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UPDATE: Minister Skelton being flown to Florida today!

-The Health and Social Development Minister is expected to undergo emergency surgery
This news site’s senior National Democratic Party sources have just got off the phone with our news room confirming that the Minister for Health and Social Development Honourable Ronnie W. Skelton’s condition is stable but serious. Therefore a medical decision was taken from last night to fly the Minister out to Florida for surgery. Photo: VINO/File
Sources within the National Democratic Party Government have just confirmed that Minister for Health and Social Development Honourable Ronnie W. Skelton was taken to Peebles Hospital this evening October 6, 2014 after complaining of stomach discomfort. Photo: VINO/File
Sources within the National Democratic Party Government have just confirmed that Minister for Health and Social Development Honourable Ronnie W. Skelton was taken to Peebles Hospital this evening October 6, 2014 after complaining of stomach discomfort. Photo: VINO/File
A family member speaking to our news room confirmed that the Minister for Health and Social Development is still hospitalized and is expected to be admitted tonight as many tests are still ongoing. Photo: VINO/File
A family member speaking to our news room confirmed that the Minister for Health and Social Development is still hospitalized and is expected to be admitted tonight as many tests are still ongoing. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - This news site’s senior National Democratic Party sources have just got off the phone with our news room confirming that the Minister for Health and Social Development Honourable Ronnie W. Skelton’s condition is stable but serious.

Therefore a medical decision was taken from last night to fly the Minister out to Florida for surgery.
Other sources said Hon Skelton is currently as of post time getting ready to fly out to the Cleveland Clinic, in Weston, Florida, USA.

However, they did not explain why the need for surgery. Hon Skelton was admitted to Peebles Hospital yesterday afternoon October 6, 2014 a little after 6:00 PM after complaining of discomfort below his heart.

This news site will keep our readers updated as the information is received from our Team of Reporters.

See previous story published on October 6, 2014:

Minister for Health Ronnie W. Skelton rushed to hospital!

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Sources within the National Democratic Party Government have just confirmed that Minister for Health and Social Development Honourable Ronnie W. Skelton was taken to Peebles Hospital this evening October 6, 2014 after complaining of stomach discomfort.

No more details of his condition have been released as the source said they were on their way to the hospital as they just got the call.

However, a family member speaking to our news room confirmed that the Minister for Health and Social Development is still hospitalized and is expected to be admitted tonight as many tests are still ongoing.

Honourable Ronnie W. Skelton a former General Manger of the BVI Electricity Corporation was first elected to Parliament in 1999 under the National Democratic Party (NDP) banner.

In his first four years [1999-2003] he served on the Opposition benches. In 2003 his party won the general elections and he became the Deputy Chief Minister and made history for the first time being a non-Head of Government to hold the portfolio of Minister of Finance of the Virgin Islands. He also held the portfolio of Minister for Health and Welfare [2003-2007].

In the elections of 2007 he was swept out of power in which the NDP got shaken up winning only 2 out of 13 seats in the then House of Assembly. Honourable Ralph T. O’Neal OBE (R9) became the Territory’s first Premier [2007-2011] under a new Virgin Islands constitution.

In 2011 he returned to the political stage winning 1 of the 4 At-Large seats which were all taken by the NDP as they swept back to power with 9 out of 13 seats.

Hon Skeleton was stripped of his Finance portfolio but retained Minister for Health and Social Development, where he is now the sitting Minister.

In his three years in office he has come under fire for the controversial National Health Insurance scheme.

Very recently, many non-profit organizations have been critical of the BVI Health Services Authority one of his subjects begging the public for contributions to fund the new Peebles Hospital.

They claim that it takes away much needed funds from them having now to compete with the government for donations.
There were some other controversial matters under his watch including the charging of seniors and young children for medication.

This news site was informed that a crowd including other Ministers of Government has gathered at Peebles Hospital and our news room will bring more information as it becomes available.

