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UPDATE - Man shot in leg during garage/ mechanic shop robbery

July 4th, 2012 | Tags: police Robbery shooting Local Duffs Bottom
The garage where the alleged robbery and shooting took place in Duffs Bottom July 3, 2012. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - One man was found shot as a result of the robbery that occurred at the auto mechanic shop in Duff’s Bottom, yesterday July 3, 2012.

Information received from the Royal Virgin Islands Police information personnel Diane Drayton indicated that the wounded man was shot in his lower leg.

Ms. Drayton confirmed that the incident that occurred around 3:30 p.m. involved three masked men, two carrying handguns.

The released information further stated that the robbers “walked up to three employees at the repair shop, demanded and retrieved a gold chain from one worker and fled the scene after firing shots. As a result, another person at the garage received a leg wound.”

Police are continuing to interview persons in relation to the incident.

The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force is asking anyone who may have witnessed the robbery or seen something suspicious around the time of the incident and can help with the investigation should to contact the Criminal Investigation Department through its three-digit access 311 number.

26 Responses to “UPDATE - Man shot in leg during garage/ mechanic shop robbery”

  • Carli (03/07/2012, 21:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Wow. These guys are walking around watching people's jewlery and making plans for them. I saw a dude at that garage with a large chain and was wondering if he is not afraid to wear it with all the robbery going on. This is sickening now, but I do not know if government were to stop the cash for gold operation would be enough to stop to this madness because people could always go off island and sell their gold.
  • jack (03/07/2012, 21:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    oh no what happen
  • ------------------------- (03/07/2012, 22:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    what could they find in ah garage??? eh
  • parent (04/07/2012, 06:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    so much crime where are the UK high paid police officers?
    • @ parent (04/07/2012, 07:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Good idea! Let's blame the police! Brilliant.
    • Confucius (04/07/2012, 08:09) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Where are the high paid UK police? They are sitting at four different garages around the island waiting with baited breath for some punk to come along and steal a gold chain. They just sit there 24/7 waiting and watching. Strupes!
  • dog meat (04/07/2012, 06:32) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    what is going on in my little country....too much crime they need to review tis cash for goal ting!!! i
  • face (04/07/2012, 07:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    these young men need boot camp just my two cents
  • kenny Rogers (04/07/2012, 07:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    oh no I took my brother's van there last week...I thank god no one died...
  • Hypocrites (04/07/2012, 10:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Yeah let's blame the Police for everything. It has not rain in weeks blame the police. Place hot like hell blame the Police. Government cut increments blame the Police. This is the month of July blame the Police. A child was born this morning, guess what lets blame the Police. When will we get it?
    • No Hypocrites (04/07/2012, 20:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      To Hypocrites - we are not blaming the police for everything - We are concerned about the rising criminal activities and they are not solved. And we are not blaming the entire police force but blame must be attributed to the man at the helm. Instead of worrying about who is black, white, UK, local, down island - that BVI needs a foensic lab, an anti-corruption unit etc etc, we need to ensure that we are safe. So stop your nonsense and if you are from the UK, stop blogging garbage and go back there.
  • Hypocrites (04/07/2012, 10:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    And those local (including expat officers) who keep blogging about the UK Officers can someone tell them to go to work and not just show up for work? Sick and tired of their crap. They might not be drinking in bars but they might well be as most of them are not giving value for money.
  • Real (04/07/2012, 12:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Government need to get this cash for gold thing from here, his is one of the reason these man up and done the place robbing ppl, someone of these lil punks gonna come playing around the wrong person.
  • Movements (04/07/2012, 14:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    So three men robbing one chain? By time they sell it each of them get a few bucks then what, steal again? That can't even pay a lawyer. We should stop these thieves from using legal aid as well. I know everybody has a right to representation but it really sickens me.
    • BT (04/07/2012, 22:21) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I agree with you 100%. Tax payers, some of whom are also being robbed should not be paying for no legal aid. Every damn criminal should foot his own bill.
  • qc (04/07/2012, 15:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    i am always thankful no one died
  • x factor (04/07/2012, 23:37) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    lawd ah mussy dem say dem steal from a Haitian boss be careful....
    • grace (05/07/2012, 09:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      It should have been possible for the HaITIAN to make all three of them walk on their heads naked down to DUFF'S Bottom with the chain. It just so happen that I don't believe it is possible. So we just have to leave these criminals to GOD. Their negative wicked KARMA will take care of them.
  • I was there 20 minutes before the shooting! (05/07/2012, 08:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    It is valid, to question what is going on with the Police. They stop you for seat belts, tint on windows, talking on the phone while driving, and do NOT stop motorcycles driving dangerously down the middle of the road, creating a 3rd lane, with either an unbuckled helmet or no helmet at all. Often there is a bare headed passenger hanging on for dear life while the driver weaves thru his personal new middle lane. Why is is not stopped? Police in the BVI do not appear to have a heart for solving crime and murders, why? Is it frustration from the top levels of police, UK police, Government, Attorney Generals Office, where, who is the puppet master??? As the BVI economy worsens during the long slow summer months crime will increase and robbery is going to be the means of income for many. Cash for Gold and BVI Bring & Buy are perfect venues for getting rid of stolen goods. Beware, when you see "XYZ for sale, all you need is to find a charger for it", you can be fairly sure it is stolen. I was at the garage about 20 minutes before the shooting, I too could have been robbed at GUN POINT. Fasten your seat belts people, "It has only just begun!".
    • whatating (05/07/2012, 11:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      And your point is?! U disgruntled...I'm sure I saw the same ridding in smx and curacao
  • whatating (05/07/2012, 09:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    God don't sleep; what goes around comes back around to u.
  • Macnamara (05/07/2012, 12:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

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