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UPDATE: Items & Cash taken during Avalue robbery

While efforts to communicate with Mr Deon M. Vanterpool, the owner of Avalue Supermarket which was robbed at gun point, this news site was reliably informed that items and cash were taken during the robbery. Photo: VINO/File
A man said to be security guard at AValue Supermarket, Huntum's Ghut was said to have been shot in the abdomen earlier tonight. Photo: VINO/File
A man said to be security guard at AValue Supermarket, Huntum's Ghut was said to have been shot in the abdomen earlier tonight. Photo: VINO/File
HUNTUMS GHUT, Tortola, VI - While efforts to communicate with Mr Deon M. Vanterpool, the owner of Avalue Supermarket which was robbed at gun point leaving a security guard shot and hospitalised in a serious but stable condition, were futile this news site was reliably informed that items and cash were taken during the robbery.

According to a police and other sources, the store had just closed for the night when two men brandishing guns pounced on a female staffer and the security guard as they were about to leave for the night.

"They made them open up back the store, shoved them inside telling them somebody will get kill if they don't cooperate and when they open and cooperated they took some cash from the lady and shoot at the guard then made their escape," said one source.

It was said that the men, though masked, seemed relatively young and might have been observing the activities of closing of the store prior to the January 1, 2015 attack.

See previous story published on January 1, 2015:

One shot at A Value Supermarket in attempted robbery

HUNTUMS GHUT, Tortola, VI - Reliable sources have confirmed that a man, said to be a security guard, at A Value Supermarket in Huntums Ghut was rushed to Peebles Hospital after being shot at the popular business.

According to information reaching this news site, a gunman was met with resistance from the security guard who was shot during the altercation. 

Sources at the Peebles Hospital confirmed that the man sustained a gunshot wound to the abdomen.

Virgin Islands News Online understands that police are currently on the scene, along with the business owner. 

The incident was confirmed by Public Relations Officer of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) Ms Diane Drayton who said that further details will be given as they become available.

53 Responses to “UPDATE: Items & Cash taken during Avalue robbery”

  • xxxxxxxx (01/01/2015, 23:10) Like (15) Dislike (42) Reply
    and deeds fools say crime is down..where is the NDP with gun Legilstation>>>
    • @xxxxxxxx (02/01/2015, 00:00) Like (29) Dislike (0) Reply
      Y dont u learn to spell the word is these
      • bvi (02/01/2015, 10:01) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
        Legislation is also misspelt
      • Correction (02/01/2015, 10:21) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
        Correction- Why don't you learn to spell the word "these" correctly.
        Please correct oneself before correcting others.
    • Blackeye (02/01/2015, 10:00) Like (2) Dislike (16) Reply
      You idiot! A gun legislation will stop a man from holding a gun in his hand???? Stchuuupe
  • bbc (01/01/2015, 23:21) Like (9) Dislike (37) Reply
    Another reason why ndp must go too much crime
  • he needs to go to (01/01/2015, 23:26) Like (13) Dislike (23) Reply
    Where is morris and the uk officers making big money????
    • Online Now (02/01/2015, 12:35) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
      Well, they aren't commiting armed robbery for a start ....

      Blame the crooks not the police!
  • incredible (01/01/2015, 23:35) Like (14) Dislike (22) Reply
    After three long years no gun legislation just lies lies and lies about economy robust while our people die in the streets…what the hell will NDP campaign on this year????…oh yea I know; Fraser brought Biwater and degicel to the BVI…set of fools…How long? Not long!!!
  • wize up (02/01/2015, 00:10) Like (61) Dislike (14) Reply
    VIP ruled the Virgin Islands for 40 years; there were gun crime under the VIP and they brought no legislation.crime is not about politics; the eradication of crime need the input of citizens,residents and visitors..we are the ones who elects ndp/vip
  • miss (02/01/2015, 00:12) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    So this is how we starting off the new year?? Smfh
  • car key (02/01/2015, 00:17) Like (5) Dislike (8) Reply
    I see finaly Dr. Smith say he bring gun laws to the BVI; translation: i will continue to do nothing until the next election wherby i will claim to have brought stability to the BVI....