62 Responses to “UPDATE: Minister Skelton being flown to Florida today!”

  • Fan (06/10/2014, 23:30) Like (33) Dislike (22) Reply
    Get well honorable, you are in our thoughts and prayers!
    • kishmet daniel (07/10/2014, 13:28) Like (4) Dislike (13) Reply
      I hope all is well minister i will say a special prayer for u
  • BREAKING NEWS (06/10/2014, 23:31) Like (17) Dislike (41) Reply
    Vino you good mehson watch other sites thefing ayo infor!!!!!!
  • chikungunia (07/10/2014, 00:09) Like (12) Dislike (76) Reply
    Lets hope he gets well soon and this is not a political stunt.
  • Liat 521 (07/10/2014, 00:11) Like (16) Dislike (18) Reply
    oh no ronnie get well
  • ... (07/10/2014, 00:19) Like (6) Dislike (17) Reply
    hear he might be fly out well saw
  • qc (07/10/2014, 07:11) Like (22) Dislike (20) Reply
    My prayers are with his wife janice stay strong
  • Really!!! (07/10/2014, 07:42) Like (104) Dislike (33) Reply
    FLY OUT!! He pushing for NHI and he can't let them operate on him here!! Hypocrite!!!
    • ..... (07/10/2014, 08:52) Like (20) Dislike (32) Reply
      He never claimed that "everything" will be handled here.
    • @Really!!! (07/10/2014, 08:57) Like (21) Dislike (27) Reply
      don't be an @$$ obviously there has to be a reason as to why he has to be flown out...Chances are there isn't a doctor on the island that can perform that particular surgery.. think logical before you make foolish comments
    • Jill (07/10/2014, 11:05) Like (12) Dislike (6) Reply
      You need NHI so that Government don't have to pay. He can afford insurance. People fail to realise the reason for NHI.
    • NHI (07/10/2014, 11:48) Like (13) Dislike (7) Reply
      NHI helps the entire BVI community. Those of us that are well off must pay onto Caesar what is due to Caesar. Taxes and related charges are levied on residents and citizens of a land for the benefit of the entire population. Without taxes (direct & indirect) there will be no public hospital, no public schools, no provision of security (whether police or military), no roads, no free/subsidized health care, etc. The place will be stink, run down and disease rampant. No one is asking for anyone to stay here and receive medical attention here. But we have to consider the less fortunate, the elderly, the children and everyone’s well being – physical, social and economical. Hence, NHI!
    • REBUKE (07/10/2014, 14:41) Like (7) Dislike (7) Reply
      You people are disgusting!!! Really Disgusting!!!!! This is a life on the line and all you can talk about is politics and policies? Get a heart and show some compassion. Sickness is no respecter of persons...You never know when and if you would be next.
    • Yes I (07/10/2014, 18:11) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
      U couldn't say it any better. I 1000% agree with u
  • rattie (07/10/2014, 07:49) Like (13) Dislike (14) Reply
    I am sure he will get better service at the Hospital then the average person…he is the Minister remember
  • Observer (07/10/2014, 07:51) Like (23) Dislike (39) Reply
    I wonder if he had to wait like the rest of us until the doctor can see us or was given special treatment.
  • tretretrete (07/10/2014, 08:04) Like (21) Dislike (10) Reply

    Ayo people ain't easy sah..the man sick and ayo in here talking p..s!! SMDH Poor mankind

    • Citizen (07/10/2014, 10:42) Like (9) Dislike (3) Reply
      I am not surprised with the caliber of thinkers on these blog sites these days.
  • Winston (07/10/2014, 08:52) Like (24) Dislike (20) Reply
    I wish you a speedy recovery Hon . Skelton.

