UPDATE: ‘I had enough!’ Edmund Maduro walks out on farmers

According to reports, which were subsequently confirmed by Mr Maduro, he recently walked out of a meeting he had called with farmers to discuss their issues and chart a way forward for farming in the Virgin Islands.
In an exclusive interview with Virgin Islands News Online in January, Mr Maduro had confirmed that he was engaged as a consultant with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Labour to do many things related to Agriculture. His consultancy arrangement, according to a government source, involved looking at the greenhouses and getting the farmers involved, helping famers to form cooperatives, and Agriculture in the Virgin Islands in general, among other things.
But according to Mr Maduro he does not intend to waste any more time with the farmers and will now be focussing on his own business interests.
“Basically we were trying to find a way forward for the greenhouses, we wanted to form a farmer co-op to deal with the farmers business and they [farmers] were talking in such a rude way to me I said I had enough and I walked out. They treated me as if I am a nobody.
The meeting, Mr Maduro disclosed, was held on April 16, 2013. He explained that he was chairing the meeting and had just passed a resolution. “Am trying to bring order to the house and nobody listening, I can’t continue with that. We had about four or five meetings and every time we have different people, no consistency and following up and all of that. But I am not able with that anymore.”
Maduro opined that there is no unity among local farmers and that he was even warned by a number of his friends that he would never get them together but he didn’t listen to what they were saying. “The whole issue is that there are some farmers that do not want to see farming progress in the way it is being proposed especially regarding the greenhouses.
They want everything for themselves. Like one said they wanted the whole of Paraquita Bay.”
More irking for Mr Maduro is that he has been putting in the necessary effort as a consultant and meeting with the farmers, even though he didn’t think that it was part of his job description, while his contract remains in “limbo”.
“While there should be a contract with government there is some issue at Social Security that has held up the contract. I don’t know who is the boss, whether Cabinet or Social Security.”
Mr Maduro noted the he would not have any involvement with the farmers or as a consultant unless the Ministry comes back to him in a more formative way because as a consultant he didn’t have to talk to the farmers. “I was just trying to show them how we could come together to get things moving fast. I could have done my research independently and just passed it on to the Ministry. I don’t want to waste any more of my time and money because I also spent a lot of money buying books for research and so on and I can’t continue working with people so ignorant. They too rude.
See previous story posted on January 31, 2013
Is it hush Money? Edmund Maduro lands consultancy contract with NDP Govt
- Farmers accuse the controversial talk show host of selling out and getting Government contract to keep quiet!
Controversial talk show host Edmund Maduro, known on his radio and TV talk shows for cutting off callers, is himself under fire from farmers accusing him of taking a Government consultancy contract to not be critical of the National Democratic Party (NDP) Government.
In an exclusive interview with Virgin Islands News Online, Mr Maduro confirmed that he has been engaged as a consultant with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Labour to do many things related to Agriculture.
His consultancy arrangement, according to a government source, involves looking at the greenhouses and getting the farmers involved, helping famers to form cooperatives, and Agriculture in the Virgin Islands in general, among other things.
A copy of the consultancy contract was not obtained by this news site, however, the same government source told this news site that although Mr Maduro is on the job there are challenges with signing the contract because of good standing issues. The value of the contract, therefore, is not immediately known.
Ministry of Natural Resources and Labour Officials are also tight lipped on this matter but it’s this news site’s understanding that the agreement was negotiated from around September –October of 2012 and Mr Maduro has already billed the Ministry of Natural Resources for work done.
Is it hush money?
Mr Maduro, who was a hast critic of the Virgin Islands Party Administration, was at the forefront of marches against the Biwater project and accused the former Minister for Natural Resources and Labour Omar W. Hodge of not doing anything for farmers and the agriculture sector.
He had used his talk shows as a forum to be critical of the last administration, often siding with the then Opposition NDP, the famers in their struggle for water, more land for farming, more resources and developing the agriculture sector.
However, champion farmer Moviene Fahie has blasted Mr Maduro as a “sell out” and getting this contract to “keep quiet”. She told the Morning Ride radio show on ZROD FM on January 30, 2013 that she is disappointed in Mr Maduro as “he got this contract to shut him up.”
However, Mr Maduro has now surprisingly blamed the farmers for their woes and claimed that he has not sold out. He told this news site that, “my consultancy required me to work with the Government and the Chief Agricultural Officer (CAO) to improve the sector. They want the CAO out but I have to work with him.”
“They will not get anything done with their approach, they must come together and form a cooperative so when they speak the government will have to move,” he told this news site.
Mr Maduro said those who are saying he sold out are a “bunch of idiots”. He said he will be calling a meeting soon for all farmers and “who come, come”.
Another famer, who raises livestock and who wanted to remain anonymous, agreed with Ms Fahie and said “I have never heard him gone against the farmers until he got this contract, we do not want to hear from Edmund… the NDP has brought him, we will not be fooled.”
The 2013 Famers Week is scheduled to kick off from February 1 and runs until February 8, 2013 under the theme: “Sustain Ourselves and Secure Our Future by Training Youth in Agriculture”.

36 Responses to “UPDATE: ‘I had enough!’ Edmund Maduro walks out on farmers”
Now you see what does really piss me off? Time and time again we cry and ball about experienced and qualified locals not getting a chance. We give over $5mil to a Santo company to give us some half-backed green houses that are filled with grass and rat $h!t as we speak. Now they bring Edmund on board as a consultant for farming, it's a problem. The man has been involved and vocal about farming for decades now because he's getting paid to contribute they hating on him. Typical local bull$h!t that's why I don't want any of them around me unless it's immediate family or people who have been around you long enough so you know where they stand. It is really sickening!! Once you broke and on the sidelines, nobody have a problem. But the minute you get something to better yourself, you sell out. Imagine that! SO he should consult for FREE???
Old dr*#k!n sell out
The NDP is showing over and over how reckless they are. Hiring Edmund MADURO as an Agricultural/Farming Consultant? What a joke. This kind of behaviour is the reason why we change government every four years. NDP is not showing the potential that can be considered for an another term. Their performance so far is very poor. When ever you look around they are giving some body a contract that don't make sense. What the HELL can Edmund contribute to assist farmers? Absolutely Nothing. No wonder the contract is hush hush, because they know it is bull. What a damn shame.
I GLAD! Now the bugger understand how Government feels when him and others continue to bash every damn thing when they don't know the struggle to get things done in this place. Now he realize how ignorant people are here. Just complain about every $@%^&ing thing but can't do nothing for themselves. AH GLAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!