UPDATE: Premier Smith asking residents for patience [Photoslide Included]
“Ladies and gentlemen, as of today we only have a vague idea of what financial condition our country is in,” he told a large crowd at the official swearing in of Government Ministers held at the Sir. Rupert Briercliffe Hall on Wednesday November 9, 2011.
He called for unity and encouraged residents that no matter party affiliation, ethnicity or country of origin, they “must with one agreement, work to improve the quality of life in the Virgin Islands”.
“As I said in my victory speech, at the end of the day this is our beloved home and we all want the best for it. So let the healing begin today. Let the journey of recovery begin for our territory in an atmosphere of goodwill. Let us put our country first, under God, and let us work together to reclaim and restore the greatness of our territory,” the Premier appealed.
He added, “With your vote of confidence you have given us an overwhelming command to work for you and to work with you. As we did at our many campaign rallies we once more make a solemn promise to you that we will not make decisions in seclusion or exclusion. We will strive to always seek your advice; we will welcome your input in decisions we will have to make on your behalf.
“To rebuild the BVI together we must and will keep the lines of communications open. I truly believe that we all want a better Virgin Islands but we all have different opinions and ideas on how to get where we need to be. We will keep you apprised of plans and activities that we carry out on your behalf. We hope in turn that you will continue to respond to us and to let us know what we’re doing right and what you think we’re doing wrong. We learnt the hard way of doing otherwise four years ago and will not repeat that error again.”
Amidst the enthusiasm of the crowd, Governor Boyd McCleary sworn into office Dr. D. Orlando Smith as Premier; 7th district representative Kedrick Pickering as Deputy Premier and Minister for Natural Resources and Labour; 4th district representative Mark Vanterpool as Minister for Communications and Works; At Large representative Ronnie Skelton as Minister of Health and Social Development and At Large representative Myron Walwyn as Minister of Education and Culture.
The NDP emerged victorious 9-4 at the November 7 General Elections with the Virgin Islands Party holding onto four seats.

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