because they don't beleive in sticking together. That's why we are becoming minority in our own country because we do not learn to stick together. I appreciate the efforts of the CSA.
  • Glad (24/05/2013, 17:22) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am glad that I was there because I learn a lot of things that all public servants need to know. Trust me on that!
  • radio (24/05/2013, 19:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    In every country a good union keeps the government in check
  • Str8Nose (24/05/2013, 21:39) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Them who acting, with those smiles get them their makeup quick!I just have one questions, What's the purpose of CSA? I dont what to hear some generic that sounds good BS. I would like to see a real represenation of every aspect of the civil service represented in the executive body. All I see are pencil necks, where are the pick and shovelers? Where are the is water boots and steels toes. Where are the street sweepers and shit kickers? Where are the lession planers and gear shifters? Its good to see the firemen but why none of them aren't apart of the executive body. My point is that how can a selected few of one aspect represent such a diverse civil service. Start fixing that and I meant put in some real work to get representation from all aspects of the service your dig. Then you'll have the unity you guys so need to make a difference.
  • SAO (24/05/2013, 23:28) Like (1) Dislike (12) Reply
    There is nothing for the CSA to celebrate. they have failed the civil servants 12 months in a row...not standing up for justice and not sick out when all those people were been fired by the NDP, and ill treated.
  • Fed Up Civil Servant (25/05/2013, 07:36) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Do you want someone to force them to be a part of the CSA. How many of them have come forward. Virgin Islanders have refused to stand up for their rights and all they do is yap, yap yap all day and blame expatriates for everything. The other day there was a re-enactment of the march of 1949, our forefathers had the balls to stand up for themselves but today the majority of Virgin Islanders are spineless cowards. They hide behind their computers and blog all day and night and none have the guts to put their real names. Cowards all of you. All you can do is call down everything positive people try to do. The Jamaicans, Arabs, Vincentians, Dominicans, Kittians, Philipinos, Trinidadians, Bajans, Caucasians, etc can come together but never Virgin Islanders. You all have crab mentality. The time the CSA trying to make better for some of you they need to go home to their families. You all are too ungrateful and hypocritical.
  • Entry (25/05/2013, 08:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I put it to you that if the civil service associtation closed its doors and no announcement was made in the media....most of the civil servants would not notice.
  • Done Talk (25/05/2013, 12:55) Like (0) Dislike (8) Reply
    Where does the lump of sh@% Gaskin fit and his position on the CSA I do not remember him on any of the ballots when we had elections and further more his last term as an exec member was two years ago so someone tell me is he Tasha advisor or he trying to get back in. I know tasha needs someone to push her as pres but to late and all of them rest except Voilet is a set a waste of time and some of aryo Civil servants votes

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