  • Keeping it real (02/01/2015, 00:20) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    There will nothing to celebrate for 2015 unless we all get a hold on the rampant crime that has infested our Country, things will get alot worse until this is done.

  • xxxxxxxxxx (02/01/2015, 00:31) Like (2) Dislike (17) Reply
    xxxxxxxx (01/01/2015, 23:10) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    and deeds fools say crime is down..where is the NDP with gun Legilstation>>>
    • citizens man up (03/01/2015, 13:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      gunlegislation aint going to stop nothingm unless we the citizens get involved. we will not testify of what we see and whom we see with a gun.. granted our police force is awaste and we fear for ours an our families livea but enough is enough. more police protection at and around buildings is required . moreccatv cameras on the streers . again on the topic of gun legislation. make it legal for security guards to carry a firearm while on duty or the lessfatal taser. arm police officers or lets say those that are on night duty an increasepatrols oflate functioning businesses. people stop the stupid N.D.P.andV.I.P. blame game an man up cause we are soon to be a vigilante state
  • incredible (02/01/2015, 00:33) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
    incredible (01/01/2015, 23:35) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    After three long years no gun legislation just lies lies and lies about economy robust while our people die in the streets…what the hell will NDP campaign on this year????…oh yea I know; Fraser brought Biwater and degicel to the BVI…set of fools…How long? Not long!!!
  • what (02/01/2015, 01:20) Like (28) Dislike (30) Reply
    I thought VIP had 40 long years in power. Where was gun legislation then? Only now we have a gun problem? This is not political.
    • Yow (02/01/2015, 08:05) Like (17) Dislike (7) Reply
      To be honest gun crimes were not a problem in the 80's and 90's. Things start to rise in the 2000's and now becoming a major problem in the last 5 years.
      • ..... (02/01/2015, 09:45) Like (12) Dislike (17) Reply
        Really??? I remember drive by shootings on the Police Station in the 90s.... I remember people being found dead in the 90s (Mount Sage, Along the road at Windy Hill, etc).... Was not a problem?? I guess you all memories shorter than mine.
        • Yow (02/01/2015, 12:13) Like (25) Dislike (4) Reply
          I did not say that guns did not exist in the BVI. Allow me to clarify, gun crimes were not a significant problem. Yes there was 1 or 2 gun crimes sometimes even in a 5 year span but it was very rare.
          • .... (02/01/2015, 12:47) Like (4) Dislike (12) Reply

            Let me clarify my point. Some countries (like the USA) have the death penalty. Have gun crimes gone down there? Are they reducing? Tying the crime rate to NDP is just asinine and tougher gun laws will do very little. Watch. Like someone else said, turning a bling eye to gun toting friends and relatives is the bigger problem. Gun crime is gun crime. Don't try to down play previous incidents. Robberies are up but our murder rate has been the same for about the last 10-20 years (3-5 per year), with a few spikes in between. Ok, you know what, put back in VIP, let's see if this problem magically disappears.... 

