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UPDATE: Ideas of expat groups may be considered by Youth Policy Committee

- Committee unveiled; draft policy due in December
Minister for Education and Culture Hon. Myron V. Walwyn (2nd from right) responds to questions from journalists at the unveiling ceremony for the Youth Policy Committee. Also seated at the head table are head of the Committee Ms Drusilla Fahie (left), Assistant Director of Youth Affairs Ms Avelinda Freeman (2nd from left) and Acting Director of the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports (DYAS), Mr Patrick Harrigan. Photo: VINO
Among the task of the newly formed Youth Policy Committee is to review and update the draft 1996 youth policy. Photo: VINO
Among the task of the newly formed Youth Policy Committee is to review and update the draft 1996 youth policy. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The input of young expatriates during the consultation period to arrive at a National Youth Policy for the Virgin Islands will also be considered “if there is a need”.

This is a according to Chairperson of the Youth Policy Committee, Ms Drusilla Fahie.

The 10-man Youth Policy was unveiled yesterday October 29, 2012 at the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports Conference Room.

When questioned by a reporter if the Committee would also seek to get the input of expat groups, Ms Fahie said “If there is any, yes sir” and when asked if she was certain she said “If there is a need”, but noted that there were not any immediate plans to meet with expatriate groups. 

Among the task of the newly formed Youth Policy Committee is to review and update the draft 1996 youth policy and and so doing must solicit the sentiment and vision of a cross section of young people in the Territory in an effort to create a policy that would guide programmes and plans to foster youth development, exposure and education.

The draft policy is expected to be submitted to the Ministry of Education and Culture in December.

The creation of the Youth Policy Committee, according to the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports, is Government’s commitment and practice towards ensuring opportunities for the young population of the Virgin Islands, available to create enhanced living conditions. It is also in keeping with Government’s recognition that the youth are the seeds that will help the Territory advance towards its true and full potential thus, providing opportunities that allow the youth to determine their own fate while receiving adequate attention is of paramount importance.

The 10-man committee, it said, will review and update the draft 1996 youth policy while taking into consideration other legislation which pertains to children and young people. Among other areas, the new youth policy will address human rights and identify the effects of cultural values on youth behaviour.

Minister for Education and Culture Hon. Myron V. Walwyn, who has oversight for sports, impressed on the Committee that it’s task was not a small one. “I know that you guys are built for it and I anticipate that you will help bring along your peers from throughout the Virgin Islands so that the final policy aptly reflects the sentiment and vision of young people in this Territory.”

Hon. Walwyn also said in the Ministry of Education and Culture, on all its Boards, he has made an effort to have young adults seated at the table. “With the development of a national youth policy, it will provide a systemic approach to the inclusion of our youth in all our planning.”

It was also stated by the Minister that the intention is to also re-introduce the National Youth Council, which he said would help to ensure that there is steady youth representation throughout the islands and ensure that the youth policy is a living policy.

“A National Youth Council is integral to the advancement of the youth policy and thus the advancement of young people in the Virgin Islands. With the Council and the Policy, I anticipate that young people will feel a greater sense of representation, worth and attachment to working towards the development of the Virgin Islands.”

The Committee is headed by Ms Drusilla Fahie, who said the committee is made up of energetic and vibrant individuals of varying backgrounds and professions, witnesses representation from all of the Sister Islands, thus ensuring that the final document is representative of the youth of the entire Virgin Islands collectively.

“Recognising that this policy is Government’s commitment towards ensuring good living conditions and opportunities for the youth population of our Territory, we have pledged our full commitment to the task at hand and are prepared to go the extra mile to fulfil our requirements.”

She also said if we believe in the popular cliché which says that the youths are the leaders of the future, then the development of the Virgin Islands National Youth Policy must be welcomed with open arms as the document would provide a clear pathway for youth in the Virgin Islands to inherit the leadership of the country.

Meanwhile, the committee would be hosting public consultations and information gathering sessions with the youth population on the main island of Tortola and the Sister Islands as well. Launching a facebook page and visiting various television and radio shows are also part of the committee’s mandate in the up-coming weeks.

Others present at the unveiling ceremony included Acting Director, Department of Youth Affairs and Sports (DYAS) Mr Patrick Harrigan, Assistant Director of Youth Affairs Ms Avelinda Freeman and Deputy Chair, Youth Policy Committee Sharie deCastro.

Other persons on the Committee are Melvin Mitch Turnbull, Theodore James, Bevin George, Lauren Welch (Virgin Gorda), Jessica Callwood (JVD), Xavyrna Samuels Fahie, Sabrina Matthew and Choy Levons (Anegada).

32 Responses to “UPDATE: Ideas of expat groups may be considered by Youth Policy Committee”

  • in the news (29/10/2012, 13:49) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    the real question is what are we doing to give the youths today, a safe place to live?
  • open wide (29/10/2012, 13:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    National Youth Policy Commitee: just a simple way to get NDP youth arm and uneducated individuals who supported the NDP to feel important and rewarded for their support...everyone dey is a NDP.....shameful how Myron turning everything he touch into this is not Antigua
    • D (29/10/2012, 14:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      couldn't have said it better myself.
    • Nonsense (29/10/2012, 14:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

      So you look at that picture and see a bunch of uneducated people there? You must be @#$%* smoking boss man! Your hate and small mindedness will be to your detriment!!! How is this about VIP and NDP?