    It is interesting that after one night in Peebles, you are flying to the States for treatment.
    • @Winston (07/10/2014, 14:40) Like (3) Dislike (12) Reply
      MuMu the man has in a pace makerer in his heart...they dont have the level of doctors here to operate on anyone one with that thing in their heart..
  • Krazy (07/10/2014, 08:53) Like (13) Dislike (13) Reply
    Get well soon Hon. Skelton, it would have been nice if your staycation was at the new hospital that you are trying so hard to complete!
  • farmer brown (07/10/2014, 08:58) Like (8) Dislike (13) Reply
    Oh no stay strong ronnie we are rooting for you
  • wellsa (07/10/2014, 09:10) Like (22) Dislike (14) Reply
    He gone in for a lil belly pain and he getting fly to florida. And he pushing nhi wa vant work up there
    Poor us
  • opps (07/10/2014, 09:15) Like (34) Dislike (14) Reply
    So he has no faith in is hospital?
  • Gloria Fahie (07/10/2014, 09:15) Like (13) Dislike (13) Reply
    I am praying for you safe and healthy return to the Virgin Islands!
  • Hmm (07/10/2014, 09:28) Like (1) Dislike (10) Reply
    WRONG BROTHER, speedy recovery
  • how come (07/10/2014, 09:38) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    he aint used the purple or ureka?
  • practice wha yo preach (07/10/2014, 09:53) Like (34) Dislike (1) Reply
    Thats why i want to keep the insurance that i have so i could fly overseas too.
  • Manabouttown (07/10/2014, 10:06) Like (30) Dislike (17) Reply
    I am calling on the nation to set aside our differences in regards of our political affiliation, and join together as a community and pray for a speedily recovery for the Honorable Skelton.
  • prayer (07/10/2014, 10:52) Like (9) Dislike (10) Reply
    Praying for you Ronnie
  • So Disgust (07/10/2014, 11:07) Like (110) Dislike (23) Reply
    It is so disgusting for we as a small nation wait until something make news of someone you all get behind the computer and say so much negative stuff even the news site bringing up all sort of things already gone. Come on man we are a small nation and just remember each and everyone of us have our day,let us be our brothers keeper, Minister Skelton you and your family are In my prayers, even now I am mourning he loss of my young police cousin, people take example none of us knows when would be our time take heed every negative word spoken you have to give an account to God. stay blessed my people.
  • HOSPITAL News (07/10/2014, 11:10) Like (14) Dislike (3) Reply
    its best we all work on National Emergency air lift and just make the new building behind the Peebles Hospital/clinic for a hotel, the elderly home or just restaurant with views of roadtown. This Government been around long enough and when we get sick we still not have to but MOST fly out for medical attention. Unless we have big cash flow and bank accounts to do so. The hospital will come sooner than it was two elections ago 8 years not months, this place is going so slow that locals looking work and schooling in places where medical and education is put first.... bless
  • AC 360 (07/10/2014, 11:13) Like (13) Dislike (3) Reply
    So in other words our hospital is no good,
  • Minister of Health (07/10/2014, 11:18) Like (23) Dislike (5) Reply
    Thought the CAPTAIN supposed to go down with the ship, Minister aint looking like he taken any chances regarding having his medical situation be examined by any local Doctors and Nurses. Treatment is a no no for sure. Hope its not serious but it seems so so get flown out quickly because you might be treated for something else like many of the cases around that Peebles Hospital/clinic. Luckily its not a ship so you dont have to go down like many of the others, and then we will get the medical services we all need in the territory.
    • Disgusted (08/10/2014, 00:09) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
      We are really in s sad state when comes the medical personnel especially this equals that they recruit especially from Africa and the Philippines ever some from right here in the caribbeanCheap labour at the cost of of our health,
      Need to take a serious look at the radiologist / radiographer. Too many errors for simple procedures . Speaking from experience
  • No NHI? (07/10/2014, 11:22) Like (32) Dislike (4) Reply
    What? No Peebles? No NHI? No panel to decide whether or not his condition is serious enough to warrant airlifting to a foreign hospital? Hmmmmm...
  • thank you (07/10/2014, 12:01) Like (7) Dislike (12) Reply
    Thank you to all for the kind words and well wishes for our family member. We will keep our complete trust and faith in Jehovah.
  • rattie 1 (07/10/2014, 12:27) Like (22) Dislike (13) Reply
    Ndp must go!
    • Amaze (07/10/2014, 12:58) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
      Why should he be AFRAID? Your can answet gor him sound like you know. Dumb fool.
  • resident (07/10/2014, 12:43) Like (14) Dislike (13) Reply
    Wish you a speedy recovery Mr. Minister. I am confused though that he was not sent to Hema ,San Pablo Hospital in Puerto Rico. He is sent to the Cleaveland Clinic in Florida. That is the same thing he is taking away from us who will not be able to have private insurance. We will be waiting to know if we will be flown out or die for care. This should be a rude awakening.
  • qc (07/10/2014, 13:07) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    how come he has not use the NHI?
    • At last (07/10/2014, 16:36) Like (3) Dislike (94) Reply
      What the hell is wrong with the people of this Territory?? Have a heart man! The man is getting the best care he can afford and I don't give him wrong considering his medical history. It is not our business whether he is paying cash or relying on his insurance policy for coverage. Fact is...there is no NHI in place at this time. So, he must use whatever means he has available to him at this time to pay for his care. Even if NHI existed (for the record I am not a proponent of NHI), we all still have the option of getting treatment according to the NHI procedures or using our independent insurance policies!!! Point is, life is filled with the haves and the have nots. NHI will make otherwise unattainable care available to many of the have nots and that, in and of itself, is an achievement for our residents.
  • VG 1 (07/10/2014, 13:08) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    A close family of mine fell a few weeks ago, he ended up at Peebles Hospital. did x-rays, They told him that nothing is broken. He went back to The states where he lives and sought medical attention . the man has two broken ribs and a punctured lung. Now tell me if this place is anywhere for human being to go to. HON. minister you are doing the right thing by getting out of there. even you know what it's all about. A speedy recovery to you sir., and when you get back hope you do something about this place.
  • NEW ALERT!!! (07/10/2014, 13:11) Like (13) Dislike (6) Reply
    No insurance can save your life ladies and gentlemen! They only pay for your medical care and according to the law you can not be prohibited from receiving medical care from any government hospital. The only case is you will be left with a hefty bill to pay depending on the illness you have without insurance.