            • Yow (02/01/2015, 20:05) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
              First of all nowhere in my post mentions anything with politics. Secondly laws do stop some crimes refer to 'Bingo's post. The US built their country on crime and injustice so bad example. The early 90's crime especially gun crimes and murder was not as high as today no debate.
      • Yes (02/01/2015, 10:03) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
        Are you kidding me? The point is, people are trying to make gun crime seem like an NDP thing when it is a BVI thing. No matter who is in power, there will be crime. No matter what laws are in place, there will be crime. The only thing that will stop it is if we bring back hanging but nobody wants that, we just love to talk and pretend as if we are doing something good when we are not.
      • chad (02/01/2015, 23:04) Like (3) Dislike (13) Reply
        Stop talking crap!!! You all forgetting the days of Bat Man and Robin, Miller, Gun war between the police and drug dealers under the afro tree Sunday Morning well, The amount of people shot in Sea Cows Bay, Shots flying in the police station, the amount of unsolved murders, man come on. Stop playing politics with these topics.
        • wow (03/01/2015, 11:54) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
          Fool, Dummy, Moron, crime did exist but it has increased tremendously from those days. In the days of Batman and Robin people actually used to leave their doors unlocked how safe the place used to be.
  • kids (02/01/2015, 01:31) Like (1) Dislike (24) Reply
    Reason why so much crime ndp have country hard thats why so much robbery ppl want work
  • wize up (02/01/2015, 07:33) Like (19) Dislike (2) Reply
    some person or persons knows who did the crime last night but if no one wants to report these matter so the BVI will keep going down hill; let me say this, all the robust economy, upgraded air/sea port wont help because no perons wants to visit an island with gun crime(s) you and i that live here can no longer feel safe( it is no joking matter to be walking arround in fear of being shot by some fool) so keep playing politics with crime especially gun crime and see how far we will get....keep playing the dumb balme game while our counrty going down hill "you" need to demand better representation for elected offical be them PEP, VIP, CIP, FBP or NDP...its about the counrty....
    • Really (02/01/2015, 09:23) Like (2) Dislike (5) Reply
      So why does St. Thomas and Jamaica still have so many visitors....?
      • wize up (02/01/2015, 18:08) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
        really; look at this way; they might have gotten more but for the your research and you will see there was a decline in the visitors... so want the BVI to become a place of crime because other place have crime; you can NOT be VI-Lander
  • down islands (02/01/2015, 07:42) Like (26) Dislike (0) Reply
    People of the bvi let me educate you guys a bit, how many legislators are there?, do you think crime can be tackled by them alone, think again, is you bvislanders who have to step up to the plate, is you who born and live here who have to make a difference, the crimes that you know going on and keeping silence, the criminals that you know and keeping silence, the family members you know committing crimes and keeping silence, the gain that you getting from these criminal activities is what mashing up this country, but guess what, when i retire in the next few years and go back home, your tax dollars has to pay for my retirement, and who you think going to be here in the crime infested place, it will be you, your children and your grand children, you rip what you sow, don't blame NDP blame yourself, i really seat back and laugh at these local people, they don't have a clue, poor them.
    • Virgin Islander (02/01/2015, 09:41) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
      Thank you for a sensible comment. Man you all on a roll today. Sadly, many will continue to sit and blame politicians. And my thing is, if you don't catch the criminals, what use is a tougher gun sentence?? We have littering fines, still the place is full of garbage.
  • Informer (02/01/2015, 07:50) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Recent release, crime turn up. Needs dollars to get back on track. Three years behind. A bank is the next move.
  • STX (02/01/2015, 08:37) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    And we have to wait until April for what again? The government to act? Obviously we are in the midst of a crime wave.
  • Ninja (02/01/2015, 08:42) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    You stay there trying to analyze. Rob me or mine, I'm dropping you where you stand.
  • wow (02/01/2015, 09:01) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    a new year and the same old evil ways, smh
  • trrefdrfds (02/01/2015, 09:41) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    Crime is always up when ndp is in
  • Sigh (02/01/2015, 09:47) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    The "deeds" fool that is always commenting on blogs has left 2014 and crawled into 2015 looking for the same attention. People, don't even give whoever it is the time of day in trying to correct them.....because it's a wilfull act. Now, concerning this matter.......imagine I was at home at the time, and silly me thought that it was a back shot from a vehicle passing by when I heard the loud pop. It is a shame to know that some people are resorting to crime as a way out to battle hardship, covetousness, etc. Whatever the reason, the perpetrators must be stopped; but the question is how? :-(
  • HMMM (02/01/2015, 09:57) Like (3) Dislike (9) Reply
    U people so sickening is the gun legislation going to stop the robbers from walking with their gun.
  • chad (02/01/2015, 10:01) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    I hope the guy recover and they catch the robber. But one question, if someone comes to rob an establishment, why would an unarmed security guard put up resistance? The money is not worth it, especially a small establishment like that. Give them the money, it is not worth your life!
  • Ok Then! (02/01/2015, 10:19) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    There are so many punks with guns on the street and police with no guns! How are we to protect ourselves?? This island is going to the dogs.. now innocent people are being shot.. Something has to change!!! Crime in this place is too easy and so it will continue to happen, especially since no one like to "rat".... you idiots!