      • bay yute (29/10/2012, 17:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! The chickens are coming home to's got some rotten eggs to lay on.
      • long look me come from (30/10/2012, 07:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        we dont want explanation, we want our country back from outsiders and politicks "to Nonsense"
    • BREAKING NEWS (29/10/2012, 16:41) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      • not again (29/10/2012, 17:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Citizens, can we really believe anything that Breaking News and Movement say? First be honest and then search your consciences, then answer the question.

      • yy (29/10/2012, 17:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        LoL.....BREAKING NEWS He He ....good one baby.....
      • crying (29/10/2012, 17:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        paid NDP bloggers like 'breaking news' are a bunch of losers. They are pathetic. Nothing will ever change in the BVI under the NDP. It makes me wanna cry.
      • goerge w. touch (29/10/2012, 19:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        BREAKING NEWS up to mischief again?
      • smart man (30/10/2012, 23:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        the same young people now belly bawling no jobs, no money for school, but Myron coming now to we playing smart...He go to be joking
    • virgin gorda (29/10/2012, 16:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      daiz the problem right there youths been used for politricks again!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ann (29/10/2012, 14:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    how come much in the pic aint smiling? we have enough vex people in this country....
  • ABC (29/10/2012, 19:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    OMG!!! is that Avelinda there? Another one misplaced. Trust me, they will bring back Potter and by the time he is ready to leave he would be rubbing shoulders with the one at Oil Nut Bay. This NDP is a real disappointment.
    • GoonSquad (29/10/2012, 20:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You are the disppointment!! Could never say any positive about efforts made towards th building up of our youths....some of allu with your stupid comment just makes me sick...This is a youth venture not VIP or NDP
  • jj (29/10/2012, 23:49) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    any youth policy that does not speak to the role of youths and the Transformation Plan for the Agriculture Sector is not serious.

    youths need a firm role in helping to revitalising the agricultural sector for sustainability, taking it from "Agri-Culture to Agri-Business" and providing strategies for increasing agricultural production for food and nutrition security and competitiveness in the BVI
  • Wellsa (30/10/2012, 00:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

    VINO you sure ya research this one good. Avelinda is what? Ayo aint for real. this girl went to school to study something with land, how she get here.? Another square peg in round hole. Patrick need help I agree but you guys just made matters worse. And by the way when ayo had plan to tell the taxpayers about this grand move. What is done in darkness will come to light.
    Imagine you can't get along with your supervisor so you get a promotion to supervise or be a frig to others. Boy a tell ya only in Tola.  What the hell she know about the youths that will move this department forward. Everytime education do something good then they take and do some S**t to negate it. Av... needs to go back and finish her degree instead or trying to be what she is not.

    • Truth (30/10/2012, 16:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Avelinda saw the postion advertise, she applied and was successful.....WHAT'S THE PROBLEM? Don't people have the right to determine their own destiny any more...who are we to tell her where she wants to work, if she can apply ha self.....small minded people
  • man down (30/10/2012, 00:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mr. Walwyn the youths of the BVI need educational opportunities, skills and jobs, not more of your speeches and public relations gimmicks.
    • hmmm (30/10/2012, 08:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

      We are not important to Mr. Walwyn, as he is proud to say every youth that leaves his office leaves in tears. Neither does he care. I wish Alvera Maduro -Caines was the Minister of Education instead of this (r00k.

      • Hmm (30/10/2012, 15:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        retract--you wish Hon. Alvera Maduro-Caines was the Min. of Education? you joking? I am anti-Myron by all means, but Alvera?? I think you people just blog because it is there, with no common sense whatsoever. My poor country with this current administration.
        • spin 2 (30/10/2012, 18:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          I am very please with the efforts that Myron is making to reform his image.
        • BB Boys (30/10/2012, 21:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          So Hummm, what is wrong with our 6th district rep? Can you do any better? NO, I thought not!! Too darn negative of anyone or anything that NDP does...This is county fool, not political party.
          • start up (30/10/2012, 23:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
            You NDP bloggers running scared. This is only the beginning of the revelation!
            • same old story (01/11/2012, 07:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
              It alway amaze me how the NDP bloggers Justify two wrong makes a right
  • Curfew (30/10/2012, 22:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    ok, a couple things they need to think about: activities that will keep the minds of the youth actively engaged, programs that teach them how to act in different social situations, and a possible curfew. It scares me to see persons that are barely 10 years younger than me parading around the place revealing skin and using profanity in the wee hours of the morning, when they should be home in their beds or out with their parents, dressed modestly.
  • y so (31/10/2012, 08:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I will tell you a thing or two young people. I will warn you don't go looking for this government to give you anything uless they can get a vote out of it.
    • on your own (01/11/2012, 23:21) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Some of our people complain like a job is the only soultion for them.. it's not! start a business/company and become even more succesful than any 'job' can make you!
  • check (31/10/2012, 09:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Goal one...... the youths of the BVI needs an education minister they can look up to as a role model and set good examples and not behave like a rude child in the highest house of the land….he lacks leadership qualities

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