    Get well soon Ronnie.

    The sad thing is when you are apart of a cancer like NDP, you will need chemotherapy and not even that is 100%.
  • Binocs (07/10/2014, 13:29) Like (18) Dislike (11) Reply
    Has it come to mind to some of the people that get on these blogg and write all kind of cold heartless comment, that Mr Skelton have a mother and family that cares about him. And by the way his mother is a god fearing women i have known all my life and never got into politics and never vote just a law abiden citzen. How you all think she would feel about what is being said. For god sake Mr Skelton has a medical history that needs special attension that is why he is fighting god for bid if you guys had to have to go through what he went through. Stop the evilness and take time to appreciate man.
  • ann (07/10/2014, 13:38) Like (3) Dislike (18) Reply
    Jah, I really hope he is okay
  • Liat 521 (07/10/2014, 14:10) Like (3) Dislike (10) Reply
    I feel bad for Ronnie that pace maker always giving trouble
  • ASHAMED (07/10/2014, 14:32) Like (13) Dislike (13) Reply
    I am simply dumfounded by some of the ignorant comments. I cannot believe that some is ill and all you all can think about is bashing the hospital NHI and everything else. I hope for the sake of the ones with the negative and ignorant comments that you all don't ever need to be hospitalized or need emergency surgery. I am a BVI Islander and sometimes I am appalled at some of the people who choose to reside here.
  • @ Ashamed (07/10/2014, 19:19) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    Are you saying that the negative comments were posted by people who "chose to reside here" but werent born here!
  • Second Ashamed (07/10/2014, 19:47) Like (113) Dislike (0) Reply
    Brother or sister ASHAMED you started out very good with your comments but to the end make no sense why should you say that you are appalled at some of the people who choose to reside here? Why do you think they are the ones saying such negatives stuff please reel and come again ok.
  • MJ (07/10/2014, 22:26) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    The ppl have a right to share theirr views
  • ?? (08/10/2014, 08:15) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
    Any update on his conditions?
  • north sound (08/10/2014, 10:50) Like (9) Dislike (7) Reply
    We are sorry to hear about the Honorable Minister Skelton's sickness and we wish him a speedy recovery. In the meantime we take this oppurtunity to express our displeasure over the continuous removal of the one nurse from the clinic in Northsound, who is being sent to the clinic in the valley on a weekly basis. There are nine nurses already assigned at the Nurse Iris O'Neal clinic . This week she has been removed for two consecutive days leaving the clinic in Northsound without a nurse. There are sick and elderly people in Northsound. We need HELP and REPRESENTATION for the people of North Sound.
  • SUSS (09/10/2014, 06:20) Like (0) Dislike (11) Reply
    Heard he did not need surgery god hear dour prayers
  • vip guy (10/10/2014, 13:52) Like (0) Dislike (6) Reply
    safe journey and swift recovery nobody wants to see a man sick even if you disagree with their politics

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