    Let me see or hear you have a gun.. I will call police for your a$$!
    • concerned citizen (02/01/2015, 12:02) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      The real answer is not for more guns! The last thing we need is for one cop to carry a weapon and fire off and cause a shoot out and an innocent bystander is shot (just one is too much be it a child, adult or the elderly.) There are several answers to the problem (1) need the hang law back (if possible); (2) more citizens input & reporting; (3) police night watch until supermarkets close; (4) gun seizure once caught automatic imprisonment for 5 years with hard labor and must get an education while in prison to be released, loss of rights to children, if applicable; (5) monetary filing of US$100,000 minimum to inflicted/injured.
  • Let's Make a Change (02/01/2015, 11:03) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    Gun legislation is one important thing, politics is another, however no matter what law is in the book and what government is in power, every individual make their choice to commit a crime or to behave themselves. It starts with our babies. Parents a lot of times we create the monsters that plague society. From the time our kids are infants, toddlers, primary school age, teenagers, the most important thing is that we dress them in the most expensive brand name clothes and shoes whether we have the money or not. When the kids can't get their way, they throw tantrums and kick and slap us and we call it 'cute'. They come home with cell phones and electronics more expensive than the parents phone and we dare not ask them where they came from. When they get out of hand we see how we can enforce the discipline and training, but its too late. Parents, if you have young ones, please break your backs training them from now. Know where they are, know who their friends are, show up in school, talk to their teachers, be involved. We are each responsible for the society we live in. Please note that I do not know who committed the crime, whether they were youths or not so I make no reference to the specific incident.
  • Bingo (02/01/2015, 13:09) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    Laws do not stop all criminal activities but they do prevent some. For example if it wasn't illegal to just punch someone in the face A lot of ppl would be walking around with broken noses. Now due to the law when someone piss me off I exercise my patience and tolerance and ignore the fools. If stealing wasn't a crime I'm sure a lot more people would be taking other people's property as long as they could get away with it. I would personally get a gun if it wasn't illegal so yes laws do stop some crimes. You would be an idiot to think laws would eliminate all crimes. All people aren't the same. Stiffer penalties also help reduce crime. Not all people that commit crime go out looking to be on the other side of the law. Those are the ones that laws and stiffer penalties usually have an effect on. The lower percent of "intentional criminals" will do what they want but laws do prevent crime.
  • v d (02/01/2015, 20:53) Like (0) Dislike (6) Reply
    Hmm fools fools .everything is ndp and vip .gun crimes are All over no matter what we do it will never stop .death penalty only means thegun mens go do there crime more sensible they will make sure they are properly mask anf that the scene is clear when they are on there move .went to a country that had death penalty and the crime got higher
  • church (03/01/2015, 11:49) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    I am praying for the security guard
  • facts (03/01/2015, 12:41) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    From Mr. Alexis Charles of the RVIPF in early 2014 “If we were to go further back to the beginning of the millennium, our major crime homicide list from 2000 to 2013 has a total of 50 homicides,“Over the last five years covering the period 2009 to 2013, we have recorded 18 homicides here in the British Virgin Islands". From what I could find no murders in 1997 and 1998 and 3 in 1999.
  • !!!!!!!! (03/01/2015, 14:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Deon is a good man a family man
    • Pigeon (03/01/2015, 17:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      If Deon is such a family man, why he don't tell he daddy to go back home?
  • hmmmmmm (03/01/2015, 21:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Simple solution Dion, Hold a prayer vigil in the mountains like MG and bring down the whole ring.
  • tola (06/01/2015, 18:21) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why u young people n old people robing store go look a job